Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-12-17-Speech-2-134"

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lpv:spoken text
". – The south east of England was one of the regions first hit by the foot and mouth outbreak in the UK. As such, this report outlines many of the measures necessary to prevent such an outbreak occurring on the same scale in the future. However, there were many discrepancies introduced by politically motivated amendments which distorted the report; In particular: suggestions of breaches of animal welfare legislation. No prosecutions of any complaints occurred. Lapses in bio-security. Investigations proved no such lapses occurred. The culls were pronounced illegal. The courts found in favour of government action with regard to the contiguous cull. It was deemed a measure that was necessary to stem the spread of the disease. The European Commission was informed at times. Breaches of environmental legislation. The Environment Agency looked into matter and found no environmental harm In the south east of England, Labour MEPs felt that statistical error and political misinformation have combined to produce an inaccurate picture of the outbreak and the UK Government's fight to deal with it."@en1

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