Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-100"

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"These offences are those covered by the Treaty on European Union, the Tampere conclusions, the Annex to the Europol Convention and the four offences proposed by the Commission, which are sabotage, arson, crimes against humanity according to the statute of the International Criminal Court, hijacking of aircraft and hijacking of ships. It includes, among other things, terrorism and in the trafficking of human beings. In order to reach a unanimous agreement, it will undoubtedly be necessary to alter the list. The Council agreed to work on the basis of two proposals. One envisaged that, for the offences on the list that have not yet been harmonised, the double jeopardy rule should only be withdrawn if the offence is considered to be serious in the issuing State. That would imply a sentence threshold greater than the twelve months currently established for offences which have not been harmonised among the fifteen Member States. Under the other proposal, removing dual criminality would be limited to offences committed wholly or partially on the territory of the issuing State, the idea being that a handover could not be refused for acts committed on the territory of the State issuing the warrant."@en1

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