Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-03-01-Speech-4-081"

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"We have chosen to vote against Amendments 23, 25 and 53. We are basically well disposed towards the European Union. As Swedish Liberals, we see European integration as a possible way of achieving solutions to cross-border issues such as electronic communications networks and services. However, we also believe in the principle of subsidiarity whereby decisions must be made as close as possible to those they affect. In our view, it would be going too far to instruct the Member States to merge their various national supervisory authorities and require them to set up advisory offices for the general public. Moreover, to compel the Member States to see to it that certain companies assign their management rights at the request of other companies seems rather illiberal in our eyes. Because these issues are, in our view, better dealt with at national level, we have consequently voted against the above-mentioned three amendments."@en1

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