Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-04-11-Speech-2-161"

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lpv:translated text
"Mr President, I would first of all like to extend warm thanks to Commissioner Patten for his extensive clarification. I have a question pertaining to his first point. As I understand – and I am delighted to hear it – the European Commission intends to provide more structure to the way third-country elections are observed within the European Union. My question is: will this be a structure similar to that employed in the United States? I have always noticed that it is the Carter Institute which is responsible for election observation over there, and it always acquits itself of this task in a very professional and very transparent manner. The European Union, which may be present on a massive scale, is really lacking such an image. Could you explain whether you will use this American model as a gauge, because I think this is an excellent example of how things could be done and how they could be done properly?"@en1

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