Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-02-22-Speech-2-127"

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"We completely support the view that cultural diversity is a fundamental right. The EU is, and must remain, a mosaic of minorities and cultures. As Liberals, we always put the individual at the centre of all political decisions. We therefore believe that it is of the greatest importance to strengthen the policy of international cooperation and solidarity with respect to cultural issues and to establish in international law that every city, state or group of states is entitled freely to determine its cultural policy. We therefore believe that the issue of capitals of culture is not an issue in which the EU should become involved. The matter of cultural capitals is one that individual cities and states should cooperate on and decide about without the EU’s interference. In view of this, we choose to vote against Mrs Prets’s report () - the ‘European Capital of Culture’ event for the years 2005 to 2019."@en1

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