Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-05-14-Speech-3-049"

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"Mr President-in-Office of the Council, your office informed me today that during this debate I would receive a satisfactory response to my request concerning the disloyalty to Europe shown by Mr Aznar in relation to the war in Iraq. Would you not agree that the disloyalty shown by Mr Aznar is reprehensible? There is abundant proof that Mr Aznar worked actively against the letter of the Council agreement of 17 February. Clearly, he acted disloyally with regard to the common position he was bound by. He acted disloyally in supporting a unilateral, immoral and illegal attack. What can the European loyalty and mutual solidarity we committed ourselves to in the Treaties mean to Mr Aznar? Where was his loyal cooperation? Do you not agree that such disloyalty is reprehensible? Mr President-in-Office of the Council, we should not hush up or ignore the growing disloyalty of Mr Aznar. Over 90% of the people of Spain condemn the disloyalty shown by their Prime Minister. They feel profoundly European and call for the principles of loyalty and solidarity to be defended. After all, these principles are key to our progress in future."@en1

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