Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-07-06-Speech-4-242"

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"Mr President, the joint resolution which we are about to put to the vote is, in my opinion, particularly well-balanced. Notably, the Rotterdam incident does not alter our view of the human rights record or the quality of democracy in Holland, which I consider to be among the most liberal countries in the world, although it was treated as serious, both in terms of the shameful treatment of the disabled people and because of the violence against the journalists who were merely doing their duty. Their nationality is of little importance. The European Union, through its highest expression of democracy, the European Parliament, condemns the occurrence of such an incident within its borders. This is the best approach to take on the matter. Any national aspects will, where necessary, be dealt with by the governments concerned and are nothing to do with us. On the other hand, particularly in its urgent resolutions, the European Union does not hold back in expressing stringent positions on the conduct of other countries or events taking place in other parts of the world where human rights are violated. Would it not lose all credibility if it did not also criticise similar events within its borders?"@en1

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