Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-04-24-Speech-3-135"

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". Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the Commission welcomes the accord that has now been reached on this important resolution, and would like to thank both Parliament and the Council for their willingness to compromise. The text adopted will lead to an action programme not only reflecting the aspirations of both co-legislators, but also putting on a firm foundation the measures that the Commission intends to implement in order to accompany the European Employment Strategy. The Commission especially welcomes the agreement on a proactive and transparent information policy enabling Europe's citizens to be made more aware of the Employment Strategy's successes. The Commission particularly welcomes the extension of the Employment Strategy's scope from national to local level. The Commission wishes to congratulate the rapporteur, Mrs Jensen, on her proposals, and thanks are also due to the Spanish Presidency of the Council for the openness with which it conducted the concluding negotiations. Had all the parties involved not taken such a positive attitude, it is certain that no agreement could have been reached concerning this programme. The Commission undertakes to implement this programme strictly as Parliament intended."@en1

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