Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-10-Speech-3-079"

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"We fully support individuals’ right to freedom of movement as one of the fundamental freedoms in the internal market. We are concerned that country after country is introducing transitional rules for the new Member States. There is now a risk that we shall have to live with these transitional rules, which discriminate against the new Member States, for 10-20 years to come. The transitional rules are being introduced on the grounds that there is a risk that the present Member States’ benefit systems will be misused when the borders are opened to the new EU citizens this spring. At the present time, it is sufficient for people to be employed for ten hours a week in order to gain access to their new country’s welfare system. The requirement should instead be that people can support themselves by working. We have therefore pushed for a number of general measures, covering all EU citizens, amending the definition of ‘work’ to the effect that it must be sufficient to support the person concerned. This already applies to pensioners and students. The EU would then be open to the free movement of labour, but not to benefit abuse. We are also doubtful about the definition of ‘family member’, which should be broadened to include spouse, registered partner or unmarried cohabiting partner, regardless of gender. If we do not get support for this, we choose to vote against the report."@en1

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