Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-08-Speech-1-155"

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"Madam President, given that the Dimitrakopoulos report does the best it can with a regulation that is itself flawed, you can see that the result can hardly add up to much. The Regulation of 4 November 2003, governing the statute and financing of political parties at European level, effectively violates a number of principles that are dear to all of us. Firstly, it violates the subsidiarity principle, since political parties are usually financed by the citizens and the Member States, not by the Community budget. It violates equal treatment, because of all the parties active at European level, only those represented in at least a quarter of Member States are allowed, which is wholly arbitrary. It violates the rule of law, given that, when it comes to distributing subsidies, Members are both judge and judged, according to vague and elastic criteria. This regulation also violates democracy, by opting for biased structures defined at the top rather than by the citizens at the bottom. Madam President, it also violates, incidentally, several treaty procedures, to which I shall refer in my explanation of vote. This is why I tabled a minority opinion to the Dimitrakopoulos report protesting against this new system of funding of political parties at European level, and why I, along with 22 other Members, including Mr Souchet, who is sitting next to me, have taken this matter to the Court of Justice. The statute of European political parties, Madam President, is in line with the statute for Members of the European Parliament, which we adopted recently and which the Member States ultimately decided to throw out. I hope, therefore, that the Court of Justice will do likewise to the statute and financing of European political parties."@en1

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