Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-05-10-Speech-2-279"

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lpv:spoken text
". It is very difficult to comment on a specific case when I do not know the detailed circumstances, but I do not think we should be afraid of an open debate with those who disagree with us and we should welcome a lively debate on different issues. If we work with civil society, with NGOs, we will always also have them criticising us, but that is part of the democratic procedure. I am used to working, for example, with environmental NGOs and we give a lot of support to NGOs. I was constantly criticised by them, but this is actually their role. They should also keep up the pressure on us and they should keep an eye on what we are doing, and we have to accept that there is a debate. I do not know your specific case and why this is a problem at all. But if we give money or ask for calls for proposals, then we have to be very specific about what it is that we expect in return; and probably in this case there was something wrong in that respect."@en1

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