Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment in graph http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/ sorted by frequency

"Indicates an account held by this agent."2
"The family name of some person."2
"The given name of some person."2
"A personal mailbox, ie. an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the first owner of this mailbox. This is a 'static inverse functional property', in that there is (across time and change) at most one individual that ever has any particular value for foaf:mbox."1
"A .plan comment, in the tradition of finger and '.plan' files."1
"A Myers Briggs (MBTI) personality classification."1
"A Skype ID"1
"A Yahoo chat ID"1
"A checksum for the DNA of some thing. Joke."1
"A class of Agents."1
"A current project this person works on."1
"A depiction of some thing."1
"A derived thumbnail image."1
"A document that this thing is the primary topic of."1
"A document."1
"A foaf:LabelProperty is any RDF property with texual values that serve as labels."1
"A homepage for some thing."1
"A homepage of a school attended by the person."1
"A jabber ID for something."1
"A link to the publications of this person."1
"A location that something is based near, for some broadly human notion of near."1
"A logo representing some thing."1
"A name for some thing."1
"A page about a topic of interest to this person."1
"A page or document about this thing."1
"A person known by this person (indicating some level of reciprocated interaction between the parties)."1
"A person."1
"A personal profile RDF document."1
"A phone, specified using fully qualified tel: URI scheme (refs: http://www.w3.org/Addressing/schemes.html#tel)."1
"A project (a collective endeavour of some kind)."1
"A project this person has previously worked on."1
"A sha1sum hash, in hex."1
"A short informal nickname characterising an agent (includes login identifiers, IRC and other chat nicknames)."1
"A string expressing what the user is happy for the general public (normally) to know about their current activity."1
"A textual geekcode for this person, see http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html"1
"A theme."1
"A thing depicted in this representation."1
"A thing of interest to this person."1
"A tipjar document for this agent, describing means for payment and reward."1
"A topic of some page or document."1
"A weblog of some thing (whether person, group, company etc.)."1
"A work info homepage of some person; a page about their work for some organization."1
"A workplace homepage of some person; the homepage of an organization they work for."1
"An AIM chat ID"1
"An ICQ chat ID"1
"An MSN chat ID"1
"An OpenID for an Agent."1
"An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact)."1
"An agent that made this thing."1
"An image that can be used to represent some thing (ie. those depictions which are particularly representative of something, eg. one's photo on a homepage)."1
"An image."1
"An online account."1
"An online chat account."1
"An online e-commerce account."1
"An online gaming account."1
"An organization funding a project or person."1
"An organization."1
"Indicates a homepage of the service provide for this online account."1
"Indicates a member of a Group"1
"Indicates the class of individuals that are a member of a Group"1
"Indicates the name (identifier) associated with this online account."1
"Something that was made by this agent."1
"The age in years of some agent."1
"The birthday of this Agent, represented in mm-dd string form, eg. '12-31'."1
"The first name of a person."1
"The gender of this Agent (typically but not necessarily 'male' or 'female')."1
"The last name of a person."1
"The primary topic of some page or document."1
"The sha1sum of the URI of an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the first owner of the mailbox."1
"The surname of some person."1
"The underlying or 'focal' entity associated with some SKOS-described concept."1
"Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. etc)"1