/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 1995-2020, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(qsave, [ qsave_program/1, % +File qsave_program/2 % +File, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(zip)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(apply)). /** Save current program as a state or executable This library provides qsave_program/1 and qsave_program/2, which are also used by the commandline sequence below. == swipl -o exe -c file.pl ... == */ :- meta_predicate qsave_program(+, :). :- multifile error:has_type/2. error:has_type(qsave_foreign_option, Term) :- is_of_type(oneof([save, no_save]), Term), !. error:has_type(qsave_foreign_option, arch(Archs)) :- is_of_type(list(atom), Archs), !. save_option(stack_limit, integer, "Stack limit (bytes)"). save_option(goal, callable, "Main initialization goal"). save_option(toplevel, callable, "Toplevel goal"). save_option(init_file, atom, "Application init file"). save_option(packs, boolean, "Do (not) attach packs"). save_option(class, oneof([runtime,development]), "Development state"). save_option(op, oneof([save,standard]), "Save operators"). save_option(autoload, boolean, "Resolve autoloadable predicates"). save_option(map, atom, "File to report content of the state"). save_option(stand_alone, boolean, "Add emulator at start"). save_option(traditional, boolean, "Use traditional mode"). save_option(emulator, ground, "Emulator to use"). save_option(foreign, qsave_foreign_option, "Include foreign code in state"). save_option(obfuscate, boolean, "Obfuscate identifiers"). save_option(verbose, boolean, "Be more verbose about the state creation"). save_option(undefined, oneof([ignore,error]), "How to handle undefined predicates"). term_expansion(save_pred_options, (:- predicate_options(qsave_program/2, 2, Options))) :- findall(O, ( save_option(Name, Type, _), O =.. [Name,Type] ), Options). save_pred_options. :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- dynamic verbose/1, saved_resource_file/1. :- volatile verbose/1, % contains a stream-handle saved_resource_file/1. %! qsave_program(+File) is det. %! qsave_program(+File, :Options) is det. % % Make a saved state in file `File'. qsave_program(File) :- qsave_program(File, []). qsave_program(FileBase, Options0) :- meta_options(is_meta, Options0, Options), check_options(Options), exe_file(FileBase, File, Options), option(class(SaveClass), Options, runtime), option(init_file(InitFile), Options, DefInit), default_init_file(SaveClass, DefInit), prepare_entry_points(Options), save_autoload(Options), setup_call_cleanup( open_map(Options), ( prepare_state(Options), create_prolog_flag(saved_program, true, []), create_prolog_flag(saved_program_class, SaveClass, []), delete_if_exists(File), % truncate will crash a Prolog % running on this state setup_call_catcher_cleanup( open(File, write, StateOut, [type(binary)]), write_state(StateOut, SaveClass, InitFile, Options), Reason, finalize_state(Reason, StateOut, File)) ), close_map), cleanup, !. write_state(StateOut, SaveClass, InitFile, Options) :- make_header(StateOut, SaveClass, Options), setup_call_cleanup( zip_open_stream(StateOut, RC, []), write_zip_state(RC, SaveClass, InitFile, Options), zip_close(RC, [comment('SWI-Prolog saved state')])), flush_output(StateOut). write_zip_state(RC, SaveClass, InitFile, Options) :- save_options(RC, SaveClass, [ init_file(InitFile) | Options ]), save_resources(RC, SaveClass), lock_files(SaveClass), save_program(RC, SaveClass, Options), save_foreign_libraries(RC, Options). finalize_state(exit, StateOut, File) :- close(StateOut), '$mark_executable'(File). finalize_state(!, StateOut, File) :- print_message(warning, qsave(nondet)), finalize_state(exit, StateOut, File). finalize_state(_, StateOut, File) :- close(StateOut, [force(true)]), catch(delete_file(File), Error, print_message(error, Error)). cleanup :- retractall(saved_resource_file(_)). is_meta(goal). is_meta(toplevel). exe_file(Base, Exe, Options) :- current_prolog_flag(windows, true), option(stand_alone(true), Options, true), file_name_extension(_, '', Base), !, file_name_extension(Base, exe, Exe). exe_file(Exe, Exe, _). default_init_file(runtime, none) :- !. default_init_file(_, InitFile) :- '$cmd_option_val'(init_file, InitFile). delete_if_exists(File) :- ( exists_file(File) -> delete_file(File) ; true ). /******************************* * HEADER * *******************************/ %! make_header(+Out:stream, +SaveClass, +Options) is det. make_header(Out, _, Options) :- option(emulator(OptVal), Options), !, absolute_file_name(OptVal, [access(read)], Emulator), setup_call_cleanup( open(Emulator, read, In, [type(binary)]), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(In)). make_header(Out, _, Options) :- ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> DefStandAlone = true ; DefStandAlone = false ), option(stand_alone(true), Options, DefStandAlone), !, current_prolog_flag(executable, Executable), setup_call_cleanup( open(Executable, read, In, [type(binary)]), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(In)). make_header(Out, SaveClass, _Options) :- current_prolog_flag(unix, true), !, current_prolog_flag(executable, Executable), current_prolog_flag(posix_shell, Shell), format(Out, '#!~w~n', [Shell]), format(Out, '# SWI-Prolog saved state~n', []), ( SaveClass == runtime -> ArgSep = ' -- ' ; ArgSep = ' ' ), format(Out, 'exec ${SWIPL-~w} -x "$0"~w"$@"~n~n', [Executable, ArgSep]). make_header(_, _, _). /******************************* * OPTIONS * *******************************/ min_stack(stack_limit, 100_000). convert_option(Stack, Val, NewVal, '~w') :- % stack-sizes are in K-bytes min_stack(Stack, Min), !, ( Val == 0 -> NewVal = Val ; NewVal is max(Min, Val) ). convert_option(toplevel, Callable, Callable, '~q') :- !. convert_option(_, Value, Value, '~w'). doption(Name) :- min_stack(Name, _). doption(init_file). doption(system_init_file). doption(class). doption(home). %! save_options(+ArchiveHandle, +SaveClass, +Options) % % Save the options in the '$options' resource. The home directory is % saved for development states to make it keep refering to the % development home. % % The script files (-s script) are not saved at all. I think this is % fine to avoid a save-script loading itself. save_options(RC, SaveClass, Options) :- zipper_open_new_file_in_zip(RC, '$prolog/options.txt', Fd, []), ( doption(OptionName), '$cmd_option_val'(OptionName, OptionVal0), save_option_value(SaveClass, OptionName, OptionVal0, OptionVal1), OptTerm =.. [OptionName,OptionVal2], ( option(OptTerm, Options) -> convert_option(OptionName, OptionVal2, OptionVal, FmtVal) ; OptionVal = OptionVal1, FmtVal = '~w' ), atomics_to_string(['~w=', FmtVal, '~n'], Fmt), format(Fd, Fmt, [OptionName, OptionVal]), fail ; true ), save_init_goals(Fd, Options), close(Fd). %! save_option_value(+SaveClass, +OptionName, +OptionValue, -FinalValue) save_option_value(Class, class, _, Class) :- !. save_option_value(runtime, home, _, _) :- !, fail. save_option_value(_, _, Value, Value). %! save_init_goals(+Stream, +Options) % % Save initialization goals. If there is a goal(Goal) option, use % that, else save the goals from '$cmd_option_val'/2. save_init_goals(Out, Options) :- option(goal(Goal), Options), !, format(Out, 'goal=~q~n', [Goal]), save_toplevel_goal(Out, halt, Options). save_init_goals(Out, Options) :- '$cmd_option_val'(goals, Goals), forall(member(Goal, Goals), format(Out, 'goal=~w~n', [Goal])), ( Goals == [] -> DefToplevel = default ; DefToplevel = halt ), save_toplevel_goal(Out, DefToplevel, Options). save_toplevel_goal(Out, _Default, Options) :- option(toplevel(Goal), Options), !, unqualify_reserved_goal(Goal, Goal1), format(Out, 'toplevel=~q~n', [Goal1]). save_toplevel_goal(Out, _Default, _Options) :- '$cmd_option_val'(toplevel, Toplevel), Toplevel \== default, !, format(Out, 'toplevel=~w~n', [Toplevel]). save_toplevel_goal(Out, Default, _Options) :- format(Out, 'toplevel=~q~n', [Default]). unqualify_reserved_goal(_:prolog, prolog) :- !. unqualify_reserved_goal(_:default, default) :- !. unqualify_reserved_goal(Goal, Goal). /******************************* * RESOURCES * *******************************/ save_resources(_RC, development) :- !. save_resources(RC, _SaveClass) :- feedback('~nRESOURCES~n~n', []), copy_resources(RC), forall(declared_resource(Name, FileSpec, Options), save_resource(RC, Name, FileSpec, Options)). declared_resource(RcName, FileSpec, []) :- current_predicate(_, M:resource(_,_)), M:resource(Name, FileSpec), mkrcname(M, Name, RcName). declared_resource(RcName, FileSpec, Options) :- current_predicate(_, M:resource(_,_,_)), M:resource(Name, A2, A3), ( is_list(A3) -> FileSpec = A2, Options = A3 ; FileSpec = A3 ), mkrcname(M, Name, RcName). %! mkrcname(+Module, +NameSpec, -Name) % % Turn a resource name term into a resource name atom. mkrcname(user, Name0, Name) :- !, path_segments_to_atom(Name0, Name). mkrcname(M, Name0, RcName) :- path_segments_to_atom(Name0, Name), atomic_list_concat([M, :, Name], RcName). path_segments_to_atom(Name0, Name) :- phrase(segments_to_atom(Name0), Atoms), atomic_list_concat(Atoms, /, Name). segments_to_atom(Var) --> { var(Var), !, instantiation_error(Var) }. segments_to_atom(A/B) --> !, segments_to_atom(A), segments_to_atom(B). segments_to_atom(A) --> [A]. %! save_resource(+Zipper, +Name, +FileSpec, +Options) is det. % % Add the content represented by FileSpec to Zipper under Name. save_resource(RC, Name, FileSpec, _Options) :- absolute_file_name(FileSpec, [ access(read), file_errors(fail) ], File), !, feedback('~t~8|~w~t~32|~w~n', [Name, File]), zipper_append_file(RC, Name, File, []). save_resource(RC, Name, FileSpec, Options) :- findall(Dir, absolute_file_name(FileSpec, Dir, [ access(read), file_type(directory), file_errors(fail), solutions(all) ]), Dirs), Dirs \== [], !, forall(member(Dir, Dirs), ( feedback('~t~8|~w~t~32|~w~n', [Name, Dir]), zipper_append_directory(RC, Name, Dir, Options))). save_resource(RC, Name, _, _Options) :- '$rc_handle'(SystemRC), copy_resource(SystemRC, RC, Name), !. save_resource(_, Name, FileSpec, _Options) :- print_message(warning, error(existence_error(resource, resource(Name, FileSpec)), _)). copy_resources(ToRC) :- '$rc_handle'(FromRC), zipper_members(FromRC, List), ( member(Name, List), \+ declared_resource(Name, _, _), \+ reserved_resource(Name), copy_resource(FromRC, ToRC, Name), fail ; true ). reserved_resource('$prolog/state.qlf'). reserved_resource('$prolog/options.txt'). copy_resource(FromRC, ToRC, Name) :- ( zipper_goto(FromRC, file(Name)) -> true ; existence_error(resource, Name) ), zipper_file_info(FromRC, _Name, Attrs), get_dict(time, Attrs, Time), setup_call_cleanup( zipper_open_current(FromRC, FdIn, [ type(binary), time(Time) ]), setup_call_cleanup( zipper_open_new_file_in_zip(ToRC, Name, FdOut, []), ( feedback('~t~8|~w~t~24|~w~n', [Name, '']), copy_stream_data(FdIn, FdOut) ), close(FdOut)), close(FdIn)). /******************************* * OBFUSCATE * *******************************/ %! create_mapping(+Options) is det. % % Call hook to obfuscate symbols. :- multifile prolog:obfuscate_identifiers/1. create_mapping(Options) :- option(obfuscate(true), Options), !, ( predicate_property(prolog:obfuscate_identifiers(_), number_of_clauses(N)), N > 0 -> true ; use_module(library(obfuscate)) ), ( catch(prolog:obfuscate_identifiers(Options), E, print_message(error, E)) -> true ; print_message(warning, failed(obfuscate_identifiers)) ). create_mapping(_). %! lock_files(+SaveClass) is det. % % When saving as `runtime`, lock all files such that when running the % program the system stops checking existence and modification time on % the filesystem. % % @tbd `system` is a poor name. Maybe use `resource`? lock_files(runtime) :- !, '$set_source_files'(system). % implies from_state lock_files(_) :- '$set_source_files'(from_state). %! save_program(+Zipper, +SaveClass, +Options) is det. % % Save the program itself as virtual machine code to Zipper. save_program(RC, SaveClass, Options) :- setup_call_cleanup( ( zipper_open_new_file_in_zip(RC, '$prolog/state.qlf', StateFd, [ zip64(true) ]), current_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), set_prolog_flag(access_level, system), % generate system modules '$open_wic'(StateFd, Options) ), ( create_mapping(Options), save_modules(SaveClass), save_records, save_flags, save_prompt, save_imports, save_prolog_flags(Options), save_operators(Options), save_format_predicates ), ( '$close_wic', set_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), close(StateFd) )). /******************************* * MODULES * *******************************/ save_modules(SaveClass) :- forall(special_module(X), save_module(X, SaveClass)), forall((current_module(X), \+ special_module(X)), save_module(X, SaveClass)). special_module(system). special_module(user). %! prepare_entry_points(+Options) % % Prepare the --goal=Goal and --toplevel=Goal options. Preparing % implies autoloading the definition and declaring it _public_ such at % it doesn't get obfuscated. prepare_entry_points(Options) :- define_init_goal(Options), define_toplevel_goal(Options). define_init_goal(Options) :- option(goal(Goal), Options), !, entry_point(Goal). define_init_goal(_). define_toplevel_goal(Options) :- option(toplevel(Goal), Options), !, entry_point(Goal). define_toplevel_goal(_). entry_point(Goal) :- define_predicate(Goal), ( \+ predicate_property(Goal, built_in), \+ predicate_property(Goal, imported_from(_)) -> goal_pi(Goal, PI), public(PI) ; true ). define_predicate(Head) :- '$define_predicate'(Head), !. % autoloader define_predicate(Head) :- strip_module(Head, _, Term), functor(Term, Name, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Name/Arity), _)). goal_pi(M:G, QPI) :- !, strip_module(M:G, Module, Goal), functor(Goal, Name, Arity), QPI = Module:Name/Arity. goal_pi(Goal, Name/Arity) :- functor(Goal, Name, Arity). %! prepare_state(+Options) is det. % % Prepare the executable by running the `prepare_state` registered % initialization hooks. prepare_state(_) :- forall('$init_goal'(when(prepare_state), Goal, Ctx), run_initialize(Goal, Ctx)). run_initialize(Goal, Ctx) :- ( catch(Goal, E, true), ( var(E) -> true ; throw(error(initialization_error(E, Goal, Ctx), _)) ) ; throw(error(initialization_error(failed, Goal, Ctx), _)) ). /******************************* * AUTOLOAD * *******************************/ %! save_autoload(+Options) is det. % % Resolve all autoload dependencies. % % @error existence_error(procedures, List) if undefined(true) is % in Options and there are undefined predicates. save_autoload(Options) :- option(autoload(true), Options, true), !, setup_call_cleanup( current_prolog_flag(autoload, Old), autoload_all(Options), set_prolog_flag(autoload, Old)). save_autoload(_). /******************************* * MODULES * *******************************/ %! save_module(+Module, +SaveClass) % % Saves a module save_module(M, SaveClass) :- '$qlf_start_module'(M), feedback('~n~nMODULE ~w~n', [M]), save_unknown(M), ( P = (M:_H), current_predicate(_, P), \+ predicate_property(P, imported_from(_)), save_predicate(P, SaveClass), fail ; '$qlf_end_part', feedback('~n', []) ). save_predicate(P, _SaveClass) :- predicate_property(P, foreign), !, P = (M:H), functor(H, Name, Arity), feedback('~npre-defining foreign ~w/~d ', [Name, Arity]), '$add_directive_wic'('$predefine_foreign'(M:Name/Arity)). save_predicate(P, SaveClass) :- P = (M:H), functor(H, F, A), feedback('~nsaving ~w/~d ', [F, A]), ( ( H = resource(_,_) ; H = resource(_,_,_) ), SaveClass \== development -> save_attribute(P, (dynamic)), ( M == user -> save_attribute(P, (multifile)) ), feedback('(Skipped clauses)', []), fail ; true ), ( no_save(P) -> true ; save_attributes(P), \+ predicate_property(P, (volatile)), ( nth_clause(P, _, Ref), feedback('.', []), '$qlf_assert_clause'(Ref, SaveClass), fail ; true ) ). no_save(P) :- predicate_property(P, volatile), \+ predicate_property(P, dynamic), \+ predicate_property(P, multifile). pred_attrib(meta_predicate(Term), Head, meta_predicate(M:Term)) :- !, strip_module(Head, M, _). pred_attrib(Attrib, Head, '$set_predicate_attribute'(M:Name/Arity, AttName, Val)) :- attrib_name(Attrib, AttName, Val), strip_module(Head, M, Term), functor(Term, Name, Arity). attrib_name(dynamic, dynamic, true). attrib_name(volatile, volatile, true). attrib_name(thread_local, thread_local, true). attrib_name(multifile, multifile, true). attrib_name(public, public, true). attrib_name(transparent, transparent, true). attrib_name(discontiguous, discontiguous, true). attrib_name(notrace, trace, false). attrib_name(show_childs, hide_childs, false). attrib_name(built_in, system, true). attrib_name(nodebug, hide_childs, true). attrib_name(quasi_quotation_syntax, quasi_quotation_syntax, true). attrib_name(iso, iso, true). save_attribute(P, Attribute) :- pred_attrib(Attribute, P, D), ( Attribute == built_in % no need if there are clauses -> ( predicate_property(P, number_of_clauses(0)) -> true ; predicate_property(P, volatile) ) ; Attribute == (dynamic) % no need if predicate is thread_local -> \+ predicate_property(P, thread_local) ; true ), '$add_directive_wic'(D), feedback('(~w) ', [Attribute]). save_attributes(P) :- ( predicate_property(P, Attribute), save_attribute(P, Attribute), fail ; true ). % Save status of the unknown flag save_unknown(M) :- current_prolog_flag(M:unknown, Unknown), ( Unknown == error -> true ; '$add_directive_wic'(set_prolog_flag(M:unknown, Unknown)) ). /******************************* * RECORDS * *******************************/ save_records :- feedback('~nRECORDS~n', []), ( current_key(X), X \== '$topvar', % do not safe toplevel variables feedback('~n~t~8|~w ', [X]), recorded(X, V, _), feedback('.', []), '$add_directive_wic'(recordz(X, V, _)), fail ; true ). /******************************* * FLAGS * *******************************/ save_flags :- feedback('~nFLAGS~n~n', []), ( current_flag(X), flag(X, V, V), feedback('~t~8|~w = ~w~n', [X, V]), '$add_directive_wic'(set_flag(X, V)), fail ; true ). save_prompt :- feedback('~nPROMPT~n~n', []), prompt(Prompt, Prompt), '$add_directive_wic'(prompt(_, Prompt)). /******************************* * IMPORTS * *******************************/ %! save_imports % % Save import relations. An import relation is saved if a % predicate is imported from a module that is not a default module % for the destination module. If the predicate is dynamic, we % always define the explicit import relation to make clear that an % assert must assert on the imported predicate. save_imports :- feedback('~nIMPORTS~n~n', []), ( predicate_property(M:H, imported_from(I)), \+ default_import(M, H, I), functor(H, F, A), feedback('~t~8|~w:~w/~d <-- ~w~n', [M, F, A, I]), '$add_directive_wic'(qsave:restore_import(M, I, F/A)), fail ; true ). default_import(To, Head, From) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(To:Head, (dynamic), 1), predicate_property(From:Head, exported), !, fail. default_import(Into, _, From) :- default_module(Into, From). %! restore_import(+TargetModule, +SourceModule, +PI) is det. % % Restore import relation. This notably deals with imports from % the module =user=, avoiding a message that the predicate is not % exported. restore_import(To, user, PI) :- !, export(user:PI), To:import(user:PI). restore_import(To, From, PI) :- To:import(From:PI). /******************************* * PROLOG FLAGS * *******************************/ save_prolog_flags(Options) :- feedback('~nPROLOG FLAGS~n~n', []), '$current_prolog_flag'(Flag, Value0, _Scope, write, Type), \+ no_save_flag(Flag), map_flag(Flag, Value0, Value, Options), feedback('~t~8|~w: ~w (type ~q)~n', [Flag, Value, Type]), '$add_directive_wic'(qsave:restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, Type)), fail. save_prolog_flags(_). no_save_flag(argv). no_save_flag(os_argv). no_save_flag(access_level). no_save_flag(tty_control). no_save_flag(readline). no_save_flag(associated_file). no_save_flag(cpu_count). no_save_flag(tmp_dir). no_save_flag(file_name_case_handling). no_save_flag(hwnd). % should be read-only, but comes % from user-code map_flag(autoload, true, false, Options) :- option(class(runtime), Options, runtime), option(autoload(true), Options, true), !. map_flag(_, Value, Value, _). %! restore_prolog_flag(+Name, +Value, +Type) % % Deal with possibly protected flags (debug_on_error and % report_error are protected flags for the runtime kernel). restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, _Type) :- current_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), !. restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, _Type) :- current_prolog_flag(Flag, _), !, catch(set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), _, true). restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, Type) :- create_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, [type(Type)]). /******************************* * OPERATORS * *******************************/ %! save_operators(+Options) is det. % % Save operators for all modules. Operators for =system= are % not saved because these are read-only anyway. save_operators(Options) :- !, option(op(save), Options, save), feedback('~nOPERATORS~n', []), forall(current_module(M), save_module_operators(M)), feedback('~n', []). save_operators(_). save_module_operators(system) :- !. save_module_operators(M) :- forall('$local_op'(P,T,M:N), ( feedback('~n~t~8|~w ', [op(P,T,M:N)]), '$add_directive_wic'(op(P,T,M:N)) )). /******************************* * FORMAT PREDICATES * *******************************/ save_format_predicates :- feedback('~nFORMAT PREDICATES~n', []), current_format_predicate(Code, Head), qualify_head(Head, QHead), D = format_predicate(Code, QHead), feedback('~n~t~8|~w ', [D]), '$add_directive_wic'(D), fail. save_format_predicates. qualify_head(T, T) :- functor(T, :, 2), !. qualify_head(T, user:T). /******************************* * FOREIGN LIBRARIES * *******************************/ %! save_foreign_libraries(+Archive, +Options) is det. % % Save current foreign libraries into the archive. save_foreign_libraries(RC, Options) :- option(foreign(save), Options), !, current_prolog_flag(arch, HostArch), feedback('~nHOST(~w) FOREIGN LIBRARIES~n', [HostArch]), save_foreign_libraries1(HostArch, RC, Options). save_foreign_libraries(RC, Options) :- option(foreign(arch(Archs)), Options), !, forall(member(Arch, Archs), ( feedback('~n~w FOREIGN LIBRARIES~n', [Arch]), save_foreign_libraries1(Arch, RC, Options) )). save_foreign_libraries(_, _). save_foreign_libraries1(Arch, RC, _Options) :- forall(current_foreign_library(FileSpec, _Predicates), ( find_foreign_library(Arch, FileSpec, EntryName, File, Time), term_to_atom(EntryName, Name), zipper_append_file(RC, Name, File, [time(Time)]) )). %! find_foreign_library(+Architecture, +FileSpec, -EntryName, -File, -Time) %! is det. % % Find the shared object specified by FileSpec for the named % Architecture. EntryName will be the name of the file within the % saved state archive. If posible, the shared object is stripped to % reduce its size. This is achieved by calling =|strip -o % |=. Note that (if stripped) the file is a Prolog tmp % file and will be deleted on halt. % % @bug Should perform OS search on failure find_foreign_library(Arch, FileSpec, shlib(Arch,Name), SharedObject, Time) :- FileSpec = foreign(Name), ( catch(arch_find_shlib(Arch, FileSpec, File), E, print_message(error, E)), exists_file(File) -> true ; throw(error(existence_error(architecture_shlib(Arch), FileSpec),_)) ), time_file(File, Time), strip_file(File, SharedObject). %! strip_file(+File, -Stripped) is det. % % Try to strip File. Unify Stripped with File if stripping fails for % some reason. strip_file(File, Stripped) :- absolute_file_name(path(strip), Strip, [ access(execute), file_errors(fail) ]), tmp_file(shared, Stripped), ( catch(do_strip_file(Strip, File, Stripped), E, (print_message(warning, E), fail)) -> true ; print_message(warning, qsave(strip_failed(File))), fail ), !. strip_file(File, File). do_strip_file(Strip, File, Stripped) :- format(atom(Cmd), '"~w" -o "~w" "~w"', [Strip, Stripped, File]), shell(Cmd), exists_file(Stripped). %! qsave:arch_shlib(+Architecture, +FileSpec, -File) is det. % % This is a user defined hook called by qsave_program/2. It is used to % find a shared library for the specified Architecture, named by % FileSpec. FileSpec is of the form foreign(Name), a specification % usable by absolute_file_name/2. The predicate should unify File with % the absolute path for the shared library that corresponds to the % specified Architecture. % % If this predicate fails to find a file for the specified % architecture an `existence_error` is thrown. :- multifile arch_shlib/3. arch_find_shlib(Arch, FileSpec, File) :- arch_shlib(Arch, FileSpec, File), !. arch_find_shlib(Arch, FileSpec, File) :- current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch), absolute_file_name(FileSpec, [ file_type(executable), access(read), file_errors(fail) ], File), !. arch_find_shlib(Arch, foreign(Base), File) :- current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch), current_prolog_flag(windows, true), current_prolog_flag(executable, WinExe), prolog_to_os_filename(Exe, WinExe), file_directory_name(Exe, BinDir), file_name_extension(Base, dll, DllFile), atomic_list_concat([BinDir, /, DllFile], File), exists_file(File). /******************************* * UTIL * *******************************/ open_map(Options) :- option(map(Map), Options), !, open(Map, write, Fd), asserta(verbose(Fd)). open_map(_) :- retractall(verbose(_)). close_map :- retract(verbose(Fd)), close(Fd), !. close_map. feedback(Fmt, Args) :- verbose(Fd), !, format(Fd, Fmt, Args). feedback(_, _). check_options([]) :- !. check_options([Var|_]) :- var(Var), !, throw(error(domain_error(save_options, Var), _)). check_options([Name=Value|T]) :- !, ( save_option(Name, Type, _Comment) -> ( must_be(Type, Value) -> check_options(T) ; throw(error(domain_error(Type, Value), _)) ) ; throw(error(domain_error(save_option, Name), _)) ). check_options([Term|T]) :- Term =.. [Name,Arg], !, check_options([Name=Arg|T]). check_options([Var|_]) :- throw(error(domain_error(save_options, Var), _)). check_options(Opt) :- throw(error(domain_error(list, Opt), _)). %! zipper_append_file(+Zipper, +Name, +File, +Options) is det. % % Append the content of File under Name to the open Zipper. zipper_append_file(_, Name, _, _) :- saved_resource_file(Name), !. zipper_append_file(_, _, File, _) :- source_file(File), !. zipper_append_file(Zipper, Name, File, Options) :- ( option(time(_), Options) -> Options1 = Options ; time_file(File, Stamp), Options1 = [time(Stamp)|Options] ), setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]), setup_call_cleanup( zipper_open_new_file_in_zip(Zipper, Name, Out, Options1), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(Out)), close(In)), assertz(saved_resource_file(Name)). %! zipper_add_directory(+Zipper, +Name, +Dir, +Options) is det. % % Add a directory entry. Dir is only used if there is no option % time(Stamp). zipper_add_directory(Zipper, Name, Dir, Options) :- ( option(time(Stamp), Options) -> true ; time_file(Dir, Stamp) ), atom_concat(Name, /, DirName), ( saved_resource_file(DirName) -> true ; setup_call_cleanup( zipper_open_new_file_in_zip(Zipper, DirName, Out, [ method(store), time(Stamp) | Options ]), true, close(Out)), assertz(saved_resource_file(DirName)) ). add_parent_dirs(Zipper, Name, Dir, Options) :- ( option(time(Stamp), Options) -> true ; time_file(Dir, Stamp) ), file_directory_name(Name, Parent), ( Parent \== Name -> add_parent_dirs(Zipper, Parent, [time(Stamp)|Options]) ; true ). add_parent_dirs(_, '.', _) :- !. add_parent_dirs(Zipper, Name, Options) :- zipper_add_directory(Zipper, Name, _, Options), file_directory_name(Name, Parent), ( Parent \== Name -> add_parent_dirs(Zipper, Parent, Options) ; true ). %! zipper_append_directory(+Zipper, +Name, +Dir, +Options) is det. % % Append the content of Dir below Name in the resource archive. % Options: % % - include(+Patterns) % Only add entries that match an element from Patterns using % wildcard_match/2. % - exclude(+Patterns) % Ignore entries that match an element from Patterns using % wildcard_match/2. % % @tbd Process .gitignore. There also seem to exists other % standards for this. zipper_append_directory(Zipper, Name, Dir, Options) :- exists_directory(Dir), !, add_parent_dirs(Zipper, Name, Dir, Options), zipper_add_directory(Zipper, Name, Dir, Options), directory_files(Dir, Members), forall(member(M, Members), ( reserved(M) -> true ; ignored(M, Options) -> true ; atomic_list_concat([Dir,M], /, Entry), atomic_list_concat([Name,M], /, Store), catch(zipper_append_directory(Zipper, Store, Entry, Options), E, print_message(warning, E)) )). zipper_append_directory(Zipper, Name, File, Options) :- zipper_append_file(Zipper, Name, File, Options). reserved(.). reserved(..). %! ignored(+File, +Options) is semidet. % % Ignore File if there is an include(Patterns) option that does *not* % match File or an exclude(Patterns) that does match File. ignored(File, Options) :- option(include(Patterns), Options), \+ ( ( is_list(Patterns) -> member(Pattern, Patterns) ; Pattern = Patterns ), glob_match(Pattern, File) ), !. ignored(File, Options) :- option(exclude(Patterns), Options), ( is_list(Patterns) -> member(Pattern, Patterns) ; Pattern = Patterns ), glob_match(Pattern, File), !. glob_match(Pattern, File) :- current_prolog_flag(file_name_case_handling, case_sensitive), !, wildcard_match(Pattern, File). glob_match(Pattern, File) :- wildcard_match(Pattern, File, [case_sensitive(false)]). /******************************** * SAVED STATE GENERATION * *********************************/ %! qsave_toplevel % % Called to handle `-c file` compilaton. :- public qsave_toplevel/0. qsave_toplevel :- current_prolog_flag(os_argv, Argv), qsave_options(Argv, Files, Options), '$cmd_option_val'(compileout, Out), user:consult(Files), qsave_program(Out, user:Options). qsave_options([], [], []). qsave_options([--|_], [], []) :- !. qsave_options(['-c'|T0], Files, Options) :- !, argv_files(T0, T1, Files, FilesT), qsave_options(T1, FilesT, Options). qsave_options([O|T0], Files, [Option|T]) :- string_concat(--, Opt, O), split_string(Opt, =, '', [NameS|Rest]), atom_string(Name, NameS), qsave_option(Name, OptName, Rest, Value), !, Option =.. [OptName, Value], qsave_options(T0, Files, T). qsave_options([_|T0], Files, T) :- qsave_options(T0, Files, T). argv_files([], [], Files, Files). argv_files([H|T], [H|T], Files, Files) :- sub_atom(H, 0, _, _, -), !. argv_files([H|T0], T, [H|Files0], Files) :- argv_files(T0, T, Files0, Files). %! qsave_option(+Name, +ValueStrings, -Value) is semidet. qsave_option(Name, Name, [], true) :- save_option(Name, boolean, _), !. qsave_option(NoName, Name, [], false) :- atom_concat('no-', Name, NoName), save_option(Name, boolean, _), !. qsave_option(Name, Name, ValueStrings, Value) :- save_option(Name, Type, _), !, atomics_to_string(ValueStrings, "=", ValueString), convert_option_value(Type, ValueString, Value). qsave_option(Name, Name, _Chars, _Value) :- existence_error(save_option, Name). convert_option_value(integer, String, Value) :- ( number_string(Value, String) -> true ; sub_string(String, 0, _, 1, SubString), sub_string(String, _, 1, 0, Suffix0), downcase_atom(Suffix0, Suffix), number_string(Number, SubString), suffix_multiplier(Suffix, Multiplier) -> Value is Number * Multiplier ; domain_error(integer, String) ). convert_option_value(callable, String, Value) :- term_string(Value, String). convert_option_value(atom, String, Value) :- atom_string(Value, String). convert_option_value(boolean, String, Value) :- atom_string(Value, String). convert_option_value(oneof(_), String, Value) :- atom_string(Value, String). convert_option_value(ground, String, Value) :- atom_string(Value, String). convert_option_value(qsave_foreign_option, "save", save). convert_option_value(qsave_foreign_option, StrArchList, arch(ArchList)) :- split_string(StrArchList, ",", ", \t", StrArchList1), maplist(atom_string, ArchList, StrArchList1). suffix_multiplier(b, 1). suffix_multiplier(k, 1024). suffix_multiplier(m, 1024 * 1024). suffix_multiplier(g, 1024 * 1024 * 1024). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(no_resource(Name, File)) --> [ 'Could not find resource ~w on ~w or system resources'- [Name, File] ]. prolog:message(qsave(nondet)) --> [ 'qsave_program/2 succeeded with a choice point'-[] ].