Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-05-10-Speech-2-291"

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". In the structural funds, in the regulations and also in practice, there are mechanisms in place that discourage the relocation of firms that have benefited from structural funds. Under current regulations there is a provision which clearly states that a firm which relocates within five years of using the funds must reimburse the aid it received. This mechanism will be maintained after 2006; however, we are proposing to lengthen that period from five to seven years. We are also adding a provision that any firm required to reimburse money will not be entitled to receive support from the funds in the future. This proposal is currently under negotiation and discussion in the Council. The regulation envisages the situation that when major project – above EUR 25 million in the case of the environment and EUR 50 million in the case of transport and substructure – are adopted, the Commission also asks the Member State, under cost-benefit analysis, to provide information about any jobs being created or lost in the regions concerned in the context of a given project. So we are taking this issue into account as well. With future regulations, the Commission intends to play a more active role in monitoring, which would mean we can gather information on any on-going relocation processes and deliver it to Member States. The latest information on this mechanism currently under consultation with the Member States involves the state aid rules for competition. DG Competition at the Commission has also sought comments from Member States on the issue of relocation. The Commission is currently analysing the Member States’ positions."@en1

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