Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-09-07-Speech-4-038"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, everyone acknowledges that sport is a means of personal development and a special opportunity to meet other people. But does everyone see and recognise the different purposes of participation in sport? For some, it may be a question of keeping fit. For others, it may be part of their personal education process, while for others it is the presentation of a spectacle or a quest for victory at all costs. We all know that sport is a tremendous instrument of national cohesion and of social integration. However, we are also aware that sport can sometimes be accompanied by horrific acts of violence, abominable racist outbursts and unacceptable strident nationalism. And for all of these reasons, we cannot accept the idea that sport should be considered in its economic dimension alone. Voluntary organisations and individual volunteers are every bit a part of the sporting world, and it is surely thanks to them that sport is alive in our countries and that mass sport will be able to survive in future. Not every human act can be priced with a pocket calculator. The effect of that approach on human relations is too dangerous for us to remain silent. Where there is no money to be won and no obligation to show a profit, there may quite simply be the desire to share these special opportunities, and sport undoubtedly has its place – indeed its foremost place – in such encounters. This quest for human bonds in an increasingly commercial society contains the seeds of resistance to the commercialisation of the world and of human relations. We cannot accept this excessive striving for profits to the detriment of human development. The protection of young sportspeople is a priority of the French Presidency. It is our priority, and we must demand the prohibition of commercial transactions relating to these young people. We must also, of course, provide for the introduction of sport into the Treaty – if not in the short term, then at least in the medium term. It is certainly a challenge, but we must accept it for the sake of coming generations."@en1

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