/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2006-2016, University of Amsterdam Vu University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_source, [ prolog_read_source_term/4, % +Stream, -Term, -Expanded, +Options read_source_term_at_location/3, %Stream, -Term, +Options prolog_open_source/2, % +Source, -Stream prolog_close_source/1, % +Stream prolog_canonical_source/2, % +Spec, -Id load_quasi_quotation_syntax/2, % :Path, +Syntax file_name_on_path/2, % +File, -PathSpec file_alias_path/2, % ?Alias, ?Dir path_segments_atom/2, % ?Segments, ?Atom directory_source_files/3 % +Dir, -Files, +Options ]). :- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/2]). :- autoload(library(debug),[debug/3,assertion/1]). :- autoload(library(error),[domain_error/2]). :- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,last/2,select/3,append/3]). :- autoload(library(operators), [push_op/3,push_operators/1,pop_operators/0]). :- autoload(library(option),[select_option/4,option/3,option/2]). /** Examine Prolog source-files This module provides predicates to open, close and read terms from Prolog source-files. This may seem easy, but there are a couple of problems that must be taken care of. * Source files may start with #!, supporting PrologScript * Embedded operators declarations must be taken into account * Style-check options must be taken into account * Operators and style-check options may be implied by directives * On behalf of the development environment we also wish to parse PceEmacs buffers This module concentrates these issues in a single library. Intended users of the library are: $ prolog_xref.pl : The Prolog cross-referencer $ prolog_clause.pl : Get details about (compiled) clauses $ prolog_colour.pl : Colourise source-code $ PceEmacs : Emacs syntax-colouring $ PlDoc : The documentation framework */ :- thread_local open_source/2, % Stream, State mode/2. % Stream, Data :- multifile requires_library/2, prolog:xref_source_identifier/2, % +Source, -Id prolog:xref_source_time/2, % +Source, -Modified prolog:xref_open_source/2, % +SourceId, -Stream prolog:xref_close_source/2, % +SourceId, -Stream prolog:alternate_syntax/4, % Syntax, +Module, -Setup, -Restore prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax/2. % Syntax, Library :- predicate_options(prolog_read_source_term/4, 4, [ pass_to(system:read_clause/3, 3) ]). :- predicate_options(read_source_term_at_location/3, 3, [ line(integer), offset(integer), module(atom), operators(list), error(-any), pass_to(system:read_term/3, 3) ]). :- predicate_options(directory_source_files/3, 3, [ recursive(boolean), if(oneof([true,loaded])), pass_to(system:absolute_file_name/3,3) ]). /******************************* * READING * *******************************/ %! prolog_read_source_term(+In, -Term, -Expanded, +Options) is det. % % Read a term from a Prolog source-file. Options is a option list % that is forwarded to read_clause/3. % % This predicate is intended to read the file from the start. It % tracks directives to update its notion of the currently % effective syntax (e.g., declared operators). % % @param Term Term read % @param Expanded Result of term-expansion on the term % @see read_source_term_at_location/3 for reading at an % arbitrary location. prolog_read_source_term(In, Term, Expanded, Options) :- maplist(read_clause_option, Options), !, select_option(subterm_positions(TermPos), Options, RestOptions, TermPos), read_clause(In, Term, [ subterm_positions(TermPos) | RestOptions ]), expand(Term, TermPos, In, Expanded), '$current_source_module'(M), update_state(Term, Expanded, M). prolog_read_source_term(In, Term, Expanded, Options) :- '$current_source_module'(M), select_option(syntax_errors(SE), Options, RestOptions0, dec10), select_option(subterm_positions(TermPos), RestOptions0, RestOptions, TermPos), ( style_check(?(singleton)) -> FinalOptions = [ singletons(warning) | RestOptions ] ; FinalOptions = RestOptions ), read_term(In, Term, [ module(M), syntax_errors(SE), subterm_positions(TermPos) | FinalOptions ]), expand(Term, TermPos, In, Expanded), update_state(Term, Expanded, M). read_clause_option(syntax_errors(_)). read_clause_option(term_position(_)). read_clause_option(process_comment(_)). read_clause_option(comments(_)). :- public expand/3. % Used by Prolog colour expand(Term, In, Exp) :- expand(Term, _, In, Exp). expand(Var, _, _, Var) :- var(Var), !. expand(Term, _, _, Term) :- no_expand(Term), !. expand(Term, _, _, _) :- requires_library(Term, Lib), ensure_loaded(user:Lib), fail. expand(Term, _, In, Term) :- chr_expandable(Term, In), !. expand(Term, Pos, _, Expanded) :- expand_term(Term, Pos, Expanded, _). no_expand((:- if(_))). no_expand((:- elif(_))). no_expand((:- else)). no_expand((:- endif)). no_expand((:- require(_))). chr_expandable((:- chr_constraint(_)), In) :- add_mode(In, chr). chr_expandable((handler(_)), In) :- mode(In, chr). chr_expandable((rules(_)), In) :- mode(In, chr). chr_expandable(<=>(_, _), In) :- mode(In, chr). chr_expandable(@(_, _), In) :- mode(In, chr). chr_expandable(==>(_, _), In) :- mode(In, chr). chr_expandable(pragma(_, _), In) :- mode(In, chr). chr_expandable(option(_, _), In) :- mode(In, chr). add_mode(Stream, Mode) :- mode(Stream, Mode), !. add_mode(Stream, Mode) :- asserta(mode(Stream, Mode)). %! requires_library(+Term, -Library) % % known expansion hooks. May be expanded as multifile predicate. requires_library((:- emacs_begin_mode(_,_,_,_,_)), library(emacs_extend)). requires_library((:- draw_begin_shape(_,_,_,_)), library(pcedraw)). requires_library((:- use_module(library(pce))), library(pce)). requires_library((:- pce_begin_class(_,_)), library(pce)). requires_library((:- pce_begin_class(_,_,_)), library(pce)). %! update_state(+Term, +Expanded, +Module) is det. % % Update operators and style-check options from the expanded term. :- multifile pce_expansion:push_compile_operators/1, pce_expansion:pop_compile_operators/0. update_state(Raw, _, _) :- Raw == (:- pce_end_class), !, ignore(pce_expansion:pop_compile_operators). update_state(Raw, _, SM) :- subsumes_term((:- pce_extend_class(_)), Raw), !, pce_expansion:push_compile_operators(SM). update_state(_Raw, Expanded, M) :- update_state(Expanded, M). update_state(Var, _) :- var(Var), !. update_state([], _) :- !. update_state([H|T], M) :- !, update_state(H, M), update_state(T, M). update_state((:- Directive), M) :- nonvar(Directive), !, catch(update_directive(Directive, M), _, true). update_state((?- Directive), M) :- !, update_state((:- Directive), M). update_state(_, _). update_directive(module(Module, Public), _) :- atom(Module), is_list(Public), !, '$set_source_module'(Module), maplist(import_syntax(_,Module, _), Public). update_directive(M:op(P,T,N), SM) :- atom(M), ground(op(P,T,N)), !, update_directive(op(P,T,N), SM). update_directive(op(P,T,N), SM) :- ground(op(P,T,N)), !, strip_module(SM:N, M, PN), push_op(P,T,M:PN). update_directive(style_check(Style), _) :- ground(Style), style_check(Style), !. update_directive(use_module(Spec), SM) :- ground(Spec), catch(module_decl(Spec, Path, Public), _, fail), !, maplist(import_syntax(Path, SM, _), Public). update_directive(use_module(Spec, Imports), SM) :- ground(Spec), is_list(Imports), catch(module_decl(Spec, Path, Public), _, fail), !, maplist(import_syntax(Path, SM, Imports), Public). update_directive(pce_begin_class_definition(_,_,_,_), SM) :- pce_expansion:push_compile_operators(SM), !. update_directive(_, _). %! import_syntax(+Path, +Module, +Imports, +ExportStatement) is det. % % Import syntax affecting aspects of a declaration. Deals with % op/3 terms and Syntax/4 quasi quotation declarations. import_syntax(_, _, _, Var) :- var(Var), !. import_syntax(_, M, Imports, Op) :- Op = op(_,_,_), \+ \+ member(Op, Imports), !, update_directive(Op, M). import_syntax(Path, SM, Imports, Syntax/4) :- \+ \+ member(Syntax/4, Imports), load_quasi_quotation_syntax(SM:Path, Syntax), !. import_syntax(_,_,_, _). %! load_quasi_quotation_syntax(:Path, +Syntax) is semidet. % % Import quasi quotation syntax Syntax from Path into the module % specified by the first argument. Quasi quotation syntax is % imported iff: % % - It is already loaded % - It is declared with prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax/2 % % @tbd We need a better way to know that an import affects the % syntax or compilation process. This is also needed for % better compatibility with systems that provide a % separate compiler. load_quasi_quotation_syntax(SM:Path, Syntax) :- atom(Path), atom(Syntax), source_file_property(Path, module(M)), functor(ST, Syntax, 4), predicate_property(M:ST, quasi_quotation_syntax), !, use_module(SM:Path, [Syntax/4]). load_quasi_quotation_syntax(SM:Path, Syntax) :- atom(Path), atom(Syntax), prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax(Syntax, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, Path2, [ file_type(prolog), file_errors(fail), access(read) ]), Path == Path2, !, use_module(SM:Path, [Syntax/4]). %! module_decl(+FileSpec, -Path, -Decl) is semidet. % % If FileSpec refers to a Prolog module file, unify Path with the % canonical file path to the file and Decl with the second argument of % the module declaration. module_decl(Spec, Path, Decl) :- absolute_file_name(Spec, Path, [ file_type(prolog), file_errors(fail), access(read) ]), setup_call_cleanup( prolog_open_source(Path, In), read_module_decl(In, Decl), prolog_close_source(In)). read_module_decl(In, Decl) :- read(In, Term0), read_module_decl(Term0, In, Decl). read_module_decl(Term, _In, Decl) :- subsumes_term((:- module(_, Decl)), Term), !, Term = (:- module(_, Decl)). read_module_decl(Term, In, Decl) :- subsumes_term((:- encoding(_)), Term), !, Term = (:- encoding(Enc)), set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)), read(In, Term2), read_module_decl(Term2, In, Decl). %! read_source_term_at_location(+Stream, -Term, +Options) is semidet. % % Try to read a Prolog term form an arbitrary location inside a % file. Due to Prolog's dynamic syntax, e.g., due to operator % declarations that may change anywhere inside the file, this is % theoreticaly impossible. Therefore, this predicate is % fundamentally _heuristic_ and may fail. This predicate is used % by e.g., clause_info/4 and by PceEmacs to colour the current % clause. % % This predicate has two ways to find the right syntax. If the % file is loaded, it can be passed the module using the module % option. This deals with module files that define the used % operators globally for the file. Second, there is a hook % prolog:alternate_syntax/4 that can be used to temporary redefine % the syntax. % % The options below are processed in addition to the options of % read_term/3. Note that the =line= and =offset= options are % mutually exclusive. % % * line(+Line) % If present, start reading at line Line. % * offset(+Characters) % Use seek/4 to go to the indicated location. See seek/4 % for limitations of seeking in text-files. % * module(+Module) % Use syntax from the given module. Default is the current % `source module'. % * operators(+List) % List of additional operator declarations to enforce while % reading the term. % * error(-Error) % If no correct parse can be found, unify Error with a term % Offset:Message that indicates the (character) location of % the error and the related message. Adding this option % makes read_source_term_at_location/3 deterministic (=det=). % % @see Use read_source_term/4 to read a file from the start. % @see prolog:alternate_syntax/4 for locally scoped operators. :- thread_local last_syntax_error/2. % location, message read_source_term_at_location(Stream, Term, Options) :- retractall(last_syntax_error(_,_)), seek_to_start(Stream, Options), stream_property(Stream, position(Here)), '$current_source_module'(DefModule), option(module(Module), Options, DefModule), option(operators(Ops), Options, []), alternate_syntax(Syntax, Module, Setup, Restore), set_stream_position(Stream, Here), debug(read, 'Trying with syntax ~w', [Syntax]), push_operators(Module:Ops), call(Setup), Error = error(Formal,_), % do not catch timeout, etc. setup_call_cleanup( asserta(user:thread_message_hook(_,_,_), Ref), % silence messages catch(qq_read_term(Stream, Term0, [ module(Module) | Options ]), Error, true), erase(Ref)), call(Restore), pop_operators, ( var(Formal) -> !, Term = Term0 ; assert_error(Error, Options), fail ). read_source_term_at_location(_, _, Options) :- option(error(Error), Options), !, setof(CharNo:Msg, retract(last_syntax_error(CharNo, Msg)), Pairs), last(Pairs, Error). assert_error(Error, Options) :- option(error(_), Options), !, ( ( Error = error(syntax_error(Id), stream(_S1, _Line1, _LinePos1, CharNo)) ; Error = error(syntax_error(Id), file(_S2, _Line2, _LinePos2, CharNo)) ) -> message_to_string(error(syntax_error(Id), _), Msg), assertz(last_syntax_error(CharNo, Msg)) ; debug(read, 'Error: ~q', [Error]), throw(Error) ). assert_error(_, _). %! alternate_syntax(?Syntax, +Module, -Setup, -Restore) is nondet. % % Define an alternative syntax to try reading a term at an % arbitrary location in module Module. % % Calls the hook prolog:alternate_syntax/4 with the same signature % to allow for user-defined extensions. % % @param Setup is a deterministic goal to enable this syntax in % module. % @param Restore is a deterministic goal to revert the actions of % Setup. alternate_syntax(prolog, _, true, true). alternate_syntax(Syntax, M, Setup, Restore) :- prolog:alternate_syntax(Syntax, M, Setup, Restore). %! seek_to_start(+Stream, +Options) is det. % % Go to the location from where to start reading. seek_to_start(Stream, Options) :- option(line(Line), Options), !, seek(Stream, 0, bof, _), seek_to_line(Stream, Line). seek_to_start(Stream, Options) :- option(offset(Start), Options), !, seek(Stream, Start, bof, _). seek_to_start(_, _). %! seek_to_line(+Stream, +Line) % % Seek to indicated line-number. seek_to_line(Fd, N) :- N > 1, !, skip(Fd, 10), NN is N - 1, seek_to_line(Fd, NN). seek_to_line(_, _). /******************************* * QUASI QUOTATIONS * *******************************/ %! qq_read_term(+Stream, -Term, +Options) % % Same as read_term/3, but dynamically loads known quasi % quotations. Quasi quotations that can be autoloaded must be % defined using prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax/2. qq_read_term(Stream, Term, Options) :- select(syntax_errors(ErrorMode), Options, Options1), ErrorMode \== error, !, ( ErrorMode == dec10 -> repeat, qq_read_syntax_ex(Stream, Term, Options1, Error), ( var(Error) -> ! ; print_message(error, Error), fail ) ; qq_read_syntax_ex(Stream, Term, Options1, Error), ( ErrorMode == fail -> print_message(error, Error), fail ; ErrorMode == quiet -> fail ; domain_error(syntax_errors, ErrorMode) ) ). qq_read_term(Stream, Term, Options) :- qq_read_term_ex(Stream, Term, Options). qq_read_syntax_ex(Stream, Term, Options, Error) :- catch(qq_read_term_ex(Stream, Term, Options), error(syntax_error(Syntax), Context), Error = error(Syntax, Context)). qq_read_term_ex(Stream, Term, Options) :- stream_property(Stream, position(Here)), catch(read_term(Stream, Term, Options), error(syntax_error(unknown_quasi_quotation_syntax(Syntax, Module)), Context), load_qq_and_retry(Here, Syntax, Module, Context, Stream, Term, Options)). load_qq_and_retry(Here, Syntax, Module, _, Stream, Term, Options) :- set_stream_position(Stream, Here), prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax(Syntax, Library), !, use_module(Module:Library, [Syntax/4]), read_term(Stream, Term, Options). load_qq_and_retry(_Pos, Syntax, Module, Context, _Stream, _Term, _Options) :- print_message(warning, quasi_quotation(undeclared, Syntax)), throw(error(syntax_error(unknown_quasi_quotation_syntax(Syntax, Module)), Context)). %! prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax(+Syntax, -Library) is semidet. % % True when the quasi quotation syntax Syntax can be loaded from % Library. Library must be a valid first argument for % use_module/2. % % This multifile hook is used by library(prolog_source) to load % quasi quotation handlers on demand. prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax(html, library(http/html_write)). prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax(javascript, library(http/js_write)). /******************************* * SOURCES * *******************************/ %! prolog_open_source(+CanonicalId:atomic, -Stream:stream) is det. % % Open source with given canonical id (see % prolog_canonical_source/2) and remove the #! line if any. % Streams opened using this predicate must be closed using % prolog_close_source/1. Typically using the skeleton below. Using % this skeleton, operator and style-check options are % automatically restored to the values before opening the source. % % == % process_source(Src) :- % prolog_open_source(Src, In), % call_cleanup(process(Src), prolog_close_source(In)). % == prolog_open_source(Src, Fd) :- '$push_input_context'(source), catch(( prolog:xref_open_source(Src, Fd) -> Hooked = true ; open(Src, read, Fd), Hooked = false ), E, ( '$pop_input_context', throw(E) )), skip_hashbang(Fd), push_operators([]), '$current_source_module'(SM), '$save_lex_state'(LexState, []), asserta(open_source(Fd, state(Hooked, Src, LexState, SM))). skip_hashbang(Fd) :- catch(( peek_char(Fd, #) % Deal with #! script -> skip(Fd, 10) ; true ), E, ( close(Fd, [force(true)]), '$pop_input_context', throw(E) )). %! prolog:xref_open_source(+SourceID, -Stream) % % Hook to open an xref SourceID. This is used for % cross-referencing non-files, such as XPCE buffers, files from % archives, git repositories, etc. When successful, the % corresponding prolog:xref_close_source/2 hook is called for % closing the source. %! prolog_close_source(+In:stream) is det. % % Close a stream opened using prolog_open_source/2. Restores % operator and style options. If the stream has not been read to % the end, we call expand_term(end_of_file, _) to allow expansion % modules to clean-up. prolog_close_source(In) :- call_cleanup( restore_source_context(In, Hooked, Src), close_source(Hooked, Src, In)). close_source(true, Src, In) :- catch(prolog:xref_close_source(Src, In), _, false), !, '$pop_input_context'. close_source(_, _Src, In) :- close(In, [force(true)]), '$pop_input_context'. restore_source_context(In, Hooked, Src) :- ( at_end_of_stream(In) -> true ; ignore(catch(expand(end_of_file, _, In, _), _, true)) ), pop_operators, retractall(mode(In, _)), ( retract(open_source(In, state(Hooked, Src, LexState, SM))) -> '$restore_lex_state'(LexState), '$set_source_module'(SM) ; assertion(fail) ). %! prolog:xref_close_source(+SourceID, +Stream) is semidet. % % Called by prolog_close_source/1 to close a source previously % opened by the hook prolog:xref_open_source/2. If the hook fails % close/2 using the option force(true) is used. %! prolog_canonical_source(+SourceSpec:ground, -Id:atomic) is semidet. % % Given a user-specification of a source, generate a unique and % indexable identifier for it. For files we use the % prolog_canonical absolute filename. Id must be valid input for % prolog_open_source/2. prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src) :- var(Source), !, Src = Source. prolog_canonical_source(User, user) :- User == user, !. prolog_canonical_source(Src, Id) :- % Call hook prolog:xref_source_identifier(Src, Id), !. prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src) :- source_file(Source), !, Src = Source. prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src) :- absolute_file_name(Source, Src, [ file_type(prolog), access(read), file_errors(fail) ]), !. %! file_name_on_path(+File:atom, -OnPath) is det. % % True if OnPath a description of File based on the file search % path. This performs the inverse of absolute_file_name/3. file_name_on_path(Path, ShortId) :- ( file_alias_path(Alias, Dir), atom_concat(Dir, Local, Path) -> ( Alias == '.' -> ShortId = Local ; file_name_extension(Base, pl, Local) -> ShortId =.. [Alias, Base] ; ShortId =.. [Alias, Local] ) ; ShortId = Path ). %! file_alias_path(-Alias, ?Dir) is nondet. % % True if file Alias points to Dir. Multiple solutions are % generated with the longest directory first. :- dynamic alias_cache/2. file_alias_path(Alias, Dir) :- ( alias_cache(_, _) -> true ; build_alias_cache ), ( nonvar(Dir) -> ensure_slash(Dir, DirSlash), alias_cache(Alias, DirSlash) ; alias_cache(Alias, Dir) ). build_alias_cache :- findall(t(DirLen, AliasLen, Alias, Dir), search_path(Alias, Dir, AliasLen, DirLen), Ts), sort(0, >, Ts, List), forall(member(t(_, _, Alias, Dir), List), assert(alias_cache(Alias, Dir))). search_path('.', Here, 999, DirLen) :- working_directory(Here0, Here0), ensure_slash(Here0, Here), atom_length(Here, DirLen). search_path(Alias, Dir, AliasLen, DirLen) :- user:file_search_path(Alias, _), Alias \== autoload, % TBD: Multifile predicate? Alias \== noautoload, Spec =.. [Alias,'.'], atom_length(Alias, AliasLen0), AliasLen is 1000 - AliasLen0, % must do reverse sort absolute_file_name(Spec, Dir0, [ file_type(directory), access(read), solutions(all), file_errors(fail) ]), ensure_slash(Dir0, Dir), atom_length(Dir, DirLen). ensure_slash(Dir, Dir) :- sub_atom(Dir, _, _, 0, /), !. ensure_slash(Dir0, Dir) :- atom_concat(Dir0, /, Dir). %! path_segments_atom(+Segments, -Atom) is det. %! path_segments_atom(-Segments, +Atom) is det. % % Translate between a path represented as a/b/c and an atom % representing the same path. For example: % % == % ?- path_segments_atom(a/b/c, X). % X = 'a/b/c'. % ?- path_segments_atom(S, 'a/b/c'), display(S). % /(/(a,b),c) % S = a/b/c. % == % % This predicate is part of the Prolog source library because % SWI-Prolog allows writing paths as /-nested terms and % source-code analysis programs often need this. path_segments_atom(Segments, Atom) :- var(Atom), !, ( atomic(Segments) -> Atom = Segments ; segments_to_list(Segments, List, []) -> atomic_list_concat(List, /, Atom) ; throw(error(type_error(file_path, Segments), _)) ). path_segments_atom(Segments, Atom) :- atomic_list_concat(List, /, Atom), parts_to_path(List, Segments). segments_to_list(Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. segments_to_list(A/B, H, T) :- segments_to_list(A, H, T0), segments_to_list(B, T0, T). segments_to_list(A, [A|T], T) :- atomic(A). parts_to_path([One], One) :- !. parts_to_path(List, More/T) :- ( append(H, [T], List) -> parts_to_path(H, More) ). %! directory_source_files(+Dir, -Files, +Options) is det. % % True when Files is a sorted list of Prolog source files in Dir. % Options: % % * recursive(boolean) % If =true= (default =false=), recurse into subdirectories % * if(Condition) % If =true= (default =loaded=), only report loaded files. % % Other options are passed to absolute_file_name/3, unless % loaded(true) is passed. directory_source_files(Dir, SrcFiles, Options) :- option(if(loaded), Options, loaded), !, absolute_file_name(Dir, AbsDir, [file_type(directory), access(read)]), ( option(recursive(true), Options) -> ensure_slash(AbsDir, Prefix), findall(F, ( source_file(F), sub_atom(F, 0, _, _, Prefix) ), SrcFiles) ; findall(F, ( source_file(F), file_directory_name(F, AbsDir) ), SrcFiles) ). directory_source_files(Dir, SrcFiles, Options) :- absolute_file_name(Dir, AbsDir, [file_type(directory), access(read)]), directory_files(AbsDir, Files), phrase(src_files(Files, AbsDir, Options), SrcFiles). src_files([], _, _) --> []. src_files([H|T], Dir, Options) --> { file_name_extension(_, Ext, H), user:prolog_file_type(Ext, prolog), \+ user:prolog_file_type(Ext, qlf), dir_file_path(Dir, H, File0), absolute_file_name(File0, File, [ file_errors(fail) | Options ]) }, !, [File], src_files(T, Dir, Options). src_files([H|T], Dir, Options) --> { \+ special(H), option(recursive(true), Options), dir_file_path(Dir, H, SubDir), exists_directory(SubDir), !, catch(directory_files(SubDir, Files), _, fail) }, !, src_files(Files, SubDir, Options), src_files(T, Dir, Options). src_files([_|T], Dir, Options) --> src_files(T, Dir, Options). special(.). special(..). % avoid dependency on library(filesex), which also pulls a foreign % dependency. dir_file_path(Dir, File, Path) :- ( sub_atom(Dir, _, _, 0, /) -> atom_concat(Dir, File, Path) ; atom_concat(Dir, /, TheDir), atom_concat(TheDir, File, Path) ). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(quasi_quotation(undeclared, Syntax)) --> [ 'Undeclared quasi quotation syntax: ~w'-[Syntax], nl, 'Autoloading can be defined using prolog:quasi_quotation_syntax/2' ].