Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-02-22-Speech-2-141"

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". Mr President, ladies and gentlemen. Mass unemployment, lack of growth, repeated budget deficits, the explosion of public debt, stifling taxation, relocations ... unfortunately everyone is aware of our sad economic situation. Your recipes for dealing with these problems are always the same. According to you, the reason that everything is going badly is that there is not enough European standardisation. Not enough competition between the European economies, not enough competition in services, not enough openness to global competition, with no regard for whether or not it is fair, not enough immigration of qualified workers, too much social protection. Overloaded bureaucracy? That is purely a national problem. Your regulations, which are unconsolidated, dense, sometimes incoherent if not absurd, are not responsible! But the monetary policy, which is causing an over-valuation of the euro and draining our economies? It is perfect. Neither Brussels nor Frankfurt could get it wrong. We think, however, that the Europe of Brussels is getting it wrong. Despite 20 years of standardisation, and Europe entering into global free trade, our problems are only getting worse. And the reason for that is precisely this policy, your policy."@en1

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