Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-02-10-Speech-1-029"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
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lpv:translated text
"Mr President, I have just been in Uganda where I was made aware of the terrible tragedy that is being played out in the northern part of the country and that is being totally ignored by the international press. The conflict is taking place between the Ugandan army and the revolutionary movement, the Lord's Resistance Army, which daily abducts a large number of children. Approximately 800 000 internally displaced persons are living in wretched conditions in refugee camps. The situation in the refugee camps is now so desperate that many people are attempting to return to their villages only to find that the revolutionaries have burned and destroyed their houses and fields. A growing number of atrocities committed by the army against the civilian population is also reported every day. I should like to call upon you to contact the Presidency with a view to the implementation of an EU initiative that might help solve this conflict."@en1

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