Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-05-15-Speech-1-073"

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"Mr President, I would firstly like to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Schierhuber. I have a feeling that this type of subject matter is right up her street. I can only say that I agree with the thrust of her report. I think it is indeed time that the Commission intervened in a support regulation for flax and hemp. Large-scale fraud, misuse and so forth can only give agricultural policy a bad name, and this must be avoided. That is why the Commission was right to intervene. At this stage, however, there is another reason why the Commission would do well to devote special attention to this subject matter, as I am still of the opinion that it is necessary to develop agricultural crops other than the traditional crops grown at present. Flax and hemp are typical crops which could help us find new markets for new agricultural products. ‘Agrificatie’ is the correct Dutch term for this and I will have a look in due course to see how this has been translated in the different languages. Encouraging initiatives have been taken in this field and large investments have been made in various countries. In my opinion, the Commission should, more than anything, ensure that investments already made in factories and processing materials are used to the best effect. I am thus not persuaded that it is absolutely vital to tie certain quotas to certain countries. Instead, they should be tied to certain user capacities. There is one aspect, however, not covered by the regulation, which works out quite well for Commissioner Fischler, namely that it will not cost him a penny. Could he not consider making the use of these products made from flax or hemp compulsory? It could be laid down in the law, in the interest of the environment, that dashboards for cars should be made of such and such products. Maybe this could culminate in excellent relations with the Environment Commissioner, because I have the impression that she has a habit of hampering agriculture in other areas of the environment. Perhaps this initiative could help us to turn the corner."@en1

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