Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-02-23-Speech-3-018"

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"Mr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Commissioner, my colleagues and I are very pleased that this year, 2005, will see the renewal and relaunching of the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, because that is how we have always referred to the Barcelona Process, in order to emphasise both all the hope it has raised and all the disappointments which are growing as the days go by. My colleagues have referred to the despicable and abhorrent assassination of Rafiq Hariri, following which a question mark now hangs over that part of the world, just when a glimmer of light was appearing in the Middle East that we want to foster and see grow. We need to go beyond the wishes we have been reiterating for 10 years and think about how we can really achieve some progress on the main issues regarding democracy and human rights in that part of the world, because it is those fundamental issues that underpin the fight against terrorism, the issues of peace and stability and development. As the Arab Bureau never tires of saying in its different United Nations development reports, it is on this fundamental issue of democratic foundations, of individual and collective freedoms in that part of the world that we need to work. We have several ways forward. The Commission also has several ways forward, which it has set out in a communication in the form of 10 extremely precise recommendations. I believe that appropriate tools, the national action plans, the creation of the human rights subcommittees as part of this process, that is to say the new neighbourhood policy, are really needed to help us to implement those 10 recommendations, which as you said, Commissioner, go beyond the purely intergovernmental approach in that part of the world. That is what the strength, the potential power of this Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and also of the Euromed civil society platform is all about, because we are all aware that our ambitious aims of democracy and development in that region can only come about with the deep commitment of those societies themselves. We will shortly be welcoming Mr Yushchenko. We know that all our policies and all our aspirations depend first and foremost on the energy of the societies themselves to free themselves from complex situations that destroy freedom. I believe that is what we must … ( )"@en1

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