Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-10-Speech-3-088"

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lpv:spoken text
". I congratulate the rapporteurs, Ms Pack and Ms Prets, for their thorough work on the important issues of European policy in the areas of youth, education and training. These reports dovetail nicely with yesterday’s Commission communication on 'The new generation of education and training programmes' setting out future programmes intended to replace the current Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus, Youth, Culture 2000 and Media Plus from 2007. I fully agree with Commissioner Reding on the need to reinforce and restructure programmes which are clearer to the citizens of an enlarged European Union. These new programmes will also enable institutions in the fields of education, training and culture to improve cooperation. They also coincide with the Irish presidency plans as outlined in the Culture Committee in January. They will contribute to achieving the Lisbon objective, namely of making Europe the most competitive knowledge-based economy by 2010. In a Union which will have nearly 500 million inhabitants in 2007, the new programmes will form part of a new approach, building bridges between cultures and individuals."@en1

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