Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-03-16-Speech-4-044"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur for the successful work that has been done in so short a period of time. An information society for all is certainly an area of focus for the Commissioner in this process. It is important, and I thank her for it. Agreement should be reached at Lisbon on the principles of the sustainable funding of social security on account of this notion. We also have to reach agreement with management and labour, for example, on the subject of remote working and vocational training, if what we are talking about is an information society for all. It will not be so if the basic rights of employees are not safeguarded. There is a threat that, because of the Internet, services will become self-services, and that again is a major employment issue. Another matter is that we have been deregulating the telecommunications industry for around ten years, and now, with these massive Internet players merging there is a fear that they will once again start regulating the market. This, I think, should be stopped. It cannot be allowed to happen and I expect the Commission to sit up and listen and take the necessary action. Thirdly, the quoted share value for a certain Internet company rose by a sudden 4 000% in one month, and this came about merely because unsubstantiated information was given about it for the stock market. With many companies in the same position, or almost the same position, there is going to be a bubble effect in the industry, and when the crash comes I hope the taxpayer will not be footing the bill. Has the Commissioner a remedy in mind for if and when the air balloon companies in this sector burst so that the taxpayer does not have to pay out, as is the case with crises in the banks, for example?"@en1

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