Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-06-13-Speech-2-096"

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"Mr President, smoking kills! Tobacco is the only product that when used as directed, kills its consumers. Yet we have the absurd situation where additives used in Gummibärs, for example, are better labelled than the additives in tobacco products. It is preposterous that it is unclear, for example, as to whether ammonia, which increases addiction, has to be labelled or not. It is also absolutely grotesque that we are going to carry on allowing advertisers to use such misleading descriptions as light or ultramild. I feel people should be left in no doubt as to the fact that there should be a ban on this. It is also hypocritical that many people lament the risks smoking poses to health on the one hand – from hardening of the arteries in the leg to cancer – and the associated costs incurred by the national economy, yet they are against the risks being stated in large and clear lettering on the packet. I believe it has become evident – and this is borne out by experiences in Canada – that the larger the health warning on the packet, the greater the deterrent effect. As a Parliament, we have really nailed our colours to the mast where the ban on tobacco advertising is concerned. I make no bones about the fact that I think it is disgraceful how the Red-Green Federal Government followed the former Federal Government’s example in lodging a complaint against this at the European court of Justice. However, I hope we really succeed in nailing our colours to the mast this week, as in the case of the ban on tobacco advertising, and that we do not bow to the pressure of industry but are able to make it clear that everything possible must be done to protect children and young people, in particular, from taking up smoking."@en1

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