/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2010-2020, University of Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(rdf_write, [ rdf_write_xml/2 % +Stream, +Triples ]). :- autoload(library(assoc), [empty_assoc/1,put_assoc/4,assoc_to_keys/2,get_assoc/3]). :- autoload(library(debug),[assertion/1]). :- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,append/3,select/3]). :- autoload(library(sgml), [xml_quote_attribute/3, xml_name/1, xml_quote_cdata/3, xml_is_dom/1]). :- autoload(library(sgml_write),[xml_write/3]). :- autoload(library(semweb/rdf_db), [rdf_global_id/2, rdf_register_ns/2, rdf_is_bnode/1, rdf_equal/2]). /** Write RDF/XML from a list of triples This module writes an RDF/XML document from a list of triples of the format rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object). It is primarily intended for communicating computed RDF model fragments to external programs using RDF/XML. When used from the HTTP library, use the following code: == reply_graph(RDF) :- format('Content-type: application/rdf+xml; charset=UTF-8~n~n'), rdf_write_xml(current_output, RDF). == @author Jan Wielemaker @see library(semweb/rdf_db) offers saving a named graph directly from the RDF database. */ /******************************* * WRITE RDFXML * *******************************/ %! rdf_write_xml(+Out:stream, +Triples:list(rdf(S,P,O))) is det. % % Write an RDF/XML serialization of Triples to Out. rdf_write_xml(Out, Triples) :- sort(Triples, Unique), rdf_write_header(Out, Unique), node_id_map(Unique, AnonIDs), rdf_write_triples(Unique, AnonIDs, Out), rdf_write_footer(Out). /******************************* * HEADER/FOOTER * *******************************/ %! rdf_write_header(+Out, +Triples) % % Save XML document header, doctype and open the RDF environment. % This predicate also sets up the namespace notation. rdf_write_header(Out, Triples) :- xml_encoding(Out, Enc, Encoding), format(Out, '~n', [Encoding]), format(Out, '', [Id, NSText]), fail ; true ), format(Out, '~N]>~n~n', []), format(Out, '~n', []). xml_encoding(Out, Enc, Encoding) :- stream_property(Out, encoding(Enc)), ( xml_encoding_name(Enc, Encoding) -> true ; throw(error(domain_error(rdf_encoding, Enc), _)) ). xml_encoding_name(ascii, 'US-ASCII'). xml_encoding_name(iso_latin_1, 'ISO-8859-1'). xml_encoding_name(utf8, 'UTF-8'). %! xml_escape_parameter_entity(+In, -Out) is det. % % Escape % as % for entity declarations. xml_escape_parameter_entity(In, Out) :- sub_atom(In, _, _, _, '%'), !, atom_codes(In, Codes), phrase(escape_parent(Codes), OutCodes), atom_codes(Out, OutCodes). xml_escape_parameter_entity(In, In). escape_parent([]) --> []. escape_parent([H|T]) --> ( { H == 37 } -> "%" ; [H] ), escape_parent(T). %! used_namespaces(+Triples:list(rdf(S,P,O)), -List:atom) is det. % % Return the list of namespace abbreviations used in a set of % triples. used_namespaces(Triples, NSList) :- decl_used_predicate_ns(Triples), resources(Triples, Resources), empty_assoc(A0), put_assoc(rdf, A0, *, A1), % needed for rdf:RDF res_used_namespaces(Resources, _NoNS, A1, A), assoc_to_keys(A, NSList). res_used_namespaces([], [], A, A). res_used_namespaces([Resource|T], NoNS, A0, A) :- ns(NS, Full), Full \== '', atom_concat(Full, Local, Resource), xml_name(Local), !, put_assoc(NS, A0, *, A1), res_used_namespaces(T, NoNS, A1, A). res_used_namespaces([R|T0], [R|T], A0, A) :- res_used_namespaces(T0, T, A0, A). %! resources(+Triples:list(rdf(S,P,O)), -Resources:list(atom)) is det. % % Resources is the set of resources referenced in Triples. resources(Triples, Resources) :- phrase(resources(Triples), Raw), sort(Raw, Resources). resources([]) --> []. resources([rdf(S,P,O)|T]) --> [S,P], object_resources(O), resources(T). object_resources(Atom) --> { atom(Atom) }, !, [ Atom ]. object_resources(literal(type(Type, _))) --> !, [ Type ]. object_resources(_) --> []. %! decl_used_predicate_ns(+Triples:list(rdf(S,P,O))) % % For every URL used as a predicate we *MUST* define a namespace % as we cannot use names holding /, :, etc. as XML identifiers. :- thread_local predicate_ns/2. decl_used_predicate_ns(Triples) :- retractall(predicate_ns(_,_)), ( member(rdf(_,P,_), Triples), decl_predicate_ns(P), fail ; true ). decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :- predicate_ns(Pred, _), !. decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :- rdf_global_id(NS:Local, Pred), xml_name(Local), !, assert(predicate_ns(Pred, NS)). decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :- is_bag_li_predicate(Pred), !. decl_predicate_ns(Pred) :- atom_codes(Pred, Codes), append(NSCodes, LocalCodes, Codes), xml_codes(LocalCodes), !, ( NSCodes \== [] -> atom_codes(NS, NSCodes), ( ns(Id, NS) -> assert(predicate_ns(Pred, Id)) ; between(1, infinite, N), atom_concat(ns, N, Id), \+ ns(Id, _) -> rdf_register_ns(Id, NS), print_message(informational, rdf(using_namespace(Id, NS))) ), assert(predicate_ns(Pred, Id)) ; assert(predicate_ns(Pred, -)) % no namespace used ). xml_codes([]). xml_codes([H|T]) :- xml_code(H), xml_codes(T). xml_code(X) :- code_type(X, csym), !. xml_code(0'-). % ' rdf_write_footer(Out) :- format(Out, '~n', []). /******************************* * ANONYMOUS IDS * *******************************/ %! node_id_map(+Triples, -IdMap) is det. % % Create an assoc Resource -> NodeID for those anonymous resources % in Triples that need a NodeID. This implies all anonymous % resources that are used multiple times as object value. node_id_map(Triples, IdMap) :- anonymous_objects(Triples, Objs), msort(Objs, Sorted), empty_assoc(IdMap0), nodeid_map(Sorted, 0, IdMap0, IdMap). anonymous_objects([], []). anonymous_objects([rdf(_,_,O)|T0], Anon) :- rdf_is_bnode(O), !, Anon = [O|T], anonymous_objects(T0, T). anonymous_objects([_|T0], T) :- anonymous_objects(T0, T). nodeid_map([], _, Map, Map). nodeid_map([H,H|T0], Id, Map0, Map) :- !, remove_leading(H, T0, T), atom_concat(bn, Id, NodeId), put_assoc(H, Map0, NodeId, Map1), Id2 is Id + 1, nodeid_map(T, Id2, Map1, Map). nodeid_map([_|T], Id, Map0, Map) :- nodeid_map(T, Id, Map0, Map). remove_leading(H, [H|T0], T) :- !, remove_leading(H, T0, T). remove_leading(_, T, T). /******************************* * TRIPLES * *******************************/ rdf_write_triples(Triples, NodeIDs, Out) :- rdf_write_triples(Triples, NodeIDs, Out, [], Anon), rdf_write_anon(Anon, NodeIDs, Out, Anon). rdf_write_triples([], _, _, Anon, Anon). rdf_write_triples([H|T0], NodeIDs, Out, Anon0, Anon) :- arg(1, H, S), subject_triples(S, [H|T0], T, OnSubject), ( rdf_is_bnode(S) -> rdf_write_triples(T, NodeIDs, Out, [anon(S,_,OnSubject)|Anon0], Anon) ; rdf_write_subject(OnSubject, S, NodeIDs, Out, Anon0), rdf_write_triples(T, NodeIDs, Out, Anon0, Anon) ). subject_triples(S, [H|T0], T, [H|M]) :- arg(1, H, S), !, subject_triples(S, T0, T, M). subject_triples(_, T, T, []). rdf_write_anon([], _, _, _). rdf_write_anon([anon(Subject, Done, Triples)|T], NodeIDs, Out, Anon) :- Done \== true, !, Done = true, rdf_write_subject(Triples, Subject, NodeIDs, Out, Anon), rdf_write_anon(T, NodeIDs, Out, Anon). rdf_write_anon([_|T], NodeIDs, Out, Anon) :- rdf_write_anon(T, NodeIDs, Out, Anon). rdf_write_subject(Triples, Subject, NodeIDs, Out, Anon) :- rdf_write_subject(Triples, Out, Subject, NodeIDs, -, 0, Anon), !, format(Out, '~n', []). rdf_write_subject(_, Subject, _, _, _) :- throw(error(rdf_save_failed(Subject), 'Internal error')). rdf_write_subject(Triples, Out, Subject, NodeIDs, DefNS, Indent, Anon) :- rdf_equal(rdf:type, RdfType), select(rdf(_, RdfType,Type), Triples, Triples1), \+ rdf_is_bnode(Type), rdf_id(Type, DefNS, TypeId), xml_is_name(TypeId), !, format(Out, '~*|<', [Indent]), rdf_write_id(Out, TypeId), save_about(Out, Subject, NodeIDs), save_attributes(Triples1, DefNS, Out, NodeIDs, TypeId, Indent, Anon). rdf_write_subject(Triples, Out, Subject, NodeIDs, _DefNS, Indent, Anon) :- format(Out, '~*| format(Out,' rdf:nodeID="~w"', [NodeID]) ; true ). save_about(Out, Subject, _) :- stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)), rdf_value(Subject, QSubject, Encoding), format(Out, ' rdf:about="~w"', [QSubject]), !. save_about(_, _, _) :- assertion(fail). %! save_attributes(+List, +DefNS, +Out, +NodeIDs, Element, +Indent, +Anon) % % Save the attributes. Short literal attributes are saved in the % tag. Others as the content of the description element. The % begin tag has already been filled. save_attributes(Triples, DefNS, Out, NodeIDs, Element, Indent, Anon) :- split_attributes(Triples, InTag, InBody), SubIndent is Indent + 2, save_attributes2(InTag, DefNS, tag, Out, NodeIDs, SubIndent, Anon), ( InBody == [] -> format(Out, '/>~n', []) ; format(Out, '>~n', []), save_attributes2(InBody, _, body, Out, NodeIDs, SubIndent, Anon), format(Out, '~N~*|~n', [Indent, Element]) ). % split_attributes(+Triples, -HeadAttrs, -BodyAttr) % % Split attribute (Name=Value) list into attributes for the head % and body. Attributes can only be in the head if they are literal % and appear only one time in the attribute list. split_attributes(Triples, HeadAttr, BodyAttr) :- duplicate_attributes(Triples, Dupls, Singles), simple_literal_attributes(Singles, HeadAttr, Rest), append(Dupls, Rest, BodyAttr). % duplicate_attributes(+Attrs, -Duplicates, -Singles) % % Extract attributes that appear more than onces as we cannot % dublicate an attribute in the head according to the XML rules. duplicate_attributes([], [], []). duplicate_attributes([H|T], Dupls, Singles) :- arg(2, H, Name), named_attributes(Name, T, D, R), D \== [], append([H|D], Dupls2, Dupls), !, duplicate_attributes(R, Dupls2, Singles). duplicate_attributes([H|T], Dupls2, [H|Singles]) :- duplicate_attributes(T, Dupls2, Singles). named_attributes(_, [], [], []) :- !. named_attributes(Name, [H|T], D, R) :- ( arg(2, H, Name) -> D = [H|DT], named_attributes(Name, T, DT, R) ; R = [H|RT], named_attributes(Name, T, D, RT) ). % simple_literal_attributes(+Attributes, -Inline, -Body) % % Split attributes for (literal) attributes to be used in the % begin-tag and ones that have to go into the body of the description. simple_literal_attributes([], [], []). simple_literal_attributes([H|TA], [H|TI], B) :- in_tag_attribute(H), !, simple_literal_attributes(TA, TI, B). simple_literal_attributes([H|TA], I, [H|TB]) :- simple_literal_attributes(TA, I, TB). in_tag_attribute(rdf(_,P,literal(Text))) :- atom(Text), % may not have lang qualifier atom_length(Text, Len), Len < 60, \+ is_bag_li_predicate(P). % save_attributes(+List, +DefNS, +TagOrBody, +Out, +NodeIDs, +Indent, +Anon) % % Save a list of attributes. save_attributes2([], _, _, _, _, _, _). save_attributes2([H|T], DefNS, Where, Out, NodeIDs, Indent, Anon) :- save_attribute(Where, H, DefNS, Out, NodeIDs, Indent, Anon), save_attributes2(T, DefNS, Where, Out, NodeIDs, Indent, Anon). %! save_attribute(+Where, +Triple, +DefNS, +Out, +NodeIDs, +Indent, +Anon) save_attribute(tag, rdf(_, Name, literal(Value)), DefNS, Out, _, Indent, _Anon) :- AttIndent is Indent + 2, rdf_att_id(Name, DefNS, NameText), stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)), xml_quote_attribute(Value, QVal, Encoding), format(Out, '~N~*|', [AttIndent]), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), format(Out, '="~w"', [QVal]). save_attribute(body, rdf(_,Name,literal(Literal)), DefNS, Out, _, Indent, _) :- !, rdf_p_id(Name, DefNS, NameText), format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), ( Literal = lang(Lang, Value) -> rdf_id(Lang, DefNS, LangText), format(Out, ' xml:lang="~w">', [LangText]) ; Literal = type(Type, Value) -> ( rdf_equal(Type, rdf:'XMLLiteral') -> write(Out, ' rdf:parseType="Literal">'), Value = Literal ; stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)), rdf_value(Type, QVal, Encoding), format(Out, ' rdf:datatype="~w">', [QVal]) ) ; atomic(Literal) -> write(Out, '>'), Value = Literal ; write(Out, ' rdf:parseType="Literal">'), Value = Literal ), save_attribute_value(Value, Out, Indent), write(Out, ''). save_attribute(body, rdf(_, Name, Value), DefNS, Out, NodeIDs, Indent, Anon) :- rdf_is_bnode(Value), !, ( memberchk(anon(Value, Done, ValueTriples), Anon) -> true ; ValueTriples = [] ), rdf_p_id(Name, DefNS, NameText), format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), ( var(Done) -> Done = true, SubIndent is Indent + 2, ( rdf_equal(RdfType, rdf:type), rdf_equal(ListClass, rdf:'List'), memberchk(rdf(_, RdfType, ListClass), ValueTriples) -> format(Out, ' rdf:parseType="Collection">~n', []), rdf_save_list(ValueTriples, Out, Value, NodeIDs, DefNS, SubIndent, Anon) ; format(Out, '>~n', []), rdf_write_subject(ValueTriples, Out, Value, NodeIDs, DefNS, SubIndent, Anon) ), format(Out, '~N~*|~n', []) ; get_assoc(Value, NodeIDs, NodeID) -> format(Out, ' rdf:nodeID="~w"/>', [NodeID]) ; assertion(fail) ). save_attribute(body, rdf(_, Name, Value), DefNS, Out, _, Indent, _Anon) :- stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)), rdf_value(Value, QVal, Encoding), rdf_p_id(Name, DefNS, NameText), format(Out, '~N~*|<', [Indent]), rdf_write_id(Out, NameText), format(Out, ' rdf:resource="~w"/>', [QVal]). save_attribute_value(Value, Out, _) :- % strings atom(Value), !, stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)), xml_quote_cdata(Value, QVal, Encoding), write(Out, QVal). save_attribute_value(Value, Out, _) :- % numbers number(Value), !, writeq(Out, Value). % quoted: preserve floats save_attribute_value(Value, Out, Indent) :- xml_is_dom(Value), !, XMLIndent is Indent+2, xml_write(Out, Value, [ header(false), indent(XMLIndent) ]). save_attribute_value(Value, _Out, _) :- throw(error(save_attribute_value(Value), _)). rdf_save_list(_, _, List, _, _, _, _) :- rdf_equal(List, rdf:nil), !. rdf_save_list(ListTriples, Out, List, NodeIDs, DefNS, Indent, Anon) :- rdf_equal(RdfFirst, rdf:first), memberchk(rdf(List, RdfFirst, First), ListTriples), ( rdf_is_bnode(First), memberchk(anon(First, true, FirstTriples), Anon) -> nl(Out), rdf_write_subject(FirstTriples, Out, First, NodeIDs, DefNS, Indent, Anon) ; stream_property(Out, encoding(Encoding)), rdf_value(First, QVal, Encoding), format(Out, '~N~*|', [Indent, QVal]) ), ( rdf_equal(RdfRest, rdf:rest), memberchk(rdf(List, RdfRest, List2), ListTriples), \+ rdf_equal(List2, rdf:nil), memberchk(anon(List2, true, List2Triples), Anon) -> rdf_save_list(List2Triples, Out, List2, NodeIDs, DefNS, Indent, Anon) ; true ). %! rdf_p_id(+Resource, +DefNS, -NSLocal) % % As rdf_id/3 for predicate names. Maps _: to rdf:li. % % @tbd Ensure we are talking about an rdf:Bag rdf_p_id(LI, _, 'rdf:li') :- is_bag_li_predicate(LI), !. rdf_p_id(Resource, DefNS, NSLocal) :- rdf_id(Resource, DefNS, NSLocal). %! is_bag_li_predicate(+Pred) is semidet. % % True if Pred is _:N, as used for members of an rdf:Bag, rdf:Seq % or rdf:Alt. is_bag_li_predicate(Pred) :- atom_concat('_:', AN, Pred), catch(atom_number(AN, N), _, true), integer(N), N >= 0, !. %! rdf_id(+Resource, +DefNS, -NSLocal) % % Generate a NS:Local name for Resource given the indicated % default namespace. This call is used for elements. rdf_id(Id, NS, NS:Local) :- ns(NS, Full), Full \== '', atom_concat(Full, Local, Id), xml_name(Local), !. rdf_id(Id, _, NS:Local) :- ns(NS, Full), Full \== '', atom_concat(Full, Local, Id), xml_name(Local), !. rdf_id(Id, _, Id). %! rdf_write_id(+Out, +NSLocal) is det. % % Write an identifier. We cannot use native write on it as both NS % and Local can be operators. rdf_write_id(Out, NS:Local) :- !, format(Out, '~w:~w', [NS, Local]). rdf_write_id(Out, Atom) :- write(Out, Atom). %! rdf_att_id(+URI, +DefNS, -ID) rdf_att_id(Id, _, NS:Local) :- ns(NS, Full), Full \== '', atom_concat(Full, Local, Id), xml_name(Local), !. rdf_att_id(Id, _, Id). %! rdf_value(+Resource, -Text, +Encoding) % % According to "6.4 RDF URI References" of the RDF Syntax % specification, a URI reference is UNICODE string not containing % control sequences, represented as UTF-8 and then as escaped % US-ASCII. % % NOTE: the to_be_described/1 trick ensures entity rewrite in % resources that start with 'http://t-d-b.org?'. This is a of a % hack to save the artchive data in the MultimediaN project. We % should use a more general mechanism. rdf_value(V, Text, Encoding) :- to_be_described(Prefix), atom_concat(Prefix, V1, V), ns(NS, Full), atom_concat(Full, Local, V1), !, xml_quote_attribute(Local, QLocal, Encoding), atomic_list_concat([Prefix, '&', NS, (';'), QLocal], Text). rdf_value(V, Text, Encoding) :- ns(NS, Full), atom_concat(Full, Local, V), !, xml_quote_attribute(Local, QLocal, Encoding), atomic_list_concat(['&', NS, (';'), QLocal], Text). rdf_value(V, Q, Encoding) :- xml_quote_attribute(V, Q, Encoding). to_be_described('http://t-d-b.org?'). /******************************* * UTIL * *******************************/ ns(Id, Full) :- rdf_db:ns(Id, Full).