Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-11-16-Speech-4-039"

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"Mr President, we are now in a situation in which we can really say that steps are being taken in the direction we have wanted for many years, and the principles of which were agreed in the Treaty of Amsterdam. Transparency must become a founding pillar of all the work of the European Union, but the right to access documents is still not enough in itself to establish transparency. We must see to it that the work of all the institutions is based on transparency, clarity and intelligibility, and that means that the decision-making structures are clearly visible. Bureaucracy has also to be avoided here. The times being proposed for the release of documents must be absolute deadlines, because in normal circumstances documents are readily available to the public. I also think it is very important that this report proposes a yearly review as, then, lists of documents that have not been able to be made public, can justifiably be gone through. At this stage we would also then have the chance to examine, on political grounds, whether the suppression of documents has been judged entirely appropriately. I hope that this report is received favourably here in Parliament."@en1

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