35:- module(pldoc_pack,
36 [ doc_pack/1 37 ]). 38:- use_module(library(prolog_pack)). 39:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 40:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 41:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 42:- use_module(doc_html). 43:- use_module(doc_index).
54:- http_handler(pldoc(pack), http_redirect(moved, pldoc('pack/')), []). 55:- http_handler(pldoc('pack/'), pldoc_pack, [prefix]).
65pldoc_pack(Request) :-
66 memberchk(path_info(PackPath), Request),
67 PackPath \== '',
68 !,
69 ( pack_path(Pack, PackFile, PackPath)
70 -> list_pack(Pack, PackFile, Request)
71 ; http_404([], Request)
72 ).
73pldoc_pack(_Request) :-
74 reply_html_page(
75 pldoc(packs),
76 title('Installed extension packs'),
77 \pack_page([])).
79pack_path(Pack, PackFile, PackPath) :-
80 sub_atom(PackPath, B, _, A, /),
81 !,
82 sub_atom(PackPath, 0, B, _, Pack),
83 sub_atom(PackPath, _, A, 0, PackFile).
85pack_page(Options) -->
86 html_requires(pldoc),
87 object_page_header(-, Options),
88 html([ h1('Installed extension packs'),
89 p([ 'The following extension packages are installed in ',
90 'the this Prolog system. Other packages can be found at ',
91 a(href('http://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/list'),
92 'the SWI-Prolog website')
93 ]),
94 \pack_table(Options)
95 ]).
102pack_table(_Options) -->
103 { findall(Pack, pack_property(Pack, directory(_)), Packs0),
104 sort(Packs0, Packs)
105 },
106 html(table(class(packs),
107 [ tr([th('Pack'), th('Version'), th('Title')])
108 | \packs(Packs)
109 ])).
111packs([]) --> [].
112packs([H|T]) --> pack(H), packs(T).
114pack(Pack) -->
115 { uri_encoded(path, Pack, HREF),
116 pack_property(Pack, version(Version)),
117 ( pack_property(Pack, title(Title))
118 -> true
119 ; Title = '<no title>'
120 )
121 },
122 html(tr([ td(class(pack_name), a(href(HREF+'/'), Pack)),
123 td(class(pack_version), Version),
124 td(class(pack_title), Title)
125 ])).
132list_pack(Pack, '', _) :-
133 !,
134 reply_html_page(
135 pldoc(pack),
136 title('Documentation for pack ~w'-[Pack]),
137 \pack_doc(Pack)).
138list_pack(Pack, File, Request) :-
139 pack_property(Pack, directory(PackDir)),
140 directory_file_path(PackDir, File, Path0),
141 absolute_file_name(Path0, Path), 142 sub_atom(Path, 0, _, _, PackDir),
143 pldoc_http:doc_reply_file(Path, Request).
145pack_doc(Pack) -->
146 { pack_property(Pack, directory(PackDir)),
147 pack_title(Pack, Title),
148 findall(O, pack_option(Pack, O), Options)
149 },
150 dir_index(PackDir,
151 [ if(true),
152 recursive(true),
153 title(Title)
154 | Options
155 ]).
170doc_pack(Pack) :-
171 pack_property(Pack, directory(PackDir)),
172 pack_title(Pack, PackTitle),
173 findall(O, pack_option(Pack, O), Options),
174 directory_file_path(PackDir, prolog, SourceDir),
175 directory_file_path(PackDir, doc, DocDir),
176 doc_save(SourceDir,
177 [ title(PackTitle),
178 doc_root(DocDir),
179 if(true),
180 recursive(true)
181 | Options
182 ]).
184pack_title(Pack, PackTitle) :-
185 pack_property(Pack, title(Title)),
186 !,
187 format(atom(PackTitle), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, Title]).
188pack_title(Pack, PackTitle) :-
189 format(atom(PackTitle), 'Pack ~w', [Pack]).
191pack_option(Pack, Option) :-
192 pack_option(Option),
193 pack_property(Pack, Option).
PlDoc for Prolog extension packs
This module profiles PlDoc support specific to Prolog extension packs. It extends the PlDoc web-browser with the ability to lists the installed packs and provide an overview of a pack, whether loaded or not. The predicate doc_pack/1 can be used to generate stand-alone HTML documentation for a pack. */