1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2006-2017, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(pldoc_http, 37 [ doc_enable/1, % +Boolean 38 doc_server/1, % ?Port 39 doc_server/2, % ?Port, +Options 40 doc_browser/0, 41 doc_browser/1 % +What 42 ]). 43:- use_module(library(pldoc)). 44:- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)). 45:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 46:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 47:- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). 48:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). 49:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 50:- use_module(library(http/http_hook)). 51:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). 52:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)). 53:- use_module(library(uri)). 54:- use_module(library(debug)). 55:- use_module(library(lists)). 56:- use_module(library(url)). 57:- use_module(library(socket)). 58:- use_module(library(option)). 59:- use_module(library(error)). 60:- use_module(library(www_browser)). 61:- use_module(pldoc(doc_process)). 62:- use_module(pldoc(doc_htmlsrc)). 63:- use_module(pldoc(doc_html)). 64:- use_module(pldoc(doc_index)). 65:- use_module(pldoc(doc_search)). 66:- use_module(pldoc(doc_man)). 67:- use_module(pldoc(doc_wiki)). 68:- use_module(pldoc(doc_util)). 69:- use_module(pldoc(doc_access)). 70:- use_module(pldoc(doc_pack)). 71:- use_module(pldoc(man_index)).
80:- dynamic 81 doc_server_port/1, 82 doc_enabled/0. 83 84httplocation(pldoc, root(pldoc), []). 85httplocation(pldoc_man, pldoc(refman), []). 86httplocation(pldoc_pkg, pldoc(package), []). 87httplocation(pldoc_resource, Path, []) :- 88 http_location_by_id(pldoc_resource, Path).
96doc_enable(true) :- 97 ( doc_enabled 98 -> true 99 ; assertz(doc_enabled) 100 ). 101doc_enable(false) :- 102 retractall(doc_enabled).
. See tcp_host_to_address/2 for
.The predicate doc_server/1 is defined as below, which provides a good default for development.
doc_server(Port) :- doc_server(Port, [ allow(localhost) ]).
138doc_server(Port) :- 139 doc_server(Port, 140 [ allow(localhost), 141 allow(ip(127,0,0,1)) % Windows ip-->host often fails 142 ]). 143 144doc_server(Port, _) :- 145 doc_enable(true), 146 catch(doc_current_server(Port), _, fail), 147 !. 148doc_server(Port, Options) :- 149 doc_enable(true), 150 prepare_editor, 151 host_access_options(Options, ServerOptions), 152 http_absolute_location(pldoc('.'), Entry, []), 153 merge_options(ServerOptions, 154 [ port(Port), 155 entry_page(Entry) 156 ], HTTPOptions), 157 http_server(http_dispatch, HTTPOptions), 158 assertz(doc_server_port(Port)).
171doc_current_server(Port) :-
172 ( doc_server_port(P)
173 -> Port = P
174 ; http_current_server(_:_, P)
175 -> Port = P
176 ; existence_error(http_server, pldoc)
177 ).
184doc_browser :- 185 doc_browser([]). 186doc_browser(Spec) :- 187 catch(doc_current_server(Port), 188 error(existence_error(http_server, pldoc), _), 189 doc_server(Port)), 190 browser_url(Spec, Request), 191 format(string(URL), 'http://localhost:~w~w', [Port, Request]), 192 www_open_url(URL). 193 194browser_url([], Root) :- 195 !, 196 http_location_by_id(pldoc_root, Root). 197browser_url(Name, URL) :- 198 atom(Name), 199 !, 200 browser_url(Name/_, URL). 201browser_url(Name//Arity, URL) :- 202 must_be(atom, Name), 203 integer(Arity), 204 !, 205 PredArity is Arity+2, 206 browser_url(Name/PredArity, URL). 207browser_url(Name/Arity, URL) :- 208 !, 209 must_be(atom, Name), 210 ( man_object_property(Name/Arity, summary(_)) 211 -> format(string(S), '~q/~w', [Name, Arity]), 212 http_link_to_id(pldoc_man, [predicate=S], URL) 213 ; browser_url(_:Name/Arity, URL) 214 ). 215browser_url(Spec, URL) :- 216 !, 217 Spec = M:Name/Arity, 218 doc_comment(Spec, _Pos, _Summary, _Comment), 219 !, 220 ( var(M) 221 -> format(string(S), '~q/~w', [Name, Arity]) 222 ; format(string(S), '~q:~q/~w', [M, Name, Arity]) 223 ), 224 http_link_to_id(pldoc_object, [object=S], URL).
231prepare_editor :- 232 current_prolog_flag(editor, pce_emacs), 233 !, 234 start_emacs. 235prepare_editor. 236 237 238 /******************************* 239 * USER REPLIES * 240 *******************************/ 241 242:- http_handler(pldoc(.), pldoc_root, 243 [ prefix, 244 authentication(pldoc(read)), 245 condition(doc_enabled) 246 ]). 247:- http_handler(pldoc('index.html'), pldoc_index, []). 248:- http_handler(pldoc(file), pldoc_file, []). 249:- http_handler(pldoc(place), go_place, []). 250:- http_handler(pldoc(edit), pldoc_edit, 251 [authentication(pldoc(edit))]). 252:- http_handler(pldoc(doc), pldoc_doc, [prefix]). 253:- http_handler(pldoc(man), pldoc_man, []). 254:- http_handler(pldoc(doc_for), pldoc_object, [id(pldoc_doc_for)]). 255:- http_handler(pldoc(search), pldoc_search, []). 256:- http_handler(pldoc('res/'), pldoc_resource, [prefix]).
266pldoc_root(Request) :- 267 http_parameters(Request, 268 [ empty(Empty, [ oneof([true,false]), 269 default(false) 270 ]) 271 ]), 272 pldoc_root(Request, Empty). 273 274pldoc_root(Request, false) :- 275 http_location_by_id(pldoc_root, Root), 276 memberchk(path(Path), Request), 277 Root \== Path, 278 !, 279 existence_error(http_location, Path). 280pldoc_root(_Request, false) :- 281 working_directory(Dir0, Dir0), 282 allowed_directory(Dir0), 283 !, 284 ensure_slash_end(Dir0, Dir1), 285 doc_file_href(Dir1, Ref0), 286 atom_concat(Ref0, 'index.html', Index), 287 throw(http_reply(see_other(Index))). 288pldoc_root(Request, _) :- 289 pldoc_index(Request).
297pldoc_index(_Request) :-
298 reply_html_page(pldoc(index),
299 title('SWI-Prolog documentation'),
300 [ \doc_links('', []),
301 h1('SWI-Prolog documentation'),
302 \man_overview([])
303 ]).
310pldoc_file(Request) :-
311 http_parameters(Request,
312 [ file(File, [])
313 ]),
314 ( source_file(File)
315 -> true
316 ; throw(http_reply(forbidden(File)))
317 ),
318 doc_for_file(File, []).
. The call can
edit files using the file
attribute or a predicate if both
and arity
is given and optionally module
.328pldoc_edit(Request) :- 329 http:authenticate(pldoc(edit), Request, _), 330 http_parameters(Request, 331 [ file(File, 332 [ optional(true), 333 description('Name of the file to edit') 334 ]), 335 line(Line, 336 [ optional(true), 337 integer, 338 description('Line in the file') 339 ]), 340 name(Name, 341 [ optional(true), 342 description('Name of a Prolog predicate to edit') 343 ]), 344 arity(Arity, 345 [ integer, 346 optional(true), 347 description('Arity of a Prolog predicate to edit') 348 ]), 349 module(Module, 350 [ optional(true), 351 description('Name of a Prolog module to search for predicate') 352 ]) 353 ]), 354 ( atom(File) 355 -> allowed_file(File) 356 ; true 357 ), 358 ( atom(File), integer(Line) 359 -> Edit = file(File, line(Line)) 360 ; atom(File) 361 -> Edit = file(File) 362 ; atom(Name), integer(Arity) 363 -> ( atom(Module) 364 -> Edit = (Module:Name/Arity) 365 ; Edit = (Name/Arity) 366 ) 367 ), 368 edit(Edit), 369 format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'), 370 format('Started ~q~n', [edit(Edit)]). 371pldoc_edit(_Request) :- 372 http_location_by_id(pldoc_edit, Location), 373 throw(http_reply(forbidden(Location))).
380go_place(Request) :- 381 http_parameters(Request, 382 [ place(Place, []) 383 ]), 384 places(Place). 385 386places(':packs:') :- 387 !, 388 http_link_to_id(pldoc_pack, [], HREF), 389 throw(http_reply(moved(HREF))). 390places(Dir0) :- 391 expand_alias(Dir0, Dir), 392 ( allowed_directory(Dir) 393 -> format(string(IndexFile), '~w/index.html', [Dir]), 394 doc_file_href(IndexFile, HREF), 395 throw(http_reply(moved(HREF))) 396 ; throw(http_reply(forbidden(Dir))) 397 ).
404allowed_directory(Dir) :- 405 source_directory(Dir), 406 !. 407allowed_directory(Dir) :- 408 working_directory(CWD, CWD), 409 same_file(CWD, Dir). 410allowed_directory(Dir) :- 411 prolog:doc_directory(Dir).
419allowed_file(File) :- 420 source_file(_, File), 421 !. 422allowed_file(File) :- 423 absolute_file_name(File, Canonical), 424 file_directory_name(Canonical, Dir), 425 allowed_directory(Dir).
432pldoc_resource(Request) :- 433 http_location_by_id(pldoc_resource, ResRoot), 434 memberchk(path(Path), Request), 435 atom_concat(ResRoot, File, Path), 436 file(File, Local), 437 http_reply_file(pldoc(Local), [], Request). 438 439file('pldoc.css', 'pldoc.css'). 440file('pllisting.css', 'pllisting.css'). 441file('pldoc.js', 'pldoc.js'). 442file('edit.png', 'edit.png'). 443file('editpred.png', 'editpred.png'). 444file('up.gif', 'up.gif'). 445file('source.png', 'source.png'). 446file('public.png', 'public.png'). 447file('private.png', 'private.png'). 448file('reload.png', 'reload.png'). 449file('favicon.ico', 'favicon.ico'). 450file('h1-bg.png', 'h1-bg.png'). 451file('h2-bg.png', 'h2-bg.png'). 452file('pub-bg.png', 'pub-bg.png'). 453file('priv-bg.png', 'priv-bg.png'). 454file('multi-bg.png', 'multi-bg.png').
Reply documentation of a file. Path is the absolute path of the file for which to return the documentation. Extension is either none, the Prolog extension or the HTML extension.
Note that we reply with pldoc.css if the file basename is pldoc.css to allow for a relative link from any directory.
468pldoc_doc(Request) :- 469 memberchk(path(ReqPath), Request), 470 http_location_by_id(pldoc_doc, Me), 471 atom_concat(Me, AbsFile0, ReqPath), 472 ( sub_atom(ReqPath, _, _, 0, /) 473 -> atom_concat(ReqPath, 'index.html', File), 474 throw(http_reply(moved(File))) 475 ; clean_path(AbsFile0, AbsFile1), 476 expand_alias(AbsFile1, AbsFile), 477 is_absolute_file_name(AbsFile) 478 -> documentation(AbsFile, Request) 479 ). 480 481documentation(Path, Request) :- 482 file_base_name(Path, Base), 483 file(_, Base), % serve pldoc.css, etc. 484 !, 485 http_reply_file(pldoc(Base), [], Request). 486documentation(Path, Request) :- 487 file_name_extension(_, Ext, Path), 488 autolink_extension(Ext, image), 489 http_reply_file(Path, [unsafe(true)], Request). 490documentation(Path, Request) :- 491 Index = '/index.html', 492 sub_atom(Path, _, _, 0, Index), 493 atom_concat(Dir, Index, Path), 494 exists_directory(Dir), % Directory index 495 !, 496 ( allowed_directory(Dir) 497 -> edit_options(Request, EditOptions), 498 doc_for_dir(Dir, EditOptions) 499 ; throw(http_reply(forbidden(Dir))) 500 ). 501documentation(File, Request) :- 502 wiki_file(File, WikiFile), 503 !, 504 ( allowed_file(WikiFile) 505 -> true 506 ; throw(http_reply(forbidden(File))) 507 ), 508 edit_options(Request, Options), 509 doc_for_wiki_file(WikiFile, Options). 510documentation(Path, Request) :- 511 pl_file(Path, File), 512 !, 513 ( allowed_file(File) 514 -> true 515 ; throw(http_reply(forbidden(File))) 516 ), 517 doc_reply_file(File, Request). 518documentation(Path, _) :- 519 throw(http_reply(not_found(Path))). 520 521:- public 522 doc_reply_file/2. 523 524doc_reply_file(File, Request) :- 525 http_parameters(Request, 526 [ public_only(Public), 527 reload(Reload), 528 show(Show), 529 format_comments(FormatComments) 530 ], 531 [ attribute_declarations(param) 532 ]), 533 ( exists_file(File) 534 -> true 535 ; throw(http_reply(not_found(File))) 536 ), 537 ( Reload == true, 538 source_file(File) 539 -> load_files(File, [if(changed), imports([])]) 540 ; true 541 ), 542 edit_options(Request, EditOptions), 543 ( Show == src 544 -> format('Content-type: text/html~n~n', []), 545 source_to_html(File, stream(current_output), 546 [ skin(src_skin(Request, Show, FormatComments)), 547 format_comments(FormatComments) 548 ]) 549 ; Show == raw 550 -> http_reply_file(File, 551 [ unsafe(true), % is already validated 552 mime_type(text/plain) 553 ], Request) 554 ; doc_for_file(File, 555 [ public_only(Public), 556 source_link(true) 557 | EditOptions 558 ]) 559 ). 560 561 562:- public src_skin/5. % called through source_to_html/3. 563 564src_skin(Request, _Show, FormatComments, header, Out) :- 565 memberchk(request_uri(ReqURI), Request), 566 negate(FormatComments, AltFormatComments), 567 replace_parameters(ReqURI, [show(raw)], RawLink), 568 replace_parameters(ReqURI, [format_comments(AltFormatComments)], CmtLink), 569 phrase(html(div(class(src_formats), 570 [ 'View source with ', 571 a(href(CmtLink), \alt_view(AltFormatComments)), 572 ' or as ', 573 a(href(RawLink), raw) 574 ])), Tokens), 575 print_html(Out, Tokens). 576 577alt_view(true) --> 578 html('formatted comments'). 579alt_view(false) --> 580 html('raw comments'). 581 582negate(true, false). 583negate(false, true). 584 585replace_parameters(ReqURI, Extra, URI) :- 586 uri_components(ReqURI, C0), 587 uri_data(search, C0, Search0), 588 ( var(Search0) 589 -> uri_query_components(Search, Extra) 590 ; uri_query_components(Search0, Form0), 591 merge_options(Extra, Form0, Form), 592 uri_query_components(Search, Form) 593 ), 594 uri_data(search, C0, Search, C), 595 uri_components(URI, C).
in Options if the connection is from the
localhost.603edit_options(Request, [edit(true)]) :- 604 catch(http:authenticate(pldoc(edit), Request, _), _, fail), 605 !. 606edit_options(_, []).
611pl_file(File, PlFile) :- 612 file_name_extension(Base, html, File), 613 !, 614 absolute_file_name(Base, 615 PlFile, 616 [ file_errors(fail), 617 file_type(prolog), 618 access(read) 619 ]). 620pl_file(File, File).
627wiki_file(File, TxtFile) :- 628 file_name_extension(_, Ext, File), 629 wiki_file_extension(Ext), 630 !, 631 TxtFile = File. 632wiki_file(File, TxtFile) :- 633 file_base_name(File, Base), 634 autolink_file(Base, wiki), 635 !, 636 TxtFile = File. 637wiki_file(File, TxtFile) :- 638 file_name_extension(Base, html, File), 639 wiki_file_extension(Ext), 640 file_name_extension(Base, Ext, TxtFile), 641 access_file(TxtFile, read). 642 643wiki_file_extension(md). 644wiki_file_extension(txt).
651clean_path(Path0, Path) :- 652 current_prolog_flag(windows, true), 653 sub_atom(Path0, 2, _, _, :), 654 !, 655 sub_atom(Path0, 1, _, 0, Path). 656clean_path(Path, Path).
670pldoc_man(Request) :- 671 http_parameters(Request, 672 [ predicate(PI, [optional(true)]), 673 function(Fun, [optional(true)]), 674 'CAPI'(F, [optional(true)]), 675 section(Sec, [optional(true)]) 676 ]), 677 ( ground(PI) 678 -> atom_pi(PI, Obj) 679 ; ground(Fun) 680 -> atomic_list_concat([Name,ArityAtom], /, Fun), 681 atom_number(ArityAtom, Arity), 682 Obj = f(Name/Arity) 683 ; ground(F) 684 -> Obj = c(F) 685 ; ground(Sec) 686 -> atom_concat('sec:', Sec, SecID), 687 Obj = section(SecID) 688 ), 689 man_title(Obj, Title), 690 reply_html_page( 691 pldoc(object(Obj)), 692 title(Title), 693 \man_page(Obj, [])). 694 695man_title(f(Obj), Title) :- 696 !, 697 format(atom(Title), 'SWI-Prolog -- function ~w', [Obj]). 698man_title(c(Obj), Title) :- 699 !, 700 format(atom(Title), 'SWI-Prolog -- API-function ~w', [Obj]). 701man_title(section(_Id), Title) :- 702 !, 703 format(atom(Title), 'SWI-Prolog -- Manual', []). 704man_title(Obj, Title) :- 705 format(atom(Title), 'SWI-Prolog -- ~w', [Obj]).
712pldoc_object(Request) :-
713 http_parameters(Request,
714 [ object(Atom, []),
715 header(Header, [default(true)])
716 ]),
717 ( catch(atom_to_term(Atom, Obj, _), error(_,_), fail)
718 -> true
719 ; atom_to_object(Atom, Obj)
720 ),
721 ( prolog:doc_object_title(Obj, Title)
722 -> true
723 ; Title = Atom
724 ),
725 edit_options(Request, EditOptions),
726 reply_html_page(
727 pldoc(object(Obj)),
728 title(Title),
729 \object_page(Obj, [header(Header)|EditOptions])).
736pldoc_search(Request) :- 737 http_parameters(Request, 738 [ for(For, 739 [ optional(true), 740 description('String to search for') 741 ]), 742 page(Page, 743 [ integer, 744 default(1), 745 description('Page of search results to view') 746 ]), 747 in(In, 748 [ oneof([all,app,noapp,man,lib,pack,wiki]), 749 default(all), 750 description('Search everying, application only or manual only') 751 ]), 752 match(Match, 753 [ oneof([name,summary]), 754 default(summary), 755 description('Match only the name or also the summary') 756 ]), 757 resultFormat(Format, 758 [ oneof(long,summary), 759 default(summary), 760 description('Return full documentation or summary-lines') 761 ]) 762 ]), 763 edit_options(Request, EditOptions), 764 format(string(Title), 'Prolog search -- ~w', [For]), 765 reply_html_page(pldoc(search(For)), 766 title(Title), 767 \search_reply(For, 768 [ resultFormat(Format), 769 search_in(In), 770 search_match(Match), 771 page(Page) 772 | EditOptions 773 ])). 774 775 776 /******************************* 777 * HTTP PARAMETER TYPES * 778 *******************************/ 779 780:- public 781 param/2. % used in pack documentation server 782 783param(public_only, 784 [ boolean, 785 default(true), 786 description('If true, hide private predicates') 787 ]). 788param(reload, 789 [ boolean, 790 default(false), 791 description('Reload the file and its documentation') 792 ]). 793param(show, 794 [ oneof([doc,src,raw]), 795 default(doc), 796 description('How to show the file') 797 ]). 798param(format_comments, 799 [ boolean, 800 default(true), 801 description('If true, use PlDoc for rendering structured comments') 802 ])
Documentation server
The module
provides an embedded HTTP documentation server that allows for browsing the documentation of all files loaded after library(pldoc) has been loaded. */