Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-07-20-Speech-2-002"

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"Mr President, I should like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to address the House. I want to register my protest at the lack of facilities for me, as a Deputy within this Chamber. Two and a half years ago, I went to the authorities who were dealing with the building of this new structure and informed them of my requirements as a person with a disability within the Chamber. I was assured at that stage that every facility would be made available. I arrived here last month and spoke with the architects and builders with regard to the seating arrangements within the hemicycle. I also wrote a letter to the former President, informing him of the difficulties that would arise. I arrived here today, after being re-elected to this Parliament, to discover, firstly, that I cannot get from the ‘0’ level of the building to the first level without getting a security card from one of the security services. I was delayed for 24 minutes this morning and 38 minutes last night waiting for someone to come along with a card. Secondly, I cannot sit with my political group within this House because there are no facilities for me to sit with them. Thirdly, it is an absolute disgrace when so much public money has been spent on this new building that we could not give a proper example for the 21st century – for the new millennium – of what kind of an inclusive society the European Parliament wants to see in the future. (Loud and sustained applause ) I should like to finish with a quote from George Bernard Shaw: ‘To hate your fellow man is not the ultimate sin but to be apathetic towards him, that is the essence of inhumanity’. We have seen it here today. I want to register this protest. I will be taking part in the proceedings. But I want my heartfelt objections to be heard by everybody within this Chamber and around Europe when it is being televised today. (Loud and sustained applause )"@en1
"Crowley (UEN)"1

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