Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-01-13-Speech-2-022"

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"Mr President, I wish to begin by thanking the rapporteur, Mr Herzog, for an extremely comprehensive piece of work and for many fruitful discussions, even though we have not been completely in agreement. I also wish to thank the members of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs who have contributed through many discussions and many sound amendments so that, in the end, we have obtained a result from the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs that I think is very good. I am not well disposed towards a general framework directive. In my opinion, it would offer no advantages but, instead, be confusing. It would be like an extra layer of legislation between the internal market’s rules of competition and the sectoral directives, and it would also be an obstacle to product development. The process of gradual deregulation of the EU markets has been the most important component for improving services of general economic interest during the last decade. Another of the reasons for the deregulation has, of course, been the generally poor quality of the services before the market was opened. I am anxious that we should not again find ourselves in a monopoly situation. I should therefore like to call upon Parliament to go with what came out of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, stated in Mr Herzog’s report, and not to vote in favour of the amendments from the Left. If we go with the position of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, we stimulate competition and product development and provide opportunities to offer consumers both cheaper and better alternatives."@en1

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