Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-01-12-Speech-1-143"

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lpv:spoken text
"Mr President, there is no justification under Euratom for allowing the Commission to extend the Euratom loan by EUR 2 billion, as proposed in November 2002, bringing the loan up to EUR 6 billion altogether. This loan has been increased about five times since it was set up in 1977 and is a thinly veiled attempt to promote the nuclear industry: whilst asking for the extension of the loan, it also changes the condition and type of project to be funded in light of the expansion of the EU. This is akin to Enron's creative accounting. Indeed, we could even call it fraudulent accounting practice. You will get a similar, Enron-style scandal as a result of all this. It is compounded by questions of transparency and whether the proposals are not already obsolete. In addition, questions about the distortion of the market, particularly in regard to plant construction, have been raised. I am not satisfied that these loans are for safety as opposed to plant construction purposes. Indeed, I have evidence that construction activities are taking place."@en1

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