Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-06-12-Speech-2-134"

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". We can only vote against this heap of rubbish, which in its very first recital states that poor countries have ‘possibilities to improve their economic situation, fight poverty…’, however little they know how to use this ‘ICT revolution’. In many of the poorer countries, the majority of the population not only do not have electricity, they are not even fed properly. It is easier to draw up and adopt resolutions of this kind, and even to grant a few subsidies allowing computer manufacturers to dispose of unsaleable stocks, than to feed the people of these countries or, even better, to give them the opportunity to feed themselves, instead of exploiting them and forcing them to abandon even their own food crops in order to produce for western markets. It takes a great lack of awareness or a high degree of cynicism to state that ‘information and communication technologies afford possibilities of making a major contribution to direct democracy’. In some of the poorer countries, particularly in Africa, the people would be happy if the major European powers would make a ‘contribution’ to democracy by ceasing to support, finance and arm their dictators. However, it would be asking too much to expect the governments of Europe to abandon the long-standing dictatorships which protect the interests of their trusts. The people are demanding democracy, are they? Let them make do with the Internet!"@en1

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