Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-02-15-Speech-4-008"

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". – Mr President, as Mrs Plooij-van Gorsel has said, research has consistently been identified as the key to improving economic growth, creating new jobs, a cleaner environment and better health. How utterly astonishing, then, that every country in the world and every Member State of the European Union wastes half of its most valuable resource, that is, the brain power of its citizens. It wastes that brain power because it fails to engage women in the task of science adequately. Women are not encouraged at school level, they face discrimination in their careers, and this is something which we have to tackle in the European Research Area. I congratulate Mrs Plooij-van Gorsel, the rapporteur, and Commissioner Busquin, both of whom have realised the importance of this gap. I am particularly pleased that Commissioner Busquin has upgraded the work of his directorate-general in this matter to the status of a unit, that he is ensuring that statistics are being kept, and that networks which help and encourage women scientists are being supported by the European Union. This must be a key part of the European Research Area. We need, as the phrase goes, research by women, for women – so that the gender implications of the research we undertake are examined – and about women. It is important that the socio-economic aspects of the research programme concentrate on gender matters. Why is it that almost every country in the world wastes the brains of half its population by not encouraging them? I thank Mrs Plooij-van Gorsel for her support of the Committee on Women's Rights' opinion and look forward to the gender perspective being an important aspect of the European Research Area."@en1
"draftsperson of the opinion of the Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities"1

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