Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-07-02-Speech-3-295"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, whilst I would very much like to express thanks to our rapporteur, Mr Lisi, for the report that he has presented, there are two problem areas that I do not want to neglect to mention. Firstly, I thank God that the passengers are not going to have to bear the brunt of the great disputes that I can foresee, on the basis of the current rules, when it comes to defining whether an airline should or should not bear responsibility for a delay. Early this evening, we discussed the Single European Sky. If there are problems with the infrastructure, we are going to have disputes between the airlines, the air traffic controllers and also the companies that manage airports. I hope that we will come up with some workable solutions. Thank God this is not the passengers’ problem, but what I can see coming is that it will be a major problem for us. Secondly, I would like to mention package tours and tour operators. Ever since 1990, these have been covered by a relevant directive, which offers consumers comprehensive protection, and the question arises of whether or not somebody who has booked not merely a flight, but also, and at the same time, a holiday trip, overnight stays or rooms in a hotel, needs additional protection. I take the view that they do not need it, and I am glad that there is support for this position in this House. Having tidied up the rules thirteen years ago, we do not need to add to them now. Let me urge you, Commissioner, to take our experience of this lawmaking process as the basis for getting to grips with the international agreement on delays on railways, which is a disaster in terms of its practical application and is also appallingly badly transposed in the Member States, and to propose European rules for compensation payments when trains are delayed. This is where action is urgently needed!"@en1

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