/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2006-2017, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_cover, [ show_coverage/1, % :Goal show_coverage/2 ]). :- autoload(library(apply),[exclude/3,maplist/3,include/3,maplist/2]). :- autoload(library(edinburgh),[nodebug/0]). :- autoload(library(ordsets), [ord_intersect/2,ord_intersection/3,ord_subtract/3]). :- autoload(library(pairs),[group_pairs_by_key/2]). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). /** Clause cover analysis The purpose of this module is to find which part of the program has been used by a certain goal. Usage is defined in terms of clauses that have fired, separated in clauses that succeeded at least once and clauses that failed on each occasion. This module relies on the SWI-Prolog tracer hooks. It modifies these hooks and collects the results, after which it restores the debugging environment. This has some limitations: * The performance degrades significantly (about 10 times) * It is not possible to use the debugger during coverage analysis * The cover analysis tool is currently not thread-safe. The result is represented as a list of clause-references. As the references to clauses of dynamic predicates cannot be guaranteed, these are omitted from the result. @bug Relies heavily on SWI-Prolog internals. We have considered using a meta-interpreter for this purpose, but it is nearly impossible to do 100% complete meta-interpretation of Prolog. Example problem areas include handling cuts in control-structures and calls from non-interpreted meta-predicates. @tbd Provide detailed information organised by predicate. Possibly annotate the source with coverage information. */ :- dynamic entered/1, % clauses entered exited/1. % clauses completed :- meta_predicate show_coverage(0), show_coverage(0,+). %! show_coverage(:Goal) is semidet. %! show_coverage(:Goal, +Modules:list(atom)) is semidet. % % Report on coverage by Goal. Goal is executed as in once/1. Report % the details of the uncovered clauses for each module in the list % Modules show_coverage(Goal) :- show_coverage(Goal, []). show_coverage(Goal, Modules):- setup_call_cleanup( setup_trace(State), once(Goal), cleanup_trace(State, Modules)). setup_trace(state(Visible, Leash, Ref)) :- set_prolog_flag(coverage_analysis, true), asserta((user:prolog_trace_interception(Port, Frame, _, continue) :- prolog_cover:assert_cover(Port, Frame)), Ref), port_mask([unify,exit], Mask), '$visible'(Visible, Mask), '$leash'(Leash, Mask), trace. port_mask([], 0). port_mask([H|T], Mask) :- port_mask(T, M0), '$syspreds':port_name(H, Bit), Mask is M0 \/ Bit. cleanup_trace(state(Visible, Leash, Ref), Modules) :- nodebug, '$visible'(_, Visible), '$leash'(_, Leash), erase(Ref), set_prolog_flag(coverage_analysis, false), covered(Succeeded, Failed), file_coverage(Succeeded, Failed, Modules). %! assert_cover(+Port, +Frame) is det. % % Assert coverage of the current clause. We monitor two ports: the % _unify_ port to see which clauses we entered, and the _exit_ % port to see which completed successfully. assert_cover(unify, Frame) :- running_static_pred(Frame), prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, clause, Cl), !, assert_entered(Cl). assert_cover(exit, Frame) :- running_static_pred(Frame), prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, clause, Cl), !, assert_exited(Cl). assert_cover(_, _). %! running_static_pred(+Frame) is semidet. % % True if Frame is not running a dynamic predicate. running_static_pred(Frame) :- prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, goal, Goal), \+ predicate_property(Goal, dynamic). %! assert_entered(+Ref) is det. %! assert_exited(+Ref) is det. % % Add Ref to the set of entered or exited clauses. assert_entered(Cl) :- entered(Cl), !. assert_entered(Cl) :- assert(entered(Cl)). assert_exited(Cl) :- exited(Cl), !. assert_exited(Cl) :- assert(exited(Cl)). %! covered(+Ref, +VisibleMask, +LeashMask, -Succeeded, -Failed) is det. % % Restore state and collect failed and succeeded clauses. covered(Succeeded, Failed) :- findall(Cl, (entered(Cl), \+exited(Cl)), Failed0), findall(Cl, retract(exited(Cl)), Succeeded0), retractall(entered(Cl)), sort(Failed0, Failed), sort(Succeeded0, Succeeded). /******************************* * REPORTING * *******************************/ %! file_coverage(+Succeeded, +Failed, +Modules) is det. % % Write a report on the clauses covered organised by file to current % output. Show detailed information about the non-coverered clauses % defined in the modules Modules. file_coverage(Succeeded, Failed, Modules) :- format('~N~n~`=t~78|~n'), format('~tCoverage by File~t~78|~n'), format('~`=t~78|~n'), format('~w~t~w~64|~t~w~72|~t~w~78|~n', ['File', 'Clauses', '%Cov', '%Fail']), format('~`=t~78|~n'), forall(source_file(File), file_coverage(File, Succeeded, Failed, Modules)), format('~`=t~78|~n'). file_coverage(File, Succeeded, Failed, Modules) :- findall(Cl, clause_source(Cl, File, _), Clauses), sort(Clauses, All), ( ord_intersect(All, Succeeded) -> true ; ord_intersect(All, Failed) ), !, ord_intersection(All, Failed, FailedInFile), ord_intersection(All, Succeeded, SucceededInFile), ord_subtract(All, SucceededInFile, UnCov1), ord_subtract(UnCov1, FailedInFile, Uncovered), %if doc_collect (from pldoc) is active, pldoc comments are recorded as % clauses but we do not want to count them in the statistics exclude(is_pldoc, All, All_wo_pldoc), exclude(is_pldoc, Uncovered, Uncovered_wo_pldoc), exclude(is_pldoc, FailedInFile, Failed_wo_pldoc), %We do not want to count clauses such as :-use_module(_) in the statistics exclude(is_system_clause, All_wo_pldoc, All_wo_system), exclude(is_system_clause, Uncovered_wo_pldoc, Uncovered_wo_system), exclude(is_system_clause, Failed_wo_pldoc, Failed_wo_system), length(All_wo_system, AC), length(Uncovered_wo_system, UC), length(Failed_wo_system, FC), CP is 100-100*UC/AC, FCP is 100*FC/AC, summary(File, 56, SFile), format('~w~t ~D~64| ~t~1f~72| ~t~1f~78|~n', [SFile, AC, CP, FCP]), detailed_report(Uncovered_wo_system, Modules). file_coverage(_,_,_,_). is_system_clause(Clause) :- clause_name(Clause, Name), Name = system:_. is_pldoc(Clause) :- clause_name(Clause, _Module:Name2/_Arity), pldoc_predicate(Name2). pldoc_predicate('$pldoc'). pldoc_predicate('$mode'). pldoc_predicate('$pred_option'). summary(Atom, MaxLen, Summary) :- atom_length(Atom, Len), ( Len < MaxLen -> Summary = Atom ; SLen is MaxLen - 5, sub_atom(Atom, _, SLen, 0, End), atom_concat('...', End, Summary) ). %! clause_source(+Clause, -File, -Line) is det. %! clause_source(-Clause, +File, -Line) is det. clause_source(Clause, File, Line) :- nonvar(Clause), !, clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). clause_source(Clause, File, Line) :- Pred = _:_, source_file(Pred, File), \+ predicate_property(Pred, multifile), nth_clause(Pred, _Index, Clause), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). clause_source(Clause, File, Line) :- Pred = _:_, predicate_property(Pred, multifile), nth_clause(Pred, _Index, Clause), clause_property(Clause, file(File)), clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)). %! detailed_report(+Uncovered:list(clause), +Modules:list(atom)) is det detailed_report(Uncovered, Modules):- maplist(clause_line_pair, Uncovered, Pairs), include(pair_in_modules(Modules), Pairs, Pairs_in_modules), ( Pairs_in_modules \== [] -> sort(Pairs_in_modules, Pairs_sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Pairs_sorted, Compact_pairs), nl, format('~2|Clauses not covered from modules ~p~n', [Modules]), format('~4|Predicate ~59|Clauses at lines ~n', []), maplist(print_clause_line, Compact_pairs), nl ; true ). pair_in_modules(Modules,(Module:_Name)-_Line):- memberchk(Module, Modules). clause_line_pair(Clause, Name-Line):- clause_property(Clause, line_count(Line)), clause_name(Clause, Name). clause_name(Clause,Name):- clause(Module:Head, _, Clause), functor(Head,F,A), Name=Module:F/A. print_clause_line((Module:Name/Arity)-Lines):- term_to_atom(Module:Name, Complete_name), summary(Complete_name, 54, SName), format('~4|~w~t~59|~p~n', [SName/Arity, Lines]).