Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-10-05-Speech-2-100"

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"Mr President, my congratulations also to Mr Lange, who has shown real interest and enthusiasm in presenting his report and his amendments following on for Mr Robles Piquer. I am pleased to see our new Commissioner, Mrs de Palacio. We look forward to working with her and we hope she will soon share, if she does not already, our enthusiasm for renewable energy. Together with the SAVE Programme, we have in ALTENER II a way of showing the public of Europe that there are rational ways to meet the challenge of climate change: energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy. We are asking Member States to pledge their commitment to the encouragement of renewable energy – and they all say, individually, that they have this commitment – by signing a Charter on renewable energy – the EURENEW Charter. This would symbolise the added value of working together in the EU on society’s wishes and needs. Of course, the environmental benefits of renewable energy are obvious. But Mr Langen wisely reminds us of the enormous potential for European industry. One needs only to look at Denmark. And I fully support his call for the European Renewable Energies Export Council to be strengthened. Sadly, we lost one of the driving forces with the sudden death, earlier this year, of John Bonda, but others will carry on his work in the Export Council. I must say I am very pleased at the vocational training element of ALTENER II. That is to be welcomed. The budget is clearly inadequate and has to be increased if this programme is to be properly effective. I hope that an indication can be given by the Council in time for the appropriate changes to be made in the first reading of the 2000 budget. The emphasis on information dissemination in ALTENER II is very important indeed, and I look forward, if it is available yet, to looking at the Agores Centre on the Worldwide Web which is clearly intended to bring together all sorts of information on renewable energy so that everyone can look it up and can be kept up-to-date. Alongside ALTENER, and the research into renewable energy in the 5th Framework Programme, which we hope will be very significant, we need urgent flanking measures such as the “feed-in directive” for the electricity market. I hope we will hear more about this shortly from the Commission. The White Paper raised expectations, and we look forward to the exciting campaign for take-off with its 1 million PV systems, its large windfarm, its biomass and most exciting of all its 100 communities where all the electricity will come from renewable energy. There is nowhere in the whole of European Union where renewable energy is not relevant, whether it is Lapland or the Islands of Greece. The ALTENER II Programme will work and can work in every Member State and of course, outside the European Union in applicant countries, for example, as well as in the Mediterranean countries where the potential is huge. Renewable energy should become the symbol of what is sensible and progressive about Europe. This programme will help us obtain that symbol."@en1

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