Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-07-02-Speech-3-212"

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". The Italian Presidency will propose reopening the discussions, suspended in 1998, on the proposal for a directive on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions on the control of weights and measures for precious metals, as presented by the European Commission on 22 April 1996. In light of the latest developments in certain Member States’ legislation, the Presidency considers it appropriate to reopen the debate to highlight possible compromise solutions. In this regard, the Italian Presidency intends to seek solutions on issues which are still unresolved, such as increasing the level of consumer protection through the obligation to respect harmonised technical requirements for all products placed on the market, the position of marks with a higher information content with regard to identification, the responsibility of manufacturers and inspection bodies, and, lastly, the completion of the free movement of products in the internal market for this sector."@en1

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