/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 1995-2020, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(shlib, [ load_foreign_library/1, % :LibFile load_foreign_library/2, % :LibFile, +InstallFunc unload_foreign_library/1, % +LibFile unload_foreign_library/2, % +LibFile, +UninstallFunc current_foreign_library/2, % ?LibFile, ?Public reload_foreign_libraries/0, % Directives use_foreign_library/1, % :LibFile use_foreign_library/2, % :LibFile, +InstallFunc win_add_dll_directory/1 % +Dir ]). :- autoload(library(error),[existence_error/2,domain_error/2]). :- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,reverse/2]). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). /** Utility library for loading foreign objects (DLLs, shared objects) This section discusses the functionality of the (autoload) library(shlib), providing an interface to manage shared libraries. We describe the procedure for using a foreign resource (DLL in Windows and shared object in Unix) called =mylib=. First, one must assemble the resource and make it compatible to SWI-Prolog. The details for this vary between platforms. The swipl-ld(1) utility can be used to deal with this in a portable manner. The typical commandline is: == swipl-ld -o mylib file.{c,o,cc,C} ... == Make sure that one of the files provides a global function =|install_mylib()|= that initialises the module using calls to PL_register_foreign(). Here is a simple example file mylib.c, which creates a Windows MessageBox: == #include #include static foreign_t pl_say_hello(term_t to) { char *a; if ( PL_get_atom_chars(to, &a) ) { MessageBox(NULL, a, "DLL test", MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL); PL_succeed; } PL_fail; } install_t install_mylib() { PL_register_foreign("say_hello", 1, pl_say_hello, 0); } == Now write a file mylib.pl: == :- module(mylib, [ say_hello/1 ]). :- use_foreign_library(foreign(mylib)). == The file mylib.pl can be loaded as a normal Prolog file and provides the predicate defined in C. */ :- meta_predicate load_foreign_library(:), load_foreign_library(:, +). :- dynamic loading/1, % Lib error/2, % File, Error foreign_predicate/2, % Lib, Pred current_library/5. % Lib, Entry, Path, Module, Handle :- volatile % Do not store in state loading/1, error/2, foreign_predicate/2, current_library/5. :- ( current_prolog_flag(open_shared_object, true) -> true ; print_message(warning, shlib(not_supported)) % error? ). % The flag `res_keep_foreign` prevents deleting temporary files created % to load shared objects when set to `true`. This may be needed for % debugging purposes. :- create_prolog_flag(res_keep_foreign, false, [ keep(true) ]). %! use_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det. %! use_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det. % % Load and install a foreign library as load_foreign_library/1,2 and % register the installation using initialization/2 with the option % `now`. This is similar to using: % % ``` % :- initialization(load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib))). % ``` % % but using the initialization/1 wrapper causes the library to be % loaded _after_ loading of the file in which it appears is completed, % while use_foreign_library/1 loads the library _immediately_. I.e. % the difference is only relevant if the remainder of the file uses % functionality of the C-library. % % As of SWI-Prolog 8.1.22, use_foreign_library/1,2 is in provided as a % built-in predicate that, if necessary, loads library(shlib). This % implies that these directives can be used without explicitly loading % library(shlib) or relying on demand loading. /******************************* * DISPATCHING * *******************************/ %! find_library(+LibSpec, -Lib, -Delete) is det. % % Find a foreign library from LibSpec. If LibSpec is available as % a resource, the content of the resource is copied to a temporary % file and Delete is unified with =true=. find_library(Spec, TmpFile, true) :- '$rc_handle'(Zipper), term_to_atom(Spec, Name), setup_call_cleanup( zip_lock(Zipper), setup_call_cleanup( open_foreign_in_resources(Zipper, Name, In), setup_call_cleanup( tmp_file_stream(binary, TmpFile, Out), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(Out)), close(In)), zip_unlock(Zipper)), !. find_library(Spec, Lib, Copy) :- absolute_file_name(Spec, Lib0, [ file_type(executable), access(read), file_errors(fail) ]), !, lib_to_file(Lib0, Lib, Copy). find_library(Spec, Spec, false) :- atom(Spec), !. % use machines finding schema find_library(foreign(Spec), Spec, false) :- atom(Spec), !. % use machines finding schema find_library(Spec, _, _) :- throw(error(existence_error(source_sink, Spec), _)). %! lib_to_file(+Lib0, -Lib, -Copy) is det. % % If Lib0 is not a regular file we need to copy it to a temporary % regular file because dlopen() and Windows LoadLibrary() expect a % file name. On some systems this can be avoided. Roughly using two % approaches (after discussion with Peter Ludemann): % % - On FreeBSD there is shm_open() to create an anonymous file in % memory and than fdlopen() to link this. % - In general, we could redefine the system calls open(), etc. to % make dlopen() work on non-files. This is highly non-portably % though. % - We can mount the resource zip using e.g., `fuse-zip` on Linux. % This however fails if we include the resources as a string in % the executable. % % @see https://github.com/fancycode/MemoryModule for Windows lib_to_file(Res, TmpFile, true) :- sub_atom(Res, 0, _, _, 'res://'), !, setup_call_cleanup( open(Res, read, In, [type(binary)]), setup_call_cleanup( tmp_file_stream(binary, TmpFile, Out), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(Out)), close(In)). lib_to_file(Lib, Lib, false). open_foreign_in_resources(Zipper, ForeignSpecAtom, Stream) :- term_to_atom(foreign(Name), ForeignSpecAtom), zipper_members_(Zipper, Entries), entries_for_name(Entries, Name, Entries1), compatible_architecture_lib(Entries1, Name, CompatibleLib), zipper_goto(Zipper, file(CompatibleLib)), zipper_open_current(Zipper, Stream, [ type(binary), release(true) ]). %! zipper_members_(+Zipper, -Members) is det. % % Simplified version of zipper_members/2 from library(zip). We already % have a lock on the zipper and by moving this here we avoid % dependency on another library. % % @tbd: should we cache this? zipper_members_(Zipper, Members) :- zipper_goto(Zipper, first), zip_members__(Zipper, Members). zip_members__(Zipper, [Name|T]) :- zip_file_info_(Zipper, Name, _Attrs), ( zipper_goto(Zipper, next) -> zip_members__(Zipper, T) ; T = [] ). %! compatible_architecture_lib(+Entries, +Name, -CompatibleLib) is det. % % Entries is a list of entries in the zip file, which are already % filtered to match the shared library identified by `Name`. The % filtering is done by entries_for_name/3. % % CompatibleLib is the name of the entry in the zip file which is % compatible with the current architecture. The compatibility is % determined according to the description in qsave_program/2 using the % qsave:compat_arch/2 hook. % % The entries are of the form 'shlib(Arch, Name)' compatible_architecture_lib([], _, _) :- !, fail. compatible_architecture_lib(Entries, Name, CompatibleLib) :- current_prolog_flag(arch, HostArch), ( member(shlib(EntryArch, Name), Entries), qsave_compat_arch1(HostArch, EntryArch) -> term_to_atom(shlib(EntryArch, Name), CompatibleLib) ; existence_error(arch_compatible_with(Name), HostArch) ). qsave_compat_arch1(Arch1, Arch2) :- qsave:compat_arch(Arch1, Arch2), !. qsave_compat_arch1(Arch1, Arch2) :- qsave:compat_arch(Arch2, Arch1), !. %! qsave:compat_arch(Arch1, Arch2) is semidet. % % User definable hook to establish if Arch1 is compatible with Arch2 % when running a shared object. It is used in saved states produced by % qsave_program/2 to determine which shared object to load at runtime. % % @see `foreign` option in qsave_program/2 for more information. :- multifile qsave:compat_arch/2. qsave:compat_arch(A,A). entries_for_name([], _, []). entries_for_name([H0|T0], Name, [H|T]) :- shlib_atom_to_term(H0, H), match_filespec(Name, H), !, entries_for_name(T0, Name, T). entries_for_name([_|T0], Name, T) :- entries_for_name(T0, Name, T). shlib_atom_to_term(Atom, shlib(Arch, Name)) :- sub_atom(Atom, 0, _, _, 'shlib('), !, term_to_atom(shlib(Arch,Name), Atom). shlib_atom_to_term(Atom, Atom). match_filespec(Name, shlib(_,Name)). base(Path, Base) :- atomic(Path), !, file_base_name(Path, File), file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, File). base(_/Path, Base) :- !, base(Path, Base). base(Path, Base) :- Path =.. [_,Arg], base(Arg, Base). entry(_, Function, Function) :- Function \= default(_), !. entry(Spec, default(FuncBase), Function) :- base(Spec, Base), atomic_list_concat([FuncBase, Base], '_', Function). entry(_, default(Function), Function). /******************************* * (UN)LOADING * *******************************/ %! load_foreign_library(:FileSpec) is det. %! load_foreign_library(:FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det. % % Load a _|shared object|_ or _DLL_. After loading the Entry % function is called without arguments. The default entry function % is composed from =install_=, followed by the file base-name. % E.g., the load-call below calls the function % =|install_mylib()|=. If the platform prefixes extern functions % with =_=, this prefix is added before calling. % % == % ... % load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib)), % ... % == % % @param FileSpec is a specification for absolute_file_name/3. If searching % the file fails, the plain name is passed to the OS to try the default % method of the OS for locating foreign objects. The default definition % of file_search_path/2 searches /lib/ on Unix and % /bin on Windows. % % @see use_foreign_library/1,2 are intended for use in directives. load_foreign_library(Library) :- load_foreign_library(Library, default(install)). load_foreign_library(Module:LibFile, Entry) :- with_mutex('$foreign', load_foreign_library(LibFile, Module, Entry)). load_foreign_library(LibFile, _Module, _) :- current_library(LibFile, _, _, _, _), !. load_foreign_library(LibFile, Module, DefEntry) :- retractall(error(_, _)), find_library(LibFile, Path, Delete), asserta(loading(LibFile)), retractall(foreign_predicate(LibFile, _)), catch(Module:open_shared_object(Path, Handle), E, true), ( nonvar(E) -> delete_foreign_lib(Delete, Path), assert(error(Path, E)), fail ; delete_foreign_lib(Delete, Path) ), !, ( entry(LibFile, DefEntry, Entry), Module:call_shared_object_function(Handle, Entry) -> retractall(loading(LibFile)), assert_shlib(LibFile, Entry, Path, Module, Handle) ; foreign_predicate(LibFile, _) -> retractall(loading(LibFile)), % C++ object installed predicates assert_shlib(LibFile, 'C++', Path, Module, Handle) ; retractall(loading(LibFile)), retractall(foreign_predicate(LibFile, _)), close_shared_object(Handle), findall(Entry, entry(LibFile, DefEntry, Entry), Entries), throw(error(existence_error(foreign_install_function, install(Path, Entries)), _)) ). load_foreign_library(LibFile, _, _) :- retractall(loading(LibFile)), ( error(_Path, E) -> retractall(error(_, _)), throw(E) ; throw(error(existence_error(foreign_library, LibFile), _)) ). delete_foreign_lib(true, Path) :- \+ current_prolog_flag(res_keep_foreign, true), !, catch(delete_file(Path), _, true). delete_foreign_lib(_, _). %! unload_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det. %! unload_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Exit:atom) is det. % % Unload a _|shared object|_ or _DLL_. After calling the Exit % function, the shared object is removed from the process. The % default exit function is composed from =uninstall_=, followed by % the file base-name. unload_foreign_library(LibFile) :- unload_foreign_library(LibFile, default(uninstall)). unload_foreign_library(LibFile, DefUninstall) :- with_mutex('$foreign', do_unload(LibFile, DefUninstall)). do_unload(LibFile, DefUninstall) :- current_library(LibFile, _, _, Module, Handle), retractall(current_library(LibFile, _, _, _, _)), ( entry(LibFile, DefUninstall, Uninstall), Module:call_shared_object_function(Handle, Uninstall) -> true ; true ), abolish_foreign(LibFile), close_shared_object(Handle). abolish_foreign(LibFile) :- ( retract(foreign_predicate(LibFile, Module:Head)), functor(Head, Name, Arity), abolish(Module:Name, Arity), fail ; true ). system:'$foreign_registered'(M, H) :- ( loading(Lib) -> true ; Lib = '' ), assert(foreign_predicate(Lib, M:H)). assert_shlib(File, Entry, Path, Module, Handle) :- retractall(current_library(File, _, _, _, _)), asserta(current_library(File, Entry, Path, Module, Handle)). /******************************* * ADMINISTRATION * *******************************/ %! current_foreign_library(?File, ?Public) % % Query currently loaded shared libraries. current_foreign_library(File, Public) :- current_library(File, _Entry, _Path, _Module, _Handle), findall(Pred, foreign_predicate(File, Pred), Public). /******************************* * RELOAD * *******************************/ %! reload_foreign_libraries % % Reload all foreign libraries loaded (after restore of a state % created using qsave_program/2. reload_foreign_libraries :- findall(lib(File, Entry, Module), ( retract(current_library(File, Entry, _, Module, _)), File \== - ), Libs), reverse(Libs, Reversed), reload_libraries(Reversed). reload_libraries([]). reload_libraries([lib(File, Entry, Module)|T]) :- ( load_foreign_library(File, Module, Entry) -> true ; print_message(error, shlib(File, load_failed)) ), reload_libraries(T). /******************************* * CLEANUP (WINDOWS ...) * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Called from Halt() in pl-os.c (if it is defined), *after* all at_halt/1 hooks have been executed, and after dieIO(), closing and flushing all files has been called. On Unix, this is not very useful, and can only lead to conflicts. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ unload_all_foreign_libraries :- current_prolog_flag(unload_foreign_libraries, true), !, forall(current_library(File, _, _, _, _), unload_foreign(File)). unload_all_foreign_libraries. %! unload_foreign(+File) % % Unload the given foreign file and all `spontaneous' foreign % predicates created afterwards. Handling these spontaneous % predicates is a bit hard, as we do not know who created them and % on which library they depend. unload_foreign(File) :- unload_foreign_library(File), ( clause(foreign_predicate(Lib, M:H), true, Ref), ( Lib == '' -> functor(H, Name, Arity), abolish(M:Name, Arity), erase(Ref), fail ; ! ) -> true ; true ). %! win_add_dll_directory(+AbsDir) is det. % % Add AbsDir to the directories where dependent DLLs are searched % on Windows systems. % % @error domain_error(operating_system, windows) if the current OS % is not Windows. win_add_dll_directory(Dir) :- ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> ( catch(win_add_dll_directory(Dir, _), _, fail) -> true ; prolog_to_os_filename(Dir, OSDir), getenv('PATH', Path0), atomic_list_concat([Path0, OSDir], ';', Path), setenv('PATH', Path) ) ; domain_error(operating_system, windows) ). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1, prolog:error_message//1. prolog:message(shlib(LibFile, load_failed)) --> [ '~w: Failed to load file'-[LibFile] ]. prolog:message(shlib(not_supported)) --> [ 'Emulator does not support foreign libraries' ]. prolog:error_message(existence_error(foreign_install_function, install(Lib, List))) --> [ 'No install function in ~q'-[Lib], nl, '\tTried: ~q'-[List] ].