Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:label in graph http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/rdf/MembersOfParliament_background.ttl.gz sorted by frequency

"Centro cristiano democratico"@en2
"Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams - Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie"@en2
"Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria"@en2
"Coalicion Canaria"@en2
"Coligação Democrática Unitária"@en2
"Committee on Industry, Research and Energy"@en2
"Committee on International Trade"@en2
"Committee on Transports"@en2
"Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credencials and Immunities"@en2
"Communistische Partij Nederland"@en2
"Delegation for relations with Afghanistan"@en2
"Delegation for relations with Belarus"@en2
"Delegation for relations with Israel"@en2
"Delegation for relations with Yugoslavia"@en2
"Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria)"@en2
"Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly"@en2
"Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia"@en2
"Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia"@en2
"Delegation to the EC-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en2
"Delegation to the EU-former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en2
"Democraten 66"@en2
"EH BILDU"@en2
"Ecologist Greens"@en2
"Eesti Keskerakond"@en2
"Europe of freedom and democracy Group"@en2
"Europe Écologie"@en2
"Fratelli d'Italia - Alleanza Nazionale"@en2
"Građansko-liberalni savez"@en2
"Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe"@en2
"Istarski demokratski sabor - Dieta democratica istriana"@en2
"Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie"@en2
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between ACP and EEC (ACP-EEC)"@en2
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the EEC (ACP-EEC)"@en2
"Miljøpartiet Fokus"@en2
"Movimento Civico Federativo Popolare"@en2
"Parti démocratique"@en2
"Partido do Centro Democrático Social"@en2
"Partit Demòcrata Europeu i Català"@en2
"Partito comunista italiano"@en2
"Partito popolare italiano"@en2
"Slovenska Ljudska Stranka"@en2
"Socialistische Partij.Anders"@en2
"Strana Demokratického Slovenska"@en2
"Temporary committee on policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013"@en2
"Ulster Conservatives and Unionists-New Force"@en2
"Unione democratico cristiana"@en2
"United Democratic Forces"@en2
"Združena lista socialnih demokratov"@en2
"Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei"@en2
""Io amo l'Italia""@en1
""Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā""@en1
""Saskaņa" sociāldemokrātiskā partija"@en1
"- (Romania)"@en1
"ALDE Romania"@en1
"ANO 2011"@en1
"Agir - La Droite constructive"@en1
"Agrupación de Electores José María Ruiz-Mateos"@en1
"Aliancia nového občana"@en1
"Alianza Popular (AP)"@en1
"Alleanza Popolare - Unione Democratici per l'Europa"@en1
"Alleanza Siciliana"@en1
"Alleanza nazionale"@en1
"Alleanza per l'Italia"@en1
"Alliance Citoyenne pour la Démocratie en Europe"@en1
"Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch"@en1
"Alternativa Popolare"@en1
"Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa"@en1
"Alternativa sociale: Lista Mussolini"@en1
"Alternative für Deutschland"@en1
"An Independence Party"@en1
"Anders gaan arbeiden, leven en vrijen"@en1
"Anders gaan leven"@en1
"Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou - Aristera - Nees Dinameis"@en1
"Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou - Aristera - Nees Dynameis"@en1
"Arbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna"@en1
"Articolo UNO – Movimento Democratico e Progressista"@en1
"Artikel 50"@en1
"Association des Démocrates"@en1
"Attack Coalition"@en1
"Avenir Démocrate"@en1
"België Spirit"@en1
"Bloc Nacionalista Valencia"@en1
"Bloco de Esquerda"@en1
"Bloco de Esquerda (Independente)"@en1
"Blok Senat 2001"@en1
"Bloque Nacionalista Galego"@en1
"Blue Coalition"@en1
"British Democratic Party"@en1
"British National Party"@en1
"Bulgaria without Censorship"@en1
"Bulgarian People's Union"@en1
"Bulgarian Socialist Party"@en1
"Bündnis 90/Die Grünen"@en1
"Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Germany)"@en1
"Bündnis 90/die Grünen"@en1
"Bündnis 90/die Grünen (Germany)"@en1
"Bündnis Zukunft Österreich"@en1
"Centre Démocrate Humaniste"@en1
"Centre des démocrates sociaux"@en1
"Centre national des indépendants"@en1
"Centre national des indépendents et paysans"@en1
"Centro Democràtico y Social"@en1
"Chasse, Pêche, Nature, Traditions"@en1
"Christelijke Volkspartij"@en1
"Christelijke Volkspartij (Europese Volkspartij)"@en1
"Christen Democratisch Appèl"@en1
"Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams"@en1
"ChristenUnie - Staatkundig Gereformeerde Parti"@en1
"Christian-Democratic Group"@en1
"Christian-Democratic Group (Group of the European People's Party)"@en1
"Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands"@en1
"Christlich Soziale Partei"@en1
"Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V."@en1
"Christliche Soziale Partei: Europäische Volkspartei"@en1
"Citoyenneté Action Participation pour le 21ème siècle"@en1
"Ciudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía"@en1
"Coalición Nacionalista"@en1
"Coalición Nacionalista - Coalición Canaria"@en1
"Coalición Popular"@en1
"Coalición por Europa"@en1
"Coalición por la Europa de los Pueblos: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC)"@en1
"Coalition for Bulgaria"@en1
"Coalition of the Radical Left"@en1
"Coligaçao Força Portugal (PPD/PSD.CDS-PP)"@en1
"Coligação Democrática Unitária (PCP-PEV)"@en1
"Coligação Democrática Unitária: Partido Comunista Português (PCP)"@en1
"Coligação Democrática Unitária: Verdes (VERDES)"@en1
"Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector"@en1
"Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society"@en1
"Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion"@en1
"Committee of inquiry into the situation of women in Europe"@en1
"Committee on Agriculture"@en1
"Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development"@en1
"Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food"@en1
"Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development"@en1
"Committee on Budgetary Control"@en1
"Committee on Budgets"@en1
"Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Constitutional Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Culture and Education"@en1
"Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media"@en1
"Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport"@en1
"Committee on Development"@en1
"Committee on Development and Cooperation"@en1
"Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy"@en1
"Committee on Employment and Social Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Energy and Research"@en1
"Committee on Energy, Research and Technology"@en1
"Committee on External Economic Relations"@en1
"Committee on Fisheries"@en1
"Committee on Foreign Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security"@en1
"Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy"@en1
"Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy"@en1
"Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy"@en1
"Committee on Institutional Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Legal Affairs"@en1
"Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights"@en1
"Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market"@en1
"Committee on Petitions"@en1
"Committee on Regional Development"@en1
"Committee on Regional Policy"@en1
"Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning"@en1
"Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities"@en1
"Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport"@en1
"Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism"@en1
"Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy"@en1
"Committee on Social Affairs and Employment"@en1
"Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and Education"@en1
"Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment"@en1
"Committee on Transport"@en1
"Committee on Transport and Tourism"@en1
"Committee on Transports and Tourism"@en1
"Committee on Women's Rights"@en1
"Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities"@en1
"Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality"@en1
"Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport"@en1
"Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, the Media and Sport"@en1
"Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy"@en1
"Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection"@en1
"Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety"@en1
"Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection"@en1
"Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Petitions"@en1
"Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities"@en1
"Committee on the Verification of Credentials"@en1
"Committee on the verification of credentials"@en1
"Communist Party of Greece"@en1
"Communist and Allies Group"@en1
"Communist and Allies Group (SF, Ind. Sin.)"@en1
"Comunisti unitari"@en1
"Confederal Group of the European United Left"@en1
"Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left"@en1
"Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left"@en1
"Conference of Committee Chairs"@en1
"Conference of Delegation Chairs"@en1
"Conference of Presidents"@en1
"Conservative Party"@en1
"Conservative and Unionist Party"@en1
"Conservatori e Riformisti"@en1
"Conservatori e Social Riformatori"@en1
"Convergència Democràtica Catalunya"@en1
"Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya"@en1
"Convergència i Unió"@en1
"Cristiani democratici uniti"@en1
"Czech Republic"@en1
"DIE LINKE."@en1
"Danmarks Restforbund"@en1
"Dansk Folkeparti"@en1
"Darbo partija"@en1
"De Groenen"@en1
"DeSUS - Demokratična Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije"@en1
"Delegación Ciudadanos Europeos"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Austria"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Bulgaria and Romania"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Bulgaria, Romania and Albania"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Canada"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Central Asia and Mongolia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Cyprus"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Czechoslovakia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Estonia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Finland"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Hungary"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Iceland"@en1
"Delegation for relations with India"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Iran"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Iraq"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Japan"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Mongolia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Latin-America"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Latvia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Lithuania"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Malta"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Mercosur"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Norway"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Palestine"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Poland"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Russia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Slovenia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with South Africa"@en1
"Delegation for relations with South-east Europe"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Sweden"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Sweden, Finland, Iceland and the Nordic Council"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Switzerland"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation for relations with The United Nations Organisation"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Transcaucasus"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Turkey"@en1
"Delegation for relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Committee of EFTA Parliamentarians"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Federative Republic of Brazil"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Gulf States"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Gulf States and the Gulf Cooperation Council"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Gulf States, including Yemen"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Marocco and Tunisia)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries and the Gulf"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries and the Gulf States"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the Republic of Korea (AIPO)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN, South-east Asia and the Republic of Korea"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN, south-east Asia and the Republic of Korea"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Mercosur countries"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Northern European Countries and the Nordic Council"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Republics of Yugoslavia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Transcaucasian republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the United States"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and the Contadora Group"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Estern Europe"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Estern Europe - Group I"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Estern Europe - Group II"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of South America"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of South America and MERCOSUR"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of south-east Europe"@en1
"Delegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community"@en1
"Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly"@en1
"Delegation to the Cariforum-EU Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-Finland Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EEC-Greece Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EEC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Armenia and EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and the EU-Georgia Parliamentary Association Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Armenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia Parliamentary Cooperation Committees"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Bulgaria Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Croatia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Czech Republic Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Estonia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Finland Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and Delegation for relations with Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, EU-Uzbekistan and EU-Tajikistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Lithuania Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Romania Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Slovak Republic Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Slovenia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the EU-Ukraine and the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and Delegation for relations with Belarus"@en1
"Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly"@en1
"Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly"@en1
"Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly"@en1
"Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA)"@en1
"Delegation to the European Parliament/Portuguese Piarliament Joint Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the European Parliament/Spanish Cortes Joint Committee"@en1
"Delegation to the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the EEC-Turkey Association"@en1
"Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean"@en1
"Delegation to the Cariforum — EU Parliamentary Committee"@en1
"Delegations to the parliamentary cooperation committees and delegations for relations with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia"@en1
"Delegations to the parliamentary cooperation committees and delegations for relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova"@en1
"Delegations to the parliamentary cooperation committees for relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia"@en1
"Democratic Alliance"@en1
"Democratic Left"@en1
"Democratic Party"@en1
"Democratic Rally"@en1
"Democratic Unionist Party"@en1
"Democratic Unionist Party (Northern Ireland)"@en1
"Democratici di Sinistra"@en1
"Democrats for Strong Bulgaria"@en1
"Democrazia cristiana"@en1
"Democrazia proletaria"@en1
"Demokratikus Koalíció"@en1
"Den frie Socialdemokrat"@en1
"Det Konservative Folkeparti"@en1
"Det Radikale Venstre"@en1
"Det konservative folkeparti"@en1
"Deutsche Liga"@en1
"Die Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative"@en1
"Die Liberalen"@en1
"Die PARTEI"@en1
"Die Reformkonservativen – REKOS"@en1
"Die Republikaner"@en1
"Die blaue Partei"@en1
"Dimocraticos Synagermos"@en1
"Dimokratiki Ananeossi"@en1
"Dimokratiko Kinoniko Kinima"@en1
"Dimokratiko Komma"@en1
"Dimokratikos Synagermos"@en1
"Droite Indépendante"@en1
"Défence des intérêts de la France en Europe"@en1
"Déi Gréng - Les Verts"@en1
"Démocratie chrétienne française"@en1
"Démocratie libérale"@en1
"Ecolo (Belgium)"@en1
"Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales"@en1
"Ecologistes confédérés pour l'organisation de luttes originales - Verts européens pour des régions transfrontalières et solidaires"@en1
"Eesti Reformierakond"@en1
"Eestimaa Rahvalliit"@en1
"Együtt 2014 - Párbeszéd Magyarországért"@en1
"Elliniki Aristera"@en1
"Energie Radicale"@en1
"Enosi Dimokratikou Kentrou"@en1
"Erakond Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit"@en1
"Erakond Isamaaliit (Pro Patria Union)"@en1
"Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya"@en1
"Ethniki Politiki Enossis"@en1
"Europa Transparant"@en1
"Europa de los Pueblos"@en1
"Europa de los Pueblos-Verdes"@en1
"Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group"@en1
"Europe of Nations Group (Coordination Group)"@en1
"Europe of Nations and Freedom Group"@en1
"European Conservative Group"@en1
"European Conservatives and Reformists Group"@en1
"European Democratic Group"@en1
"European Democratic Union Group"@en1
"European Parliament"@en1
"Euskal Herritarrok"@en1
"Eusko Alkartasuna"@en1
"Evropská demokratická strana"@en1
"Evropští demokraté"@en1
"Familien-Partei Deutschlands"@en1
"Federazione dei Verdi"@en1
"Feministiskt initiativ"@en1
"Fianna Fáil Party"@en1
"Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség"@en1
"Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Keresztény Demokrata Néppárt"@en1
"Fine Gael Party"@en1
"Folkebevægelsen mod EF"@en1
"Folkebevægelsen mod EU"@en1
"Folkpartiet liberalerna"@en1
"Forum Polskie"@en1
"Forumul Democrat al Germanitor din România"@en1
"Forza Europa Group"@en1
"Forza Italia"@en1
"Forza Nuova"@en1
"Fratelli d'Italia - Centrodestra Nazionale"@en1
"Freie Demokratische Partei"@en1
"Freie Demokratische Partei - Die Liberalen"@en1
"Freie Wähler"@en1
"Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs"@en1
"Front National"@en1
"Front de Gauche"@en1
"Front de gauche pour changer d’Europe"@en1
"Front démocratique des francofones - Rassemblement wallon"@en1
"Front national"@en1
"Front national/ Rassemblement Bleu Marine"@en1
"Futuro e Libertà per l'Italia"@en1
"Gauche Démocrate et Républicaine"@en1
"Gauche démocratique"@en1
"Gauche unitaire"@en1
"Gia tin Evropi"@en1
"Greece-The Alternative Road"@en1
"Green Party"@en1
"Group Union for Europe"@en1
"Group for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities"@en1
"Group for the European United Left"@en1
"Group for the Technical Coordination and Defence of Independent Groups and Members"@en1
"Group of European Progressive Democrats"@en1
"Group of Independents for a Europe of Nations"@en1
"Group of the European Democratic Alliance"@en1
"Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party"@en1
"Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)"@en1
"Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats"@en1
"Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group)"@en1
"Group of the European Radical Alliance"@en1
"Group of the European Right"@en1
Skipped 33 rows
"Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit"@en1
"Italia dei Valori"@en1
"Italia dei Valori - Di Pietro-Occhetto"@en1
"Italia dei Valori - Lista Di Pietro"@en1
"Italia dei Valori - Lista Di Pietro (Indipendente)"@en1
"Izquierda Unida"@en1
"Izquierda Unida - Iniciativa Per Catalunya Verds - Esquerra Unida í Alternativa"@en1
"Izquierda Unida-Iniciativa per Catalunya"@en1
"Izquierda Xunida"@en1
"Izquierda de los Pueblos"@en1
"Jaunais laiks"@en1
"Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom"@en1
"JuniBevægelsen - Mod Unionen"@en1
"Kansallinen Kokoomus"@en1
"Kansallinen Kokoomus (Finland)"@en1
"Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt"@en1
"Kinima Sosialdimokraton"@en1
"Komma Dimokratikou Socialismou"@en1
"Komma Proodevtikon"@en1
"Kommounistiko Komma Elladas"@en1
"Komunistická strana Slovenska"@en1
"Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy"@en1
"Kongres Nowej Prawicy"@en1
"Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie"@en1
"Kristdemokratiska samhällspartiet"@en1
"Křesťansko democratická unie - Československá strana lídová"@en1
"Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová"@en1
"L'union pour les Outremer"@en1
"La Destra - Alleanza Siciliana"@en1
"La Gauche moderne"@en1
"La Maison de la Vie"@en1
"La Margherita"@en1
"La Rete movimento democratico"@en1
"La République en marche"@en1
"Labour Party"@en1
"Labour and the Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party"@en1
"Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos - G. Karatzaferis"@en1
"Latvijas Krievu savienība"@en1
"Latvijas Pirmā Partija"@en1
"Latvijas Pirmā Partija/Latvijas Ceļš"@en1
"Left Unity"@en1
"Lega Nord"@en1
"Lega Nord per l'indipendenza della Padania"@en1
"Lega antiproibizionisti droga"@en1
"Lega lombarda"@en1
"Legal Affairs Committee"@en1
"Lehet Más A Politika"@en1
"Les Français Libres"@en1
"Les Patriotes"@en1
"Les Républicains"@en1
"Les Verts"@en1
"Les radicaux de Gauche"@en1
"Liberal Democrat Party"@en1
"Liberal Democrats"@en1
"Liberal Democrats Party"@en1
"Liberal and Democratic Group"@en1
"Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group"@en1
"Liberal-Conservative Refomists"@en1
"Liberales Forum"@en1
"Liberali Democratici Europei"@en1
"Liberalna Demokracija Slovenije"@en1
"Liberalų demokratų partija"@en1
"Liberalų demokratųpartija"@en1
"Liberalų ir Centro Sajunga"@en1
"Liberalų ir centro sąjunga"@en1
"Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis"@en1
"Lietuvos Socialdemokratų Partija"@en1
"Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai"@en1
"Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija"@en1
"Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija – Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga"@en1
"Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija"@en1
"Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga"@en1
"Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga"@en1
"Liga Polskich Rodzin"@en1
"Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire"@en1
"Lijst Dedecker"@en1
"Lista Emma Bonino"@en1
"Lista Tsipras-L'Altra Europa"@en1
"Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa"@en1
"Liste "Alliance des Outre-Mers""@en1
"Liste "Dr. Martin - für Demokratie, Kontrolle, Gerechtigkeit""@en1
"Liste "Quand l’Europe veut, l’Europe peut ― Majorité présidentielle ― UMP ― Nouveau Centre ― la Gauche moderne""@en1
"Liste Dr. Hans-Peter Martin - Für echte Kontrolle in Brüssel"@en1
"Los Verdes"@en1
"Lutte ouvrière"@en1
"MOST - HÍD"@en1
"Magyar Demokrata Fórum"@en1
"Magyar Szocialista Párt"@en1
"Majorité pour l'autre Europe"@en1
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC)"@en1
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU)"@en1
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU)"@en1
"Membres fron the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribben and Pacific States and the EEC (ACP-EEC)"@en1
"Miljöpartiet de gröna"@en1
"Moderata Samlingspartiet"@en1
"Moderata samlingspartiet"@en1
"Modern Magyarország Mozgalom"@en1
"Mouvement Démocrate"@en1
"Mouvement Radical"@en1
"Mouvement Réformateur"@en1
"Mouvement des Citoyens pour le Changement"@en1
"Mouvement des Radicaux de Gauche"@en1
"Mouvement des citoyens"@en1
"Mouvement des radicaux de gauche"@en1
"Mouvement pour la France"@en1
"Mouvement pour la France - Rassemblement pour l’Indépendance et la Souveraineté de la France"@en1
"Movement for Rights and Freedoms"@en1
"Movement for Social Democracy EDEK"@en1
"Movimento 5 Stelle"@en1
"Movimento Repubblicani Europei"@en1
"Movimento Sociale Europeo"@en1
"Movimento Sociale Fiamma tricolore"@en1
"Movimento sociale fiamma tricolore"@en1
"Movimento sociale italiano"@en1
"Movimento sociale italiano - Destra nazionale"@en1
"NEOS – Das Neue Österreich"@en1
"Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK""@en1
"Naprzód Polsko"@en1
"National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria"@en1
"National Movement Simeon II"@en1
"National Movement for Stability and Progress"@en1
"National-Democratic Party"@en1
"Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands"@en1
"Naujoji sąjunga (socialliberalai)"@en1
"Nea Demokratia"@en1
"Nea Dimokratia"@en1
"Neo Aristero Revma"@en1
"Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie"@en1
"Non Party"@en1
"Non-attached Members"@en1
"Nous Citoyens"@en1
"Nouveau Centre"@en1
"Nouveau Centre-UDI"@en1
"Nouvelle Donne"@en1
"Nova Esquerra Catalana"@en1
"Nova Slovenija"@en1
"Nova Slovenija - Krščanska ljudska stranka"@en1
"Nova Slovenija – Krščanski demokrati"@en1
"Nueva Izquierda"@en1
"Nuovo Centrodestra"@en1
"Ny Alliance"@en1
"Občanská demokratická strana"@en1
"Održivi razvoj Hrvatske"@en1
"Onafhankelijk lid"@en1
"Open VLD"@en1
"Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten"@en1
"Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij"@en1
"Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima"@en1
"Panhellenic Socialist Movement"@en1
"Panhellenic Socialist Movement - Olive Tree"@en1
"Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā"@en1
"Parliament's Bureau"@en1
"Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz"@en1
"Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus"@en1
"Parti Radical"@en1
"Parti Radical - UDI"@en1
"Parti Radical / Union des Démocrates et Indépendants"@en1
"Parti Socialiste"@en1
"Parti chrétien social"@en1
"Parti chrétien social luxembourgeois"@en1
"Parti communiste français"@en1
"Parti communiste réunionnais"@en1
"Parti de la France"@en1
"Parti ouvrier socialiste luxembourgeois"@en1
"Parti radical"@en1
"Parti radical de gauche"@en1
"Parti radical socialiste"@en1
"Parti réformateur libéral"@en1
"Parti réformateur libéral/Front démocratique des francophones"@en1
"Parti républicain"@en1
"Parti social démocrate"@en1
"Parti social-chrétien"@en1
"Parti social-chrétien (Parti populaire européen)"@en1
"Parti social-démocrate luxembourgeois"@en1
"Parti socialiste"@en1
"Parti socialiste (apparenté)"@en1
"Parti socialiste et des radicaux de gauche"@en1
"Parti écologiste"@en1
"Partia Demokratyczna"@en1
"Partia Ludowo-Demokratyczna"@en1
"Partido Andalucista"@en1
"Partido Aragones"@en1
"Partido Comunista Português"@en1
"Partido Democrático Republicano"@en1
"Partido Demócrata Popular"@en1
"Partido Nacionalista Vasco"@en1
"Partido Popular"@en1
"Partido Popular (Indepediente)"@en1
"Partido Renovador Democratico"@en1
"Partido Social Democrata"@en1
"Partido Socialista"@en1
"Partido Socialista Obrero Español"@en1
"Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Indepediente)"@en1
"Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Progresistas)"@en1
"Partido da Terra"@en1
"Partidul Conservator"@en1
"Partidul Democrat"@en1
"Partidul Democrat-Liberal"@en1
"Partidul Liberal Democrat"@en1
"Partidul Mișcarea Populară"@en1
"Partidul Naţional Liberal"@en1
"Partidul Naţional Ţaranesc Creştin Democrat"@en1
"Partidul Puterii Umaniste"@en1
"Partidul România Mare"@en1
"Partidul Social Democrat"@en1
"Partidul Social Democrat + Partidul Conservator"@en1
"Partij van de Arbeid"@en1
"Partij voor de Dieren"@en1
"Partij voor de Vrijheid"@en1
"Partij voor vrijheid en vooruitgang"@en1
"Partij voor vrijheid en vooruitgang (Europese Liberalen en Demokraten)"@en1
"Partija "VIENOTĪBA""@en1
"Partija Tvarka ir teisingumas"@en1
"Partit Laburista"@en1
"Partit Nazzjonalista"@en1
"Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya"@en1
"Partito Democratico"@en1
"Partito Pensionati"@en1
"Partito Socialista"@en1
"Partito Socialista Nuovo PSI"@en1
"Partito dei Comunisti Italiani"@en1
"Partito del Sud"@en1
"Partito della Rifondazione Comunista - Sinistra Europea"@en1
"Partito della Rifondazione Comunista - Sinistra Europea (Indipendente)"@en1
"Partito della rifondazione comunista"@en1
"Partito democratico della sinistra"@en1
"Partito democratico di unità proletaria"@en1
"Partito liberale italiano"@en1
"Partito radicale"@en1
"Partito repubblicano italiano"@en1
"Partito socialista democratico italiano"@en1
"Partito socialista italiano"@en1
"Partitu di a Nazione Corsa"@en1
"Patto Segni"@en1
"People for Real, Open and United Democracy / Conservative Party for Democracy and Success"@en1
"Pilsoniskā Savienība"@en1
"Piratenpartei Deutschland"@en1
"Plaid Cymru - Parti of Wales"@en1
"Plaid Cymru - Party of Wales"@en1
"Platform European Socialists"@en1
"Platforma Obywatelska"@en1
"Political Affairs Committee"@en1
"Politieke Partij Radikalen"@en1
"Politiki Anixi"@en1
"Politisko organizāciju savienība "Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā""@en1
"Politisko partiju apvienība "Saskaņas centrs""@en1
"Politiskā Partija "Alternative""@en1
"Polo laico (liberali - repubblicani - federalisti)"@en1
"Polska Jest Najważniejsza"@en1
"Polska Razem Jarosława Gowina"@en1
"Polski Blok Ludowy"@en1
"Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe"@en1
"Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe "PIAST""@en1
"Popolari per l’Europa"@en1
"Popular Association – Golden Dawn"@en1
"Popular Orthodox Rally - G. Karatzaferis"@en1
"Popular Unity"@en1
"Prawica Rzeczypospolitej"@en1
"Prawo i Sprawiedliwość"@en1
"Progressive Democrats"@en1
"Progressive Party of Working People - Left - New Forces"@en1
"Pôle Républicain"@en1
"Radicaux socialistes"@en1
"Rainbow Group in the European Parliament"@en1
"Rainbow Group: Federation of the Green-Alternative European Links, Agelev-Ecolo, the Danish People's Movement against Membership of the European Community and the European Free Alliance in the European Parliament"@en1
"Rassemblement Démocratique de la Martinique"@en1
"Rassemblement bleu Marine"@en1
"Rassemblement pour la France"@en1
"Rassemblement pour la République"@en1
"Regenboog/Communistische Partij Nederland"@en1
"Regenboog/Politieke Partij Radikalen"@en1
"Reload Bulgaria Party"@en1
"Res Publica"@en1
"Rifondazione comunista"@en1
"Rinnovamento italiano - Dini"@en1
"Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség"@en1
"Ruch Katolicko-Narodowy"@en1
"Ruch Społeczny AWS"@en1
"Réformateurs et démocrates sociaux"@en1
"SMER-Sociálna demokracia"@en1
"SNK sdruženi nezávislých a Evropští demokraté"@en1
"Samoobrona RP"@en1
"Sans étiquette"@en1
"Savienība "Latvijas Celš""@en1
"Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party"@en1
"Scottish Liberal Democrats"@en1
"Scottish National Party"@en1
"Sinistra Democratica"@en1
"Sinistra Verde"@en1
"Sinn Fein"@en1
"Sinn Féin"@en1
"Sloboda a Solidarita"@en1
"Slovenska demokratska stranka"@en1
"Slovenska ljudska stranka"@en1
"Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia"@en1
"Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia - Demokratická strana"@en1
"Slovenská národná strana"@en1
"Sociaal Progressief Alternatief"@en1
"Social Democratic and Labour Party (Northern Ireland)"@en1
"Socialdemokratiska arbetarepartiet"@en1
"Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije"@en1
"Socialist Group"@en1
"Socialist Group in the European Parliament"@en1
"Socialist Party"@en1
"Socialiste Indépendant"@en1
"Socialisti democratici italiani"@en1
"Socialistische Partij"@en1
"Socialistische Partij.Anders- Sociaal, Progressief, Internationaal, Regionaal, Integraal Democratisch, Toekomstgericht"@en1
"Socialistisk Folkeparti"@en1
"Socialistisk folkeparti"@en1
"Socialni demokrati"@en1
"Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske"@en1
"Socjaldemocracja Polska"@en1
"Socjaldemokracja Polska"@en1
"Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej"@en1
"Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy"@en1
"Solidarna Polska"@en1
"Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond"@en1
"Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands"@en1
"Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs"@en1
"Special Committee on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering"@en1
"Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect"@en1
"Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect (TAXE 2)"@en1
"Special Committee on Terrorism"@en1
"Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis"@en1
"Special Committee on the Union’s authorisation procedure for pesticides"@en1
"Special committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance"@en1
"Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013"@en1
"Srtonnictwo Demokratyczne"@en1
"Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij"@en1
"Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij - Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond - Reformatorisch Politieke Federatie"@en1
"Starostové a nezávisli"@en1
"Strana demokratickej ľavice"@en1
"Strana mad'arskej koalície - Magyar Koalíció Pártja"@en1
"Strana mad'arskej komunity- Magyar Közösség Pártja"@en1
"Strana svobodných občanů"@en1
"Stronnictwo Konserwatywno-Ludowe"@en1
"Stronnictwo Piast"@en1
"Subcommittee on Fisheries"@en1
"Subcommittee on Human Rights"@en1
"Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs"@en1
"Subcommittee on Security and Defence"@en1
"Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament"@en1
"Suomen Keskusta"@en1
"Suomen Kristillinen Liitto"@en1
"Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue/Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti"@en1
"Suomen kristillisdemokraatit"@en1
"Suomen kristillisdemokraatit rp"@en1
"Svenska folkpartiet"@en1
"Synaspismos tis Aristeras kai tis Proodou"@en1
"Synaspismos tis Aristeras ton Kinimaton kai tis Oikologias"@en1
"Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége"@en1
"Südtiroler Volkspartei"@en1
"Südtiroler Volkspartei (Partito popolare sudtirolese)"@en1
"TOP 09 a Starostové"@en1
"Tautas Saskanas Partija"@en1
"Tautas partija"@en1
"Technical Coordination and Defence of Independent Groups and Members"@en1
"Technical Group of Independent Members - mixed group"@en1
"Technical Group of the European Right"@en1
"Temporary Committee on Climate Change"@en1
"Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners"@en1
"Temporary committee instructed to monitor the action taken on the recommendations made concerning BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)"@en1
"Temporary committee of Inquiry into the Community Transit System"@en1
"Temporary committee of inquiry into BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)"@en1
"Temporary committee of inquiry into the Community Transit System"@en1
"Temporary committee on employment"@en1
"Temporary committee on foot and mouth disease"@en1
"Temporary committee on human genetics and other new technologies in modern medicine"@en1
"Temporary committee on improving safety at sea"@en1
"Temporary committee on the Echelon interception system"@en1
"The Green Group in the European Parliament"@en1
"The River"@en1
"Traditional Unionist"@en1
"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK"@en1
"Tėvynės Sąjunga"@en1
"Tėvynės sąjunga"@en1
"Tėvynės sąjunga - Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai"@en1
"Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai"@en1
"UK Independence Party"@en1
"Ulster Unionist Party"@en1
"Unia Pracy"@en1
"Unia Wolnosci"@en1
"Unia Wolnosci/Partia Demokratyczna - demokraci.pl"@en1
"Unie svobody-Demokratická unie"@en1
"Union Valdôtaine"@en1
"Union des Démocrates et Indépendants"@en1
"Union des Indépendants"@en1
"Union for Europe of the Nations Group"@en1
"Union pour la France en Europe"@en1
"Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle"@en1
"Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle - Rassemblement pour la République"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Adhérents directs"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Centre des démocrates sociaux"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Clubs Perspectives et Réalités"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Démocratie libérale"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Force démocrate"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Parti populaire pour la démocratie française"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Parti radical"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Parti républicain"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - Parti social démocrate"@en1
"Union pour la démocratie française - adhérent direct"@en1
"Union pour la nouvelle République -"@en1
"Union pour un Mouvement Populaire"@en1
"Union pour un Mouvement Populaire - Parti Radical"@en1
"Unione Democratici per l'Europa"@en1
"Unione Valdostana - Partito sardo d'azione"@en1
"Unione dei Democratici cristiani e dei Democratici di Centro"@en1
"Unione democratica per la Repubblica"@en1
"Unione di Centro"@en1
"United Kingdom"@en1
"United Kingdom Independence Party"@en1
"United Kingdom Independent"@en1
"Uniti nell'Ulivo"@en1
"Uniti nell'Ulivo-Südtiroler Volkspartei"@en1
"Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România"@en1
"Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România (Romania)"@en1
"Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României"@en1
"Unió Democràtica de Catalunya"@en1
"Unió Valenciana"@en1
"Unión Centro Democràtico"@en1
"Unión del Pueblo Navarro"@en1
"Unión, Progreso y Democracia"@en1
"Valstiečių ir Naujosios demokratijos partijų sąjunga"@en1
"Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti"@en1
"Verdi Arcobaleno"@en1
"Verdi Europa"@en1
"Verjamem! Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa"@en1
"Verts "Europe des peuples - Per un avvene corsu - Avenir corse""@en1
"Vihreä liitto"@en1
"Vlaams Belang"@en1
"Vlaams Blok"@en1
"Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten - Vivant"@en1
"Vlaamse liberalen en democraten"@en1
"Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie"@en1
"We Demand a Referendum"@en1
"Workers' Party"@en1
"ZARES-Nova Politika"@en1
"Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība"@en1
"apparenté Parti socialiste"@en1
"no party"@en1
"sans étiquette"@en1
"sem partido"@en1
"Österreichische Volkspartei"@en1
"Österreichische Volkspartei - Liste Ursula Stenzel"@en1
"Česká strana sociálně demokratická"@en1
"Ľudová strana - Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko"@en1
"Ľudová únia"@en1