Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-05-14-Speech-3-283"

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"Mr President, education is a crucial weapon in the fight against poverty. This might be common sense, but it is also a choice in terms of development strategies. It is a question of priorities. Some people claim that education is an optional extra and that what is really needed is work, even low paid work requiring no qualifications. I believe that the low cost option tends to create perverse self-perpetuating mechanisms and that education is not an optional extra. Education and training involve an effort to provide opportunities to all individuals, in order to give the greatest number of people the ability to form part of society and to participate in shaping that society. The European Union has distinguished itself internationally for its adherence to this approach, both in Europe and with regard to those countries whose development we support. We therefore welcome the Commission communication, the content of which fully warrants Parliament’s support. We also congratulate the rapporteur on his excellent work. I simply wish to emphasise some points: the importance of the balance between quality and quantity in education, with a decisive commitment to eradicating illiteracy; the importance of involving local actors in the programmes we support, strengthening the practice of decentralised cooperation; a commitment to achieving gender balance – the education and vocational training of girls and women not only have a direct impact on the economy, but also in the medium term, on changing minds and even on liberating societies; the commitment to protecting education, even in times of conflict and following conflicts and the priority to normalise and improve education and training. I would also add the need for further efforts with regard to training for the purpose of reintegrating ex-combatants."@en1

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