Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-01-11-Speech-2-060"

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lpv:translated text
"Mr President, the primary duty of a parliament is to represent the people. Our duty in relation to the Constitutional Treaty should be, first of all, to measure the gap between the peoples of Europe and this Treaty: without the people there can be no Constitution. To the democratic deficit in the drafting of the Treaty we can now add the lack of democracy in its adoption: if we cannot have a single referendum for all of Europe’s citizens, we could at least have held a referendum on the same day in all the countries of the Union. Instead, however, everything is done haphazardly and people are just as divorced from the Treaty today as they were yesterday. Europe is in danger of going the way of the titles of a famous trilogy by the great European intellectual Italo Calvino: from to . There are no people and there is no constitutional spirit in the Treaty; it lacks any idea of its place in the world and in time. That is all very serious, at a worrying time when war and terrorism have come to predominate in politics, when natural disasters like the one in South-East Asia speak of the social injustice and the intolerable poverty of this world. In a globalised world, Europe is in danger of declining: there is a feeling of malaise in Europe linked to its internal crisis of social cohesion, while instability has become the key social factor of our times. This Treaty represents the abdication of politics in the face of all that: a silent Constitution. In it, peace is a vague aspiration, not a repudiation of war. In it, the rights of people, women and men, workers and migrants, are a variable dependent on a balanced budget and monetary stability. Democracy is an optional extra. The Constitutional Treaty does not provide for rights, apart from those of the market; it does not propose reforms; it has no future; but instead it keeps Europe stuck in its present crisis. It is not just inadequate: it is the wrong direction altogether. That is why the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left is declaring itself against this Treaty and will be campaigning against it in every country. We need to free ourselves of this encumbrance in order to build the Europe of the future."@en1
"Baron in the Trees"1
"Cloven Viscount"1
"Nonexistent Knight"1

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