Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-03-08-Speech-2-039"

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"Mr President, I wish to congratulate all women today on International Women’s Day by sending them greetings from Sweden’s Social Democrats who, in 2001, became a feminist party. I hope that, during my time here in the European Parliament, I shall also see Parliament become feminist, whereupon there will be a requirement for every other Member of this House to be a woman, for male violence against women to be higher on the agenda and for its no longer to be possible for men to buy women for money through the agency of prostitution; in other words, there will be a law prohibiting the purchase of sex in EU countries, as there is in Sweden. Full employment and cooperation on a national basis will be required, together with developed child care and care for the elderly. Paid parental insurance is necessary if women are to be able to work and fathers of small children are to be able to share responsibility for family and home. Gender equality demands unity of purpose on the part of women and men."@en1

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