Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-02-15-Speech-2-103"

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"The INTERREG Community Initiative is just one element of an ill-fated European regional policy. This apparently generous policy, officially intended to help problem regions, is a fool’s bargain for French taxpayers. France contributes 17% of the European budget yet will receive only 8% of the regional Structural Funds. Between 1994 and 1999, our regions annually received an average of FF 15.4 billion but will receive only FF 14.7 billion between 2000 and 2006. My region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais will be particularly affected with French Hainaut losing the aid paid to Objective 1 regions. This loss is unjustified in a region whose main activities have been ruined by free-trade Europe. The European regional policy also reinforces the centralism of Brussels with which the regional authorities are invited to negotiate directly on the use of the Structural Funds. This is a Europe of regions in which the regions, which are weaker than the nation states, will easily submit to Brussels. The INTERREG initiative, launched in 1990 to prepare the border regions for a Europe without borders and therefore without nations, sits comfortably within this philosophy. However, Mr Decourrière does show some common sense by denouncing the failings of the Brussels technocrats. These failings will result in particular in the late implementation of INTERREG III and therefore in financial losses for the regions in receipt of aid. We also agree with the rapporteur about asking for more attention to be paid to small and medium-sized undertakings and, of course, about refusing to use outside service providers. These are the procedures which caused the corruption scandal in the previous Commission. However, these isolated elements which make sense and for which we voted, in no way remedy the Eurofederalist philosophy which characterises the Community initiatives, particularly INTERREG. This is why the National Front voted against the report."@en1

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