Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-05-14-Speech-2-216"

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". As I stated in my presentation, I believe that the automatic stabilisers are sufficient in practically all cases, but it is essential that a position of surplus balance is reached first, so that these mechanisms can be fully effective. The report to which I am referring contains a specific chapter dedicated to the cases in which a discretionary budgetary policy could be used, and you can read in the report that, in our opinion, this must only be used in very specific cases, affecting just one country and in a limited range of circumstances. Of course, investment helps growth and, for this reason, we have always considered investment expenditure to be more useful than some types of current expenditure. Nevertheless, this does not mean that it justifies exceeding the established objectives of the Stability Pact. Therefore, I say yes to investment, but within the confines of the Stability Pact."@en1

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