/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 1985-2020, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module('$syspreds', [ leash/1, visible/1, style_check/1, (spy)/1, (nospy)/1, nospyall/0, debugging/0, flag/3, atom_prefix/2, dwim_match/2, source_file_property/2, source_file/1, source_file/2, unload_file/1, exists_source/1, % +Spec exists_source/2, % +Spec, -Path use_foreign_library/1, % :FileSpec use_foreign_library/2, % :FileSpec, +Install prolog_load_context/2, stream_position_data/3, current_predicate/2, '$defined_predicate'/1, predicate_property/2, '$predicate_property'/2, (dynamic)/2, % :Predicates, +Options clause_property/2, current_module/1, % ?Module module_property/2, % ?Module, ?Property module/1, % +Module current_trie/1, % ?Trie trie_property/2, % ?Trie, ?Property working_directory/2, % -OldDir, +NewDir shell/1, % +Command on_signal/3, current_signal/3, open_shared_object/2, open_shared_object/3, format/1, garbage_collect/0, set_prolog_stack/2, prolog_stack_property/2, absolute_file_name/2, tmp_file_stream/3, % +Enc, -File, -Stream call_with_depth_limit/3, % :Goal, +Limit, -Result call_with_inference_limit/3, % :Goal, +Limit, -Result numbervars/3, % +Term, +Start, -End term_string/3, % ?Term, ?String, +Options nb_setval/2, % +Var, +Value thread_create/2, % :Goal, -Id thread_join/1, % +Id transaction/1, % :Goal transaction/2, % :Goal, +Options transaction/3, % :Goal, :Constraint, +Mutex snapshot/1, % :Goal set_prolog_gc_thread/1, % +Status '$wrap_predicate'/5 % :Head, +Name, -Closure, -Wrapped, +Body ]). :- meta_predicate dynamic(:, +), use_foreign_library(:), use_foreign_library(:, +), transaction(0), transaction(0,0,+), snapshot(0). /******************************** * DEBUGGER * *********************************/ %! map_bits(:Pred, +Modify, +OldBits, -NewBits) :- meta_predicate map_bits(2, +, +, -). map_bits(_, Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, '$instantiation_error'(Var). map_bits(_, [], Bits, Bits) :- !. map_bits(Pred, [H|T], Old, New) :- map_bits(Pred, H, Old, New0), map_bits(Pred, T, New0, New). map_bits(Pred, +Name, Old, New) :- % set a bit !, bit(Pred, Name, Bits), !, New is Old \/ Bits. map_bits(Pred, -Name, Old, New) :- % clear a bit !, bit(Pred, Name, Bits), !, New is Old /\ (\Bits). map_bits(Pred, ?(Name), Old, Old) :- % ask a bit !, bit(Pred, Name, Bits), Old /\ Bits > 0. map_bits(_, Term, _, _) :- '$type_error'('+|-|?(Flag)', Term). bit(Pred, Name, Bits) :- call(Pred, Name, Bits), !. bit(_:Pred, Name, _) :- '$domain_error'(Pred, Name). :- public port_name/2. % used by library(test_cover) port_name( call, 2'000000001). port_name( exit, 2'000000010). port_name( fail, 2'000000100). port_name( redo, 2'000001000). port_name( unify, 2'000010000). port_name( break, 2'000100000). port_name( cut_call, 2'001000000). port_name( cut_exit, 2'010000000). port_name( exception, 2'100000000). port_name( cut, 2'011000000). port_name( all, 2'000111111). port_name( full, 2'000101111). port_name( half, 2'000101101). % ' leash(Ports) :- '$leash'(Old, Old), map_bits(port_name, Ports, Old, New), '$leash'(_, New). visible(Ports) :- '$visible'(Old, Old), map_bits(port_name, Ports, Old, New), '$visible'(_, New). style_name(atom, 0x0001) :- print_message(warning, decl_no_effect(style_check(atom))). style_name(singleton, 0x0042). % semantic and syntactic style_name(discontiguous, 0x0008). style_name(charset, 0x0020). style_name(no_effect, 0x0080). style_name(var_branches, 0x0100). %! style_check(+Spec) is nondet. style_check(Var) :- var(Var), !, '$instantiation_error'(Var). style_check(?(Style)) :- !, ( var(Style) -> enum_style_check(Style) ; enum_style_check(Style) -> true ). style_check(Spec) :- '$style_check'(Old, Old), map_bits(style_name, Spec, Old, New), '$style_check'(_, New). enum_style_check(Style) :- '$style_check'(Bits, Bits), style_name(Style, Bit), Bit /\ Bits =\= 0. %! prolog:debug_control_hook(+Action) % % Allow user-hooks in the Prolog debugger interaction. See the calls % below for the provided hooks. We use a single predicate with action % argument to avoid an uncontrolled poliferation of hooks. :- multifile prolog:debug_control_hook/1. % +Action :- meta_predicate spy(:), nospy(:). %! spy(:Spec) is det. %! nospy(:Spec) is det. %! nospyall is det. % % Set/clear spy-points. A successfully set or cleared spy-point is % reported using print_message/2, level =informational=, with one % of the following terms, where Spec is of the form M:Head. % % - spy(Spec) % - nospy(Spec) % % @see spy/1 and nospy/1 call the hook prolog:debug_control_hook/1 % to allow for alternative specifications of the thing to % debug. spy(_:X) :- var(X), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)). spy(_:[]) :- !. spy(M:[H|T]) :- !, spy(M:H), spy(M:T). spy(Spec) :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(spy(Spec))), !. spy(Spec) :- '$find_predicate'(Spec, Preds), '$member'(PI, Preds), pi_to_head(PI, Head), '$define_predicate'(Head), '$spy'(Head), fail. spy(_). nospy(_:X) :- var(X), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)). nospy(_:[]) :- !. nospy(M:[H|T]) :- !, nospy(M:H), nospy(M:T). nospy(Spec) :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(nospy(Spec))), !. nospy(Spec) :- '$find_predicate'(Spec, Preds), '$member'(PI, Preds), pi_to_head(PI, Head), '$nospy'(Head), fail. nospy(_). nospyall :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(nospyall)), fail. nospyall :- spy_point(Head), '$nospy'(Head), fail. nospyall. pi_to_head(M:PI, M:Head) :- !, pi_to_head(PI, Head). pi_to_head(Name/Arity, Head) :- functor(Head, Name, Arity). %! debugging is det. % % Report current status of the debugger. debugging :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(debugging)), !. debugging :- current_prolog_flag(debug, true), !, print_message(informational, debugging(on)), findall(H, spy_point(H), SpyPoints), print_message(informational, spying(SpyPoints)). debugging :- print_message(informational, debugging(off)). spy_point(Module:Head) :- current_predicate(_, Module:Head), '$get_predicate_attribute'(Module:Head, spy, 1), \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)). %! flag(+Name, -Old, +New) is det. % % True when Old is the current value associated with the flag Name % and New has become the new value. flag(Name, Old, New) :- Old == New, !, get_flag(Name, Old). flag(Name, Old, New) :- with_mutex('$flag', update_flag(Name, Old, New)). update_flag(Name, Old, New) :- get_flag(Name, Old), ( atom(New) -> set_flag(Name, New) ; Value is New, set_flag(Name, Value) ). /******************************** * ATOMS * *********************************/ dwim_match(A1, A2) :- dwim_match(A1, A2, _). atom_prefix(Atom, Prefix) :- sub_atom(Atom, 0, _, _, Prefix). /******************************** * SOURCE * *********************************/ %! source_file(-File) is nondet. %! source_file(+File) is semidet. % % True if File is loaded into Prolog. If File is unbound it is % bound to the canonical name for it. If File is bound it succeeds % if the canonical name as defined by absolute_file_name/2 is % known as a loaded filename. % % Note that Time = 0.0 is used by PlDoc and other code that needs % to create a file record without being interested in the time. source_file(File) :- ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, user) -> Level = user ; true ), ( ground(File) -> ( '$time_source_file'(File, Time, Level) ; absolute_file_name(File, Abs), '$time_source_file'(Abs, Time, Level) ), ! ; '$time_source_file'(File, Time, Level) ), Time > 0.0. %! source_file(+Head, -File) is semidet. %! source_file(?Head, ?File) is nondet. % % True when Head is a predicate owned by File. :- meta_predicate source_file(:, ?). source_file(M:Head, File) :- nonvar(M), nonvar(Head), !, ( '$c_current_predicate'(_, M:Head), predicate_property(M:Head, multifile) -> multi_source_files(M:Head, Files), '$member'(File, Files) ; '$source_file'(M:Head, File) ). source_file(M:Head, File) :- ( nonvar(File) -> true ; source_file(File) ), '$source_file_predicates'(File, Predicates), '$member'(M:Head, Predicates). :- thread_local found_src_file/1. multi_source_files(Head, Files) :- call_cleanup( findall(File, multi_source_file(Head, File), Files), retractall(found_src_file(_))). multi_source_file(Head, File) :- nth_clause(Head, _, Clause), clause_property(Clause, source(File)), \+ found_src_file(File), asserta(found_src_file(File)). %! source_file_property(?File, ?Property) is nondet. % % True if Property is a property of the loaded source-file File. source_file_property(File, P) :- nonvar(File), !, canonical_source_file(File, Path), property_source_file(P, Path). source_file_property(File, P) :- property_source_file(P, File). property_source_file(modified(Time), File) :- '$time_source_file'(File, Time, user). property_source_file(source(Source), File) :- ( '$source_file_property'(File, from_state, true) -> Source = state ; '$source_file_property'(File, resource, true) -> Source = resource ; Source = file ). property_source_file(module(M), File) :- ( nonvar(M) -> '$current_module'(M, File) ; nonvar(File) -> '$current_module'(ML, File), ( atom(ML) -> M = ML ; '$member'(M, ML) ) ; '$current_module'(M, File) ). property_source_file(load_context(Module, Location, Options), File) :- '$time_source_file'(File, _, user), clause(system:'$load_context_module'(File, Module, Options), true, Ref), ( clause_property(Ref, file(FromFile)), clause_property(Ref, line_count(FromLine)) -> Location = FromFile:FromLine ; Location = user ). property_source_file(includes(Master, Stamp), File) :- system:'$included'(File, _Line, Master, Stamp). property_source_file(included_in(Master, Line), File) :- system:'$included'(Master, Line, File, _). property_source_file(derived_from(DerivedFrom, Stamp), File) :- system:'$derived_source'(File, DerivedFrom, Stamp). property_source_file(reloading, File) :- source_file(File), '$source_file_property'(File, reloading, true). property_source_file(load_count(Count), File) :- source_file(File), '$source_file_property'(File, load_count, Count). property_source_file(number_of_clauses(Count), File) :- source_file(File), '$source_file_property'(File, number_of_clauses, Count). %! canonical_source_file(+Spec, -File) is semidet. % % File is the canonical representation of the source-file Spec. canonical_source_file(Spec, File) :- atom(Spec), '$time_source_file'(Spec, _, _), !, File = Spec. canonical_source_file(Spec, File) :- system:'$included'(_Master, _Line, Spec, _), !, File = Spec. canonical_source_file(Spec, File) :- absolute_file_name(Spec, [ file_type(prolog), access(read), file_errors(fail) ], File), source_file(File). %! exists_source(+Source) is semidet. %! exists_source(+Source, -Path) is semidet. % % True if Source (a term valid for load_files/2) exists. Fails % without error if this is not the case. The predicate is intended % to be used with :- if, as in the example below. See also % source_exports/2. % % ``` % :- if(exists_source(library(error))). % :- use_module_library(error). % :- endif. % ``` exists_source(Source) :- exists_source(Source, _Path). exists_source(Source, Path) :- absolute_file_name(Source, Path, [ file_type(prolog), access(read), file_errors(fail) ]). %! prolog_load_context(+Key, -Value) % % Provides context information for term_expansion and directives. % Note that only the line-number info is valid for the % '$stream_position'. Largely Quintus compatible. prolog_load_context(module, Module) :- '$current_source_module'(Module). prolog_load_context(file, File) :- input_file(File). prolog_load_context(source, F) :- % SICStus compatibility input_file(F0), '$input_context'(Context), '$top_file'(Context, F0, F). prolog_load_context(stream, S) :- ( system:'$load_input'(_, S0) -> S = S0 ). prolog_load_context(directory, D) :- input_file(F), file_directory_name(F, D). prolog_load_context(dialect, D) :- current_prolog_flag(emulated_dialect, D). prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPos) :- source_location(_, L), ( nb_current('$term_position', Pos), compound(Pos), % actually set stream_position_data(line_count, Pos, L) -> TermPos = Pos ; TermPos = '$stream_position'(0,L,0,0) ). prolog_load_context(script, Bool) :- ( '$toplevel':loaded_init_file(script, Path), input_file(File), same_file(File, Path) -> Bool = true ; Bool = false ). prolog_load_context(variable_names, Bindings) :- nb_current('$variable_names', Bindings). prolog_load_context(term, Term) :- nb_current('$term', Term). prolog_load_context(reloading, true) :- prolog_load_context(source, F), '$source_file_property'(F, reloading, true). input_file(File) :- ( system:'$load_input'(_, Stream) -> stream_property(Stream, file_name(File)) ), !. input_file(File) :- source_location(File, _). %! unload_file(+File) is det. % % Remove all traces of loading file. :- dynamic system:'$resolved_source_path'/2. unload_file(File) :- ( canonical_source_file(File, Path) -> '$unload_file'(Path), retractall(system:'$resolved_source_path'(_, Path)) ; true ). /******************************* * FOREIGN LIBRARIES * *******************************/ %! use_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det. %! use_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det. % % Load and install a foreign library as load_foreign_library/1,2 % and register the installation using initialization/2 with the % option =now=. This is similar to using: % % == % :- initialization(load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib))). % == % % but using the initialization/1 wrapper causes the library to be % loaded _after_ loading of the file in which it appears is % completed, while use_foreign_library/1 loads the library % _immediately_. I.e. the difference is only relevant if the % remainder of the file uses functionality of the C-library. use_foreign_library(FileSpec) :- ensure_shlib, initialization(shlib:load_foreign_library(FileSpec), now). use_foreign_library(FileSpec, Entry) :- ensure_shlib, initialization(shlib:load_foreign_library(FileSpec, Entry), now). ensure_shlib :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(shlib:load_foreign_library(_), defined, 1), '$get_predicate_attribute'(shlib:load_foreign_library(_,_), defined, 1), !. ensure_shlib :- use_module(library(shlib), []). /******************************* * STREAMS * *******************************/ %! stream_position_data(?Field, +Pos, ?Date) % % Extract values from stream position objects. '$stream_position' is % of the format '$stream_position'(Byte, Char, Line, LinePos) stream_position_data(Prop, Term, Value) :- nonvar(Prop), !, ( stream_position_field(Prop, Pos) -> arg(Pos, Term, Value) ; throw(error(domain_error(stream_position_data, Prop))) ). stream_position_data(Prop, Term, Value) :- stream_position_field(Prop, Pos), arg(Pos, Term, Value). stream_position_field(char_count, 1). stream_position_field(line_count, 2). stream_position_field(line_position, 3). stream_position_field(byte_count, 4). /******************************* * CONTROL * *******************************/ %! call_with_depth_limit(:Goal, +DepthLimit, -Result) % % Try to proof Goal, but fail on any branch exceeding the indicated % depth-limit. Unify Result with the maximum-reached limit on success, % depth_limit_exceeded if the limit was exceeded and fails otherwise. :- meta_predicate call_with_depth_limit(0, +, -). call_with_depth_limit(G, Limit, Result) :- '$depth_limit'(Limit, OLimit, OReached), ( catch(G, E, '$depth_limit_except'(OLimit, OReached, E)), '$depth_limit_true'(Limit, OLimit, OReached, Result, Det), ( Det == ! -> ! ; true ) ; '$depth_limit_false'(OLimit, OReached, Result) ). %! call_with_inference_limit(:Goal, +InferenceLimit, -Result) % % Equivalent to call(Goal), but poses a limit on the number of % inferences. If this limit is reached, Result is unified with % `inference_limit_exceeded`, otherwise Result is unified with `!` if % Goal succeeded without a choicepoint and `true` otherwise. % % Note that we perform calls in system to avoid auto-importing, which % makes raiseInferenceLimitException() fail to recognise that the % exception happens in the overhead. :- meta_predicate call_with_inference_limit(0, +, -). call_with_inference_limit(G, Limit, Result) :- '$inference_limit'(Limit, OLimit), ( catch(G, Except, system:'$inference_limit_except'(OLimit, Except, Result0)), ( Result0 == inference_limit_exceeded -> ! ; system:'$inference_limit_true'(Limit, OLimit, Result0), ( Result0 == ! -> ! ; true ) ), Result = Result0 ; system:'$inference_limit_false'(OLimit) ). /******************************** * DATA BASE * *********************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The predicate current_predicate/2 is a difficult subject since the introduction of defaulting modules and dynamic libraries. current_predicate/2 is normally called with instantiated arguments to verify some predicate can be called without trapping an undefined predicate. In this case we must perform the search algorithm used by the prolog system itself. If the pattern is not fully specified, we only generate the predicates actually available in this module. This seems the best for listing, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- meta_predicate current_predicate(?, :), '$defined_predicate'(:). current_predicate(Name, Module:Head) :- (var(Module) ; var(Head)), !, generate_current_predicate(Name, Module, Head). current_predicate(Name, Term) :- '$c_current_predicate'(Name, Term), '$defined_predicate'(Term), !. current_predicate(Name, Module:Head) :- default_module(Module, DefModule), '$c_current_predicate'(Name, DefModule:Head), '$defined_predicate'(DefModule:Head), !. current_predicate(Name, Module:Head) :- '$autoload':autoload_in(Module, general), \+ current_prolog_flag(Module:unknown, fail), ( compound(Head) -> compound_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity) ; Name = Head, Arity = 0 ), '$find_library'(Module, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, _Library), !. generate_current_predicate(Name, Module, Head) :- current_module(Module), QHead = Module:Head, '$c_current_predicate'(Name, QHead), '$get_predicate_attribute'(QHead, defined, 1). '$defined_predicate'(Head) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Head, defined, 1), !. %! predicate_property(?Predicate, ?Property) is nondet. % % True when Property is a property of Predicate. :- meta_predicate predicate_property(:, ?). :- multifile '$predicate_property'/2. :- '$iso'(predicate_property/2). predicate_property(Pred, Property) :- % Mode ?,+ nonvar(Property), !, property_predicate(Property, Pred). predicate_property(Pred, Property) :- % Mode +,- define_or_generate(Pred), '$predicate_property'(Property, Pred). %! property_predicate(+Property, ?Pred) % % First handle the special cases that are not about querying % normally defined predicates: =undefined=, =visible= and % =autoload=, followed by the generic case. property_predicate(undefined, Pred) :- !, Pred = Module:Head, current_module(Module), '$c_current_predicate'(_, Pred), \+ '$defined_predicate'(Pred), % Speed up a bit \+ current_predicate(_, Pred), goal_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity), \+ system_undefined(Module:Name/Arity). property_predicate(visible, Pred) :- !, visible_predicate(Pred). property_predicate(autoload(File), Head) :- !, \+ current_prolog_flag(autoload, false), '$autoload':autoloadable(Head, File). property_predicate(implementation_module(IM), M:Head) :- !, atom(M), ( default_module(M, DM), '$get_predicate_attribute'(DM:Head, defined, 1) -> ( '$get_predicate_attribute'(DM:Head, imported, ImportM) -> IM = ImportM ; IM = M ) ; \+ current_prolog_flag(M:unknown, fail), goal_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity), '$find_library'(_, Name, Arity, LoadModule, _File) -> IM = LoadModule ; M = IM ). property_predicate(iso, _:Head) :- callable(Head), !, goal_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity), current_predicate(system:Name/Arity), '$predicate_property'(iso, system:Head). property_predicate(built_in, Module:Head) :- callable(Head), !, goal_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity), current_predicate(Module:Name/Arity), '$predicate_property'(built_in, Module:Head). property_predicate(Property, Pred) :- define_or_generate(Pred), '$predicate_property'(Property, Pred). goal_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity) :- compound(Head), !, compound_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity). goal_name_arity(Head, Head, 0). %! define_or_generate(+Head) is semidet. %! define_or_generate(-Head) is nondet. % % If the predicate is known, try to resolve it. Otherwise generate % the known predicate, but do not try to (auto)load the predicate. define_or_generate(M:Head) :- callable(Head), atom(M), '$get_predicate_attribute'(M:Head, defined, 1), !. define_or_generate(M:Head) :- callable(Head), nonvar(M), M \== system, !, '$define_predicate'(M:Head). define_or_generate(Pred) :- current_predicate(_, Pred), '$define_predicate'(Pred). '$predicate_property'(interpreted, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, foreign, 0). '$predicate_property'(visible, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, defined, 1). '$predicate_property'(built_in, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, system, 1). '$predicate_property'(exported, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, exported, 1). '$predicate_property'(public, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, public, 1). '$predicate_property'(non_terminal, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, non_terminal, 1). '$predicate_property'(foreign, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, foreign, 1). '$predicate_property'((dynamic), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (dynamic), 1). '$predicate_property'((static), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (dynamic), 0). '$predicate_property'((volatile), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (volatile), 1). '$predicate_property'((thread_local), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (thread_local), 1). '$predicate_property'((multifile), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (multifile), 1). '$predicate_property'(imported_from(Module), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, imported, Module). '$predicate_property'(transparent, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, transparent, 1). '$predicate_property'(meta_predicate(Pattern), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, meta_predicate, Pattern). '$predicate_property'(file(File), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, file, File). '$predicate_property'(line_count(LineNumber), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, line_count, LineNumber). '$predicate_property'(notrace, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, trace, 0). '$predicate_property'(nodebug, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, hide_childs, 1). '$predicate_property'(spying, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, spy, 1). '$predicate_property'(number_of_clauses(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, number_of_clauses, N). '$predicate_property'(number_of_rules(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, number_of_rules, N). '$predicate_property'(last_modified_generation(Gen), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, last_modified_generation, Gen). '$predicate_property'(indexed(Indices), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, indexed, Indices). '$predicate_property'(noprofile, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, noprofile, 1). '$predicate_property'(iso, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, iso, 1). '$predicate_property'(quasi_quotation_syntax, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, quasi_quotation_syntax, 1). '$predicate_property'(defined, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, defined, 1). '$predicate_property'(tabled, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, tabled, 1). '$predicate_property'(tabled(Flag), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, tabled, 1), table_flag(Flag, Pred). '$predicate_property'(incremental, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, incremental, 1). '$predicate_property'(monotonic, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, monotonic, 1). '$predicate_property'(opaque, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, opaque, 1). '$predicate_property'(lazy, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, lazy, 1). '$predicate_property'(abstract(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, abstract, N). '$predicate_property'(size(Bytes), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, size, Bytes). system_undefined(user:prolog_trace_interception/4). system_undefined(user:prolog_exception_hook/4). system_undefined(system:'$c_call_prolog'/0). system_undefined(system:window_title/2). table_flag(variant, Pred) :- '$tbl_implementation'(Pred, M:Head), M:'$tabled'(Head, variant). table_flag(subsumptive, Pred) :- '$tbl_implementation'(Pred, M:Head), M:'$tabled'(Head, subsumptive). table_flag(shared, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, tshared, 1). table_flag(incremental, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, incremental, 1). table_flag(monotonic, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, monotonic, 1). table_flag(subgoal_abstract(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, subgoal_abstract, N). table_flag(answer_abstract(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, subgoal_abstract, N). table_flag(subgoal_abstract(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, max_answers, N). %! visible_predicate(:Head) is nondet. % % True when Head can be called without raising an existence error. % This implies it is defined, can be inherited from a default % module or can be autoloaded. visible_predicate(Pred) :- Pred = M:Head, current_module(M), ( callable(Head) -> ( '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, defined, 1) -> true ; \+ current_prolog_flag(M:unknown, fail), functor(Head, Name, Arity), '$find_library'(M, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, _Library) ) ; setof(PI, visible_in_module(M, PI), PIs), '$member'(Name/Arity, PIs), functor(Head, Name, Arity) ). visible_in_module(M, Name/Arity) :- default_module(M, DefM), DefHead = DefM:Head, '$c_current_predicate'(_, DefHead), '$get_predicate_attribute'(DefHead, defined, 1), \+ hidden_system_predicate(Head), functor(Head, Name, Arity). visible_in_module(_, Name/Arity) :- '$in_library'(Name, Arity, _). hidden_system_predicate(Head) :- functor(Head, Name, _), atom(Name), % Avoid []. sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, $), \+ current_prolog_flag(access_level, system). %! clause_property(+ClauseRef, ?Property) is nondet. % % Provide information on individual clauses. Defined properties % are: % % * line_count(-Line) % Line from which the clause is loaded. % * file(-File) % File from which the clause is loaded. % * source(-File) % File that `owns' the clause: reloading this file wipes % the clause. % * fact % Clause has body =true=. % * erased % Clause was erased. % * predicate(:PI) % Predicate indicator of the predicate this clause belongs % to. Can be used to find the predicate of erased clauses. % * module(-M) % Module context in which the clause was compiled. clause_property(Clause, Property) :- '$clause_property'(Property, Clause). '$clause_property'(line_count(LineNumber), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, line_count, LineNumber). '$clause_property'(file(File), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, file, File). '$clause_property'(source(File), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, owner, File). '$clause_property'(size(Bytes), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, size, Bytes). '$clause_property'(fact, Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, fact, true). '$clause_property'(erased, Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, erased, true). '$clause_property'(predicate(PI), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, predicate_indicator, PI). '$clause_property'(module(M), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, module, M). %! dynamic(:Predicates, +Options) is det. % % Define a predicate as dynamic with optionally additional properties. % Defined options are: % % - incremental(+Bool) % - abstract(+Level) % - multifile(+Bool) % - discontiguous(+Bool) % - thread(+Mode) % - volatile(+Bool) dynamic(M:Predicates, Options) :- '$must_be'(list, Predicates), options_properties(Options, Props), set_pprops(Predicates, M, [dynamic|Props]). set_pprops([], _, _). set_pprops([H|T], M, Props) :- set_pprops1(Props, M:H), strip_module(M:H, M2, P), '$pi_head'(M2:P, Pred), '$set_table_wrappers'(Pred), set_pprops(T, M, Props). set_pprops1([], _). set_pprops1([H|T], P) :- ( atom(H) -> '$set_predicate_attribute'(P, H, true) ; H =.. [Name,Value] -> '$set_predicate_attribute'(P, Name, Value) ), set_pprops1(T, P). options_properties(Options, Props) :- G = opt_prop(_,_,_,_), findall(G, G, Spec), options_properties(Spec, Options, Props). options_properties([], _, []). options_properties([opt_prop(Name, Type, SetValue, Prop)|T], Options, [Prop|PT]) :- Opt =.. [Name,V], '$option'(Opt, Options), '$must_be'(Type, V), V = SetValue, !, options_properties(T, Options, PT). options_properties([_|T], Options, PT) :- options_properties(T, Options, PT). opt_prop(incremental, boolean, Bool, incremental(Bool)). opt_prop(abstract, between(0,0), 0, abstract). opt_prop(multifile, boolean, true, multifile). opt_prop(discontiguous, boolean, true, discontiguous). opt_prop(volatile, boolean, true, volatile). opt_prop(thread, oneof(atom, [local,shared],[local,shared]), local, thread_local). /******************************** * MODULES * *********************************/ %! current_module(?Module) is nondet. % % True if Module is a currently defined module. current_module(Module) :- '$current_module'(Module, _). %! module_property(?Module, ?Property) is nondet. % % True if Property is a property of Module. Defined properties % are: % % * file(File) % Module is loaded from File. % * line_count(Count) % The module declaration is on line Count of File. % * exports(ListOfPredicateIndicators) % The module exports ListOfPredicateIndicators % * exported_operators(ListOfOp3) % The module exports the operators ListOfOp3. module_property(Module, Property) :- nonvar(Module), nonvar(Property), !, property_module(Property, Module). module_property(Module, Property) :- % -, file(File) nonvar(Property), Property = file(File), !, ( nonvar(File) -> '$current_module'(Modules, File), ( atom(Modules) -> Module = Modules ; '$member'(Module, Modules) ) ; '$current_module'(Module, File), File \== [] ). module_property(Module, Property) :- current_module(Module), property_module(Property, Module). property_module(Property, Module) :- module_property(Property), ( Property = exported_operators(List) -> '$exported_ops'(Module, List, []) ; '$module_property'(Module, Property) ). module_property(class(_)). module_property(file(_)). module_property(line_count(_)). module_property(exports(_)). module_property(exported_operators(_)). module_property(size(_)). module_property(program_size(_)). module_property(program_space(_)). module_property(last_modified_generation(_)). %! module(+Module) is det. % % Set the module that is associated to the toplevel to Module. module(Module) :- atom(Module), current_module(Module), !, '$set_typein_module'(Module). module(Module) :- '$set_typein_module'(Module), print_message(warning, no_current_module(Module)). %! working_directory(-Old, +New) % % True when Old is the current working directory and the working % directory has been updated to New. working_directory(Old, New) :- '$cwd'(Old), ( Old == New -> true ; '$chdir'(New) ). /******************************* * TRIES * *******************************/ %! current_trie(?Trie) is nondet. % % True if Trie is the handle of an existing trie. current_trie(Trie) :- current_blob(Trie, trie), is_trie(Trie). %! trie_property(?Trie, ?Property) % % True when Property is a property of Trie. Defined properties % are: % % - value_count(Count) % Number of terms in the trie. % - node_count(Count) % Number of nodes in the trie. % - size(Bytes) % Number of bytes needed to store the trie. % - hashed(Count) % Number of hashed nodes. % - compiled_size(Bytes) % Size of the compiled representation (if the trie is compiled) % - lookup_count(Count) % Number of data lookups on the trie % - gen_call_count(Count) % Number of trie_gen/2 calls on this trie % % Incremental tabling statistics: % % - invalidated(Count) % Number of times the trie was inivalidated % - reevaluated(Count) % Number of times the trie was re-evaluated % % Shared tabling statistics: % % - deadlock(Count) % Number of times the table was involved in a deadlock % - wait(Count) % Number of times a thread had to wait for this table trie_property(Trie, Property) :- current_trie(Trie), trie_property(Property), '$trie_property'(Trie, Property). trie_property(node_count(_)). trie_property(value_count(_)). trie_property(size(_)). trie_property(hashed(_)). trie_property(compiled_size(_)). % below only when -DO_TRIE_STATS trie_property(lookup_count(_)). % is enabled in pl-trie.h trie_property(gen_call_count(_)). trie_property(invalidated(_)). % IDG stats trie_property(reevaluated(_)). trie_property(deadlock(_)). % Shared tabling stats trie_property(wait(_)). trie_property(idg_affected_count(_)). trie_property(idg_dependent_count(_)). trie_property(idg_size(_)). /******************************** * SYSTEM INTERACTION * *********************************/ shell(Command) :- shell(Command, 0). /******************************* * SIGNALS * *******************************/ :- meta_predicate on_signal(+, :, :), current_signal(?, ?, :). %! on_signal(+Signal, -OldHandler, :NewHandler) is det. on_signal(Signal, Old, New) :- atom(Signal), !, '$on_signal'(_Num, Signal, Old, New). on_signal(Signal, Old, New) :- integer(Signal), !, '$on_signal'(Signal, _Name, Old, New). on_signal(Signal, _Old, _New) :- '$type_error'(signal_name, Signal). %! current_signal(?Name, ?SignalNumber, :Handler) is nondet. current_signal(Name, Id, Handler) :- between(1, 32, Id), '$on_signal'(Id, Name, Handler, Handler). :- multifile prolog:called_by/2. prolog:called_by(on_signal(_,_,New), [New+1]) :- ( new == throw ; new == default ), !, fail. /******************************* * DLOPEN * *******************************/ %! open_shared_object(+File, -Handle) is det. %! open_shared_object(+File, -Handle, +Flags) is det. % % Open a shared object or DLL file. Flags is a list of flags. The % following flags are recognised. Note however that these flags % may have no affect on the target platform. % % * =now= % Resolve all symbols in the file now instead of lazily. % * =global= % Make new symbols globally known. open_shared_object(File, Handle) :- open_shared_object(File, Handle, []). % use pl-load.c defaults open_shared_object(File, Handle, Flags) :- ( is_list(Flags) -> true ; throw(error(type_error(list, Flags), _)) ), map_dlflags(Flags, Mask), '$open_shared_object'(File, Handle, Mask). dlopen_flag(now, 2'01). % see pl-load.c for these constants dlopen_flag(global, 2'10). % Solaris only map_dlflags([], 0). map_dlflags([F|T], M) :- map_dlflags(T, M0), ( dlopen_flag(F, I) -> true ; throw(error(domain_error(dlopen_flag, F), _)) ), M is M0 \/ I. /******************************* * I/O * *******************************/ format(Fmt) :- format(Fmt, []). /******************************* * FILES * *******************************/ %! absolute_file_name(+Term, -AbsoluteFile) absolute_file_name(Name, Abs) :- atomic(Name), !, '$absolute_file_name'(Name, Abs). absolute_file_name(Term, Abs) :- '$chk_file'(Term, [''], [access(read)], true, File), !, '$absolute_file_name'(File, Abs). absolute_file_name(Term, Abs) :- '$chk_file'(Term, [''], [], true, File), !, '$absolute_file_name'(File, Abs). %! tmp_file_stream(-File, -Stream, +Options) is det. %! tmp_file_stream(+Encoding, -File, -Stream) is det. % % Create a temporary file and open it atomically. The second mode is % for compatibility reasons. tmp_file_stream(Enc, File, Stream) :- atom(Enc), var(File), var(Stream), !, '$tmp_file_stream'('', Enc, File, Stream). tmp_file_stream(File, Stream, Options) :- current_prolog_flag(encoding, DefEnc), '$option'(encoding(Enc), Options, DefEnc), '$option'(extension(Ext), Options, ''), '$tmp_file_stream'(Ext, Enc, File, Stream), set_stream(Stream, file_name(File)). /******************************** * MEMORY MANAGEMENT * *********************************/ %! garbage_collect is det. % % Invoke the garbage collector. The argument of the underlying % '$garbage_collect'/1 is the debugging level to use during % garbage collection. This only works if the system is compiled % with the -DODEBUG cpp flag. Only to simplify maintenance. garbage_collect :- '$garbage_collect'(0). %! set_prolog_stack(+Name, +Option) is det. % % Set a parameter for one of the Prolog stacks. set_prolog_stack(Stack, Option) :- Option =.. [Name,Value0], Value is Value0, '$set_prolog_stack'(Stack, Name, _Old, Value). %! prolog_stack_property(?Stack, ?Property) is nondet. % % Examine stack properties. prolog_stack_property(Stack, Property) :- stack_property(P), stack_name(Stack), Property =.. [P,Value], '$set_prolog_stack'(Stack, P, Value, Value). stack_name(local). stack_name(global). stack_name(trail). stack_property(limit). stack_property(spare). stack_property(min_free). stack_property(low). stack_property(factor). /******************************* * TERM * *******************************/ :- '$iso'((numbervars/3)). %! numbervars(+Term, +StartIndex, -EndIndex) is det. % % Number all unbound variables in Term using '$VAR'(N), where the % first N is StartIndex and EndIndex is unified to the index that % will be given to the next variable. numbervars(Term, From, To) :- numbervars(Term, From, To, []). /******************************* * STRING * *******************************/ %! term_string(?Term, ?String, +Options) % % Parse/write a term from/to a string using Options. term_string(Term, String, Options) :- nonvar(String), !, read_term_from_atom(String, Term, Options). term_string(Term, String, Options) :- ( '$option'(quoted(_), Options) -> Options1 = Options ; '$merge_options'(_{quoted:true}, Options, Options1) ), format(string(String), '~W', [Term, Options1]). /******************************* * GVAR * *******************************/ %! nb_setval(+Name, +Value) is det. % % Bind the non-backtrackable variable Name with a copy of Value nb_setval(Name, Value) :- duplicate_term(Value, Copy), nb_linkval(Name, Copy). /******************************* * THREADS * *******************************/ :- meta_predicate thread_create(0, -). %! thread_create(:Goal, -Id) % % Shorthand for thread_create(Goal, Id, []). thread_create(Goal, Id) :- thread_create(Goal, Id, []). %! thread_join(+Id) % % Join a thread and raise an error of the thread did not succeed. % % @error thread_error(Status), where Status is the result of % thread_join/2. thread_join(Id) :- thread_join(Id, Status), ( Status == true -> true ; throw(error(thread_error(Id, Status), _)) ). %! set_prolog_gc_thread(+Status) % % Control the GC thread. Status is one of % % - false % Disable the separate GC thread, running atom and clause % garbage collection in the triggering thread. % - true % Enable the separate GC thread. All implicit atom and clause % garbage collection is executed by the thread `gc`. % - stop % Stop the `gc` thread if it is running. The thread is recreated % on the next implicit atom or clause garbage collection. Used % by fork/1 to avoid forking a multi-threaded application. set_prolog_gc_thread(Status) :- var(Status), !, '$instantiation_error'(Status). set_prolog_gc_thread(false) :- !, set_prolog_flag(gc_thread, false), ( current_prolog_flag(threads, true) -> ( '$gc_stop' -> thread_join(gc) ; true ) ; true ). set_prolog_gc_thread(true) :- !, set_prolog_flag(gc_thread, true). set_prolog_gc_thread(stop) :- !, ( current_prolog_flag(threads, true) -> ( '$gc_stop' -> thread_join(gc) ; true ) ; true ). set_prolog_gc_thread(Status) :- '$domain_error'(gc_thread, Status). %! transaction(:Goal). %! transaction(:Goal, +Options). %! transaction(:Goal, :Constraint, +Mutex). %! snapshot(:Goal). % % Wrappers to guarantee clean Module:Goal terms. transaction(Goal) :- '$transaction'(Goal, []). transaction(Goal, Options) :- '$transaction'(Goal, Options). transaction(Goal, Constraint, Mutex) :- '$transaction'(Goal, Constraint, Mutex). snapshot(Goal) :- '$snapshot'(Goal). %! '$wrap_predicate'(:Head, +Name, -Closure, -Wrapped, +Body) is det. % % Would be nicer to have this from library(prolog_wrap), but we need % it for tabling, so it must be a system predicate. :- meta_predicate '$wrap_predicate'(:, +, -, -, +). '$wrap_predicate'(M:Head, WName, Closure, call(Wrapped), Body) :- callable_name_arguments(Head, PName, Args), callable_name_arity(Head, PName, Arity), ( is_most_general_term(Head) -> true ; '$domain_error'(most_general_term, Head) ), atomic_list_concat(['$wrap$', PName], WrapName), volatile(M:WrapName/Arity), module_transparent(M:WrapName/Arity), WHead =.. [WrapName|Args], '$c_wrap_predicate'(M:Head, WName, Closure, Wrapped, M:(WHead :- Body)). callable_name_arguments(Head, PName, Args) :- atom(Head), !, PName = Head, Args = []. callable_name_arguments(Head, PName, Args) :- compound_name_arguments(Head, PName, Args). callable_name_arity(Head, PName, Arity) :- atom(Head), !, PName = Head, Arity = 0. callable_name_arity(Head, PName, Arity) :- compound_name_arity(Head, PName, Arity).