Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-05-05-Speech-3-050"

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"Mr President, I too would like to thank the outgoing Prodi Commission. I would also like to welcome and congratulate the incoming Commission. I think the incoming Commission will have to begin by tackling three main issues. First, it must repair relations with other European organisations and reinforce cooperation. I give you the example of the Council of Europe, an organisation that is especially close to me. It has its headquarters nearby and is where the idea of creating an agency for migration arose. The purpose of the latter is to find a solution to one of the most pressing concerns for this continent. Second, it must also be remembered that 22 countries remain outside the European Union. Europe has 800 million inhabitants. Of these, only 450 million are citizens of the Union. This is why it is important to create an agency for external relations. Further, it should be recalled that the Union has almost 4 000 kilometres of external borders. 1 150 kilometres of these are in my country, Poland. My final comment is addressed directly to the President. I would like to ask him how he envisions the future development of the relationship between the three main integrated groupings in the world. I refer to the Union, NAFTA, which is expanding to all of Latin America, and ASEAN and APEC, the Asian groupings"@en1

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