Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-09-06-Speech-4-208"

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"Mr President, the European Parliament’s position against anti-personnel mines and in favour of their total ban has already been clearly expressed in various resolutions. The result of Ottawa is due to the work of certain specialised NGOs. I believe that at the next meeting of the contracting parties to the Convention which will take place in Managua, the European Union should contribute to ensuring that the Convention is signed and ratified by more countries. There are 52 which have not signed it and many who are still to ratify it. It should also contribute to ensuring that more resources are provided for the complete clearing of mines, since mines which are still buried are causing death and mutilation throughout the world, and the parties involved – State and non-State agents – should be forced to reach an agreement on a total ban of these mines. Mr President, I will end by asking for recognition and support for the work of NGOs such as the initiative launched by the humanitarian organisation ‘Geneva Appeal’ and others, which are going to contribute to the disappearance of such a lethal and odious weapon as anti-personnel mines."@en1

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