Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-06-11-Speech-2-237"

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"Commissioner, a moment ago, we failed to see eye to eye because I felt you were not answering my questions. This time, however, I have to give you my unqualified support and say to Mr McCartin, who is usually such a congenial man who I work with very well, that the Commission does carry out very serious work in this area. Following on from the dispute in the World Trade Organisation, the Commission has commissioned scientists to carry out sound work. Seventeen studies have been submitted, and it is now beyond scientific doubt that the mutagen 17-beta-ostradiol is genotoxic and carcinogenic. This is an argument in our dispute in the World Trade Organisation. I would ask Mr McCartin not to cast any doubt, not even among farmers. It is clear that the six hormones used in the United States are not as healthy as is claimed, and very much harm public health. I would like to ask the Commissioner whether you believe, based on the scientific information at your disposal, you now have sufficient arguments in order to finally settle the WTO dispute in favour of the European Union?"@en1

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