Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-03-11-Speech-2-195"

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"Commissioner, allow me a brief comment, if you will, before the supplementary question. Not only has the process to integrate Cyprus into the European Union failed to resolve the Cyprus question; by integrating the free part of Cyprus, it has resulted in partition and recognition of the Turkish occupation. Not that things would have been much better had the two sides accepted the Annan plan which, unlike the UN resolutions, attempted to impose a particular form of federation which was not so very different from the recognition of two states in Cyprus, in other words partition. Under these circumstances I wonder, Commissioner, how the Commission is going to deal with a situation in which a candidate country, in this case Turkey, has forces occupying and has colonised part of a country which is already a Member State of the European Union, in violation of numerous UN resolutions. I am not just talking about resolving the Cyprus problem, I am talking about dealing with the occupation. Will the European Union accept responsibility for liberating the occupied part of Cyprus?"@en1

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