Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-05-14-Speech-3-034"

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"Mr President, I regret the fact that this debate is not to be followed by a resolution, as it is vital for Parliament to send a political signal to the general public regarding this serious international crisis triggered off by the United States’ warmongering diplomacy. That has demonstrated to a ridiculous extent what virtually the entire international community condemned as the real driving force behind this unilateral aggression, as my colleagues in the Verts/ALE Group had already pointed out. These measures, however, cannot be reduced to mere verbal condemnation. In the fact of this global hegemonic power, the credibility, and even the future, of the UN has received a dangerous blow and we cannot remain indifferent to this. It has had a knock-on effect on the political goals of our Community project too, on its attempt to unite the voices of Europe in both a spirit of consensus and international legitimacy. Twenty-four million souls are abandoned to their sorry fate, without even a guarantee that their daily needs will be met. This is indeed a very, very serious hour and a European initiative is urgently required. We cannot content ourselves with becoming a reconstruction agency, although that task is absolutely necessary and urgent. The jeopardising of a potential historic turning point in the international situation has now become more than just a slick, journalistic phrase. The threat is very real and seems to be being overlooked in this Chamber. It is therefore up to this enlarged Parliament, including the observers from the new Member countries, to realise that the European Union must propose a more mature, more long-term alternative in light of the United States’ opportunistic and mercenary calculations. It is up to us to consider, for instance, the legalist voices, such as France, Germany and Belgium, and establish a common, united position. Finally, ladies and gentlemen, the UN must be restored to its place at the centre of the international negotiating mechanism."@en1

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