Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-01-20-Speech-4-167"

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"Mr President, President Wahid continues to deny that the conflict in the Moluccas has taken on crisis proportions. According to him, the religious violence is generated by a violent minority, the so-called ‘dark forces’, who keep breathing new life into the conflict. Recent images and reports, however, seem to contradict this. The gravity of the situation is illustrated by the large-scale arson attacks on churches and mosques and the repeated appeals for a holy war, jihad. The spreading of the violence to Lombok and Sulawesi is also great cause for concern. The mutual bloodshed in the Moluccas has now lasted for a year. It is, of course, tempting to track down those directly responsible for such a conflict. The Indonesian press is heavily involved in this activity. Whether this will really contribute to solving the conflict very much remains to be seen. At present, it even seems that the media are, in fact, feeding the violence. Their reports are quite frequently the cause for new attacks. Apart from the press, the army is also playing a dubious role. Both Muslims and Christians have levelled accusations against the army. Wahid has attempted to restore control over the army, but he has not been entirely successful. It seems unwise, therefore, to lift the arms embargo against Indonesia for the time being. The common resolution calls on the Council, the Commission and Parliament to help resolve the conflicts in Indonesia via delegations. Needless to say, we cannot barge in and prescribe a number of solutions. Within Indonesian society, ethnic and religious minorities and all other social operators must help in the construction of a civil society. Humanitarian aid must be provided as soon as possible."@en1

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